Enlighten me anons
Why do Macedonians hate Greeks?
Greeks act like Macedonian history is Greek history. At least that's what a Macedonian guy told me once.
I dont even know what Macedonians are.
Albanians,Turks,Greek rape babies ?
Most irrelevant country in Europe right behind Moldavia, that´s for sure.
Well, sort of.
"Macedonia" is a place in northern Greece where Alexander the great is from, so yes, Macedonian history is quite literally Greek history.
The modern nation state of Macedonia isn't even in Greece, it's above it, they even had to change their name to "North Macedonia" officially.
Ethnically, Macedonians are pretty much Bulgarians that LARP as Greeks...
Imagine wanting to LARP as Greeks lol.
Modern Macedonians aren't the same as the times of Philip and Alexander. The modern ones are southern slavs
>Imagine wanting to LARP as Greeks lol.
Still better than being an amerimutt and larping as white
Alexander wasn't even born or spent any measurable time in what is now northern Macedonia. Hell, from my understanding that part of region was occupied by barbarians for most of the hellenic period.
Kek Jean-Paul is ready to throw down guys
Don't you have a civil war to fight?
>Hell, from my understanding that part of region was occupied by barbarians for most of the hellenic period.
I'm Cajun, we're related whether you like it or not :)))))
Because greeks arent white
how about we just purge the refugees together and then call it a day
Yeah against Islam
Neither are you Ahmed
can i be a greek demigod anons?
ancient macedonia was in Greece. modern "macedonians" are where thracians lived
Really depends how much Moorish or Middle Eastern blood they have in them on an individual basis, I wouldn't say that modern Greece is broadly a non-White country though.
All hail Goblino El Norte Americano
Every country in the Balkans has some revanchist shit going on and they like to focus on their little tribal conflicts instead of the more terrible shit inflicted on all of us. If Canada said they were the real America and demanded we change our name to Canada I would say "okay lol"
>Every country in the Balkans has some revanchist shit going on and they like to focus on their little tribal conflicts
Yeah they all really fucking hate each other with a passion...it's hilarious.
Macedonians are slavs that moved into part of the land that once was ancient macedonia. Surely they will have some degree of local tracho-macedonian admixture, but ultimately they're just slavs, and they have nothing to do with greek history. the full descendant of ancient macedonia are current day greek-macedonians. period.
During the First Balkan war the Macedonians help to remove the Turks from the Balkans but they were cucked by everyone. Greece was awarded Aegean Macedonia they assimilated the Macedonians by forcing them to change their first and last names(ex: Aleksandar to Alexandros, Stefan to Stefanos) and those who refused war taken to concentration camps to be tortured until they signed documents renouncing their Macedonian ethnicity and naming themselves Greeks. This also caused a massive refugee wave of Macedonians trying to escape the Greeks.
I assume because jews own both of their media.
What the fuck is even macedonia?
>Greeks act like Macedonian history is Greek history
Because Alexander the Great was unquestionably Hellenistic and it's fucking insane for Slavs to claim Macedonian ancestry or even call themselves Macedonian ethnicitiy.
holt shit, greeks are absolute nazis. Actually not even nazis were like this. Greeks are just greeks.
To this days Macedonian dialects are spoken in the regions it lost during the First Balkan war.
Slavs aren't Hellenic in origin.
Macedonia is a fake country. IT IS FYROM.
Well, we have more white than you, currently.
What does that say?
Clash of the Titans!
What is most funny that none of them, including the greeks, are ancestors of the ancient greeks, its all mumbo jumbo rape baby jungle down there in south.
>when you free yourselfs from the le evil ottoman empire but then get cucked by other slavshits
I went to a high school in a huge mediterranean neighborhood, and these oily fucks will get into fist fights over which country does dolmadesmoussakadsadjhasjhgyroetcetc better.
I'll never forget, "Greeks invented sex, Macedonians invented sex with women."
your country was an irrelevant shithole throught the entire history of humankind
Macedonians are gypsies
me majendonski me smart me descend from alexandrovski.
No lmao although there are gypsies in Macedonia Macedonians don't mix with them and it's looked down upon. Unlike you mutt.
nice, what's the etimology of these "slavic" names like Stefan, Philip and Alexander, oh wait you dont know because there are greek and not slavic. Go back go Eastern Europe.
>Imagine wanting to LARP as Greeks lol
Would I get bailed out from my poor financial decisions and not have to pay denbts? Nevermind, im American so I guess there's no difference.
Yeah we get cucked by our neighbours most of our history. Every time there's a conflict we basically fight on 4 fronts.
the bulgaro/albanian has spoken of muttery.