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I find MGTOW to be more about dudes who've been divorced. I don't think it makes sense to ascribe to it otherwise

The male version of "Ah don't need no man Ah iyuz a independint woman"

From what I've seen it's 50% divorced men, 50% neckbeards who never had a chance with women in the first place. MGTOW is fine in theory but if you have to belong to a club to reaffirm that not having sex is central to your identity, that can lead to some bad outcomes.

All postmodernity is cope because God and religion died

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Yes it is and it's too obvious to even make a thread about it.

it started like that, men that got fucked over by family courts but now every guy that can't find a woman claims he is MGTOW

Correct. I call myself a volcel

Zoomers are so invested in sex that they cant conceive men wanting to truly do something else with their lives.

If women were amazingly interesting beings that were truly wholesome, I would be ok with chasing them. If interacting with women actually provided great conversations that could change my perspective on existence, id definitely say that MGTOW is cope. But fuck, interacting with women is truly disgusting. They are boring as shit and they dont contribute anything of worth to your life other than their vagina. What zoomers dont understand is that the resentment that men have for women is not about being capable of fucking them or not, but about the absolute waste of time that interacting with them is.

If you are a 5/10~7/10, which is the vast majority of men, you can always get reasonable looking girls (5~8/10), but thats not the question. The question is how much time you have to spend to get one. Seriously though, do you guys realise the hassle that is going on tinder and spending hours talking to several women just in hopes that one finds you interesting / attractive enough for a date? Do you idiots realise how time consuming and annoying it is to go to disgustingly degenerate environments like bars and clubs just to talk to women? Dont you fags have anything better to do? What about studying? Dont you like to read? Cant you develop a hobby that is not pushing your penis in a female for once?

Im 37, son. I cant spend days and days talking to females about nothing just to fuck their vaginas. Are you seriously expecting me to talk about nothing with 25 year old roasties just to push my penis in there for 30 mins? If you are not a gigachad and girls just approach you randomly, being a MGTOW is not a cope, but its just about not wasting your damn time. I got better shit to do with my life.


No. MGTOW is abstaining from women to varying degrees.

>I'm selfish, petty, hypocritical, abusive, and I take advantage others. If you don't like me you're a hate filled bigot who was rejected! Your mother is a woman! Who hurt you?!?! Women are perfect and MGTOW are just angry losers.

Allow me to rip you out of the world of delusions and shove your face into reality. It's weighing the good vs the bad. Women have redeeming qualities (the good), but their jackass behavior (the bad) can be taken too far, to the point the bad outweighs the good, and some men won't want to deal with you. It really is you, ladies.

Yes. It's basically just guys shirking responsibility for their own immaturity and explicitly (or for the more intelligent ones implicitly) holding women responsible. When you listen to them talk about themselves you realise that they all had childhoods that left them psychologically stunted and/or damaged.
>they lack the capacity to form social bonds
>they can't negotiate, enforce nor respect boundaries with women
>they don't instinctively understand what is, and is not, socially normal
>they have inferiority/superiority complexes
>they have (sub-)clinical cluster-b personality disorders
MGTOW is for guys with mummy-issues. They even came up with the idea of "male mother need".

As Barbarossa said, and a tl/dr to your post ”the juice is no worth the squeeze".

MGTOW is a Jewish psyop

Do not fall for the Jewish war on white women

Yeah, they obsess over women despite claiming to go their own way.

MGTOWs are just incels in denial.

>I’m a 37 year old Jewish incel that can’t talk to women

Ok so why do you need to tell people about MGTOW

Just shut up you retard incel

I read this in a Brazilian accent and that made it hilarious for some reason.

I was just answering the topic, why are you seething so hard?

There is probably an element of cope among some of those who subscribe to it yeah. They're not really wrong about women though, any fool can see that.

Pussy the most over rated over valued commodity on the planet. If your goal is to have kids fine, other then that pursuing women has to be the biggest waste of a life.
I say this as some one who sees my own free time as the most valuable thing.

This. The fun part of sex is the domination aspect. Physically speaking, fapping is a better sensation than pussy. Most incels just need to fuck a prostitute to get rid of their obsession.

True that. Pussy is pretty rad but ultimately overrated. Can't imagine tying my life to someone elses even if the prospect can seem alluring at times.

I'm convinced its a huge psyop to get young white men out of the genepool, and out of societal relevance in general. Men should self advocate, but MGTOW is pants on heads retarded.

Men are overrated and women are increasingly not caring about them.

Not pussy.

Men do stuff with their lives AND have a wife. Mgtow is a cope for being a fucking loser.

You’re a Jewish fag waging war against white women.

If you didn’t care about women you wouldn’t use your bot to shill it or write 3 paragraphs about them.

MGTOW is a Jewish psyop.

And thats exactly why people who dont see the world through this perspective think that mgtow is cope. They live in a mundane world of senseless impulses in which the highest good has to be achieved in the pursuit of pleasure. Its impossible to communicate that time is important for coomers that dont do anything other than wasting their time wishing they can fuck hot women.

>Do not fall for the Jewish war on white women
Are you talking about the same white women whose average size in America is now 5'4 tall and 170lbs with a 38" waist and a super shitty attitude about everything in life? Cause if you're talking about the same size 16 cunts I see every day, they don't need a Jewish war on them. They're fucking everything up just fine on their own.

I speak for myself here but I just don't give a shit about ever having a relationship of any kind. I don't care about sex, I don't mind being alone, and what's more I've never event felt the drive for any of it.
Why the fuck would I just want to spend thousands of hours trying to seduce a woman just to have sex when I can just jack off whenever I want?
Why would I want a woman to live with me when all that will do is cut down on my resources and time I can spend doing shit I actually like like playing video games or watching youtube?

>pussy is overrated
>young men, waste your lives posting hate about women online
>MGTOW is the answer

Ok Jew.

White men have higher levels of obesity than white women

>If you are not a gigachad and girls just approach you randomly
I am a massive autist with similar looks with pic related yet decent looking women approach me. I am just wondering what the fuck do you do wrong?

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The thing about MGTOW and basically every other faggy movement that people don't seem to want to get though is that you are allowed to take the good points and leave the bad, you owe none of these homos your allegiance. Wish I saw more individuals in society vs. blind fucking followers who treat their tailor made jew psyop as infallible truth.

In a biological sense women never care about men. It would be genetically an evolutionary dis advantageous for them to care about one particular man. Women only care about their genetic offspring, sisters may care about their brothers.
Evolutions goal is insemination and the procreation of the species, male and females have drastically different reproductive strategies. Men and women will never be compatible.

>Women and incels will never be compatible

Fixed that for you

You're the equivalent of the cool wine aunt fyi

But incel is a choice that you can overcome.

>pursuing women has to be the biggest waste of a life
You say this because you suck at it or lack the a healthy psychology. Pursuing human relationships should be fulfilling in and of itself and if it isn't then the problem lies in you.


Ok? Some men shouldn’t reproduce and won’t, this is just a fact of life

>God and religion died

God (Yah, Elohim, the Lord, Yeshua/Yahushua for those Atheists who ask "wHiCh gOd?") is not dead. He may be "dead to you" in the same way a person you hate is "dead to you", but He Himself is very much alive. I love this. Here is how Atheists work:

>God works actively in the world of Man, judging and having mercy, and doing according to His will
"That is evil, immoral, and wrong!"
>God DOESN'T work in the world of Man, judging, having mercy, and doing according to His will
"That is evil, immoral,and wrong!"

>God stops evil from happening by actively preventing Man from sinning by revoking their freedom to do it, removing their free will to ensure safety for all
"That is evil, immoral, and wrong!"
>God DOESN'T stop evil from happening by actively preventing Man from sinning by revoking their free will to ensure safety for all
"That is evil, immoral, and wrong!"

This unending cycle of hypocrisy is what has made debating Atheists redundant for so long. "Why doesn't God stop rape?" Because if He stops ONE sin, to be fair, He would STOP THEM ALL. Why should YOU be allowed to lie to someone? EVER? You see where this would head? It's absurd.

That’s false

Women today won’t go near a man unless he’s part of the Hollywood elite or Tok Tok famous

I'm MGTOW never want to get married. Poorly educated so 90% of women look down on you. In this country that means I can't move in with a girl for a year without a prenup. I should be fighting these laws but I don't want to be the only one protesting. Marriage can get fucked. I just want to pop out some kids and end up paying child support instead of alimony. Fuck alimony.

Simps btfo'd:
Only retards aren't MGTOW and no, you can have kids and be in a relationship and still be MGTOW. It's not volcel or incel, it's about rejecting the idea that you should put yourself in a position where you're the "provider" and other things that aren't required of a woman. It's rejecting the idea of OnlyFans and Simpery as the natural order. If you:
-Don't wanna get married because you know there's a high risk it'll leave you in ruin.
- DNA test your kid(s) because you wanna be sure you're the father.
- Keep your apartment because you don't wanna commit your entire life to a roastie.
- Refuse to end a relationship with a friend that makes your roastie insecure and mad.
... then you're essentially a MGTOW whether you admit it or not. MGTOW is the antonym to SIMP.

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Jewish incel bots waging war on white women

It's not white men I'm supposed to find attractive enough to sacrifice my freedom and money for.

White women have done more than white men to destroy Western civilization, and they've done it happily and with absolute joy at every step of the way. It's only at the END of the cock rollercoaster, when they pull slowly back in to the loading area, that they might start to regret. And only then, it's because they ended up right back where they began, only now they're 38, fat, and have a busted up pussy while a whole new generation of young and dumb cunts is hurrying them off the ride so they can board. No amount of "da Jews!" bullshittery is going to change that.

None of these posts are real they’re all contrives narrative memeflags pushed by Zionist bots

Nice response cuck, anything that disagrees with your worldview is Jewish, Don't stretch your room temperature IQ too far brother.
Why do you even have a problem about other men talking about MGTOW?
Pussy chasers should love MGTOW. We are not competing with for pussy, we let women know that their vaginas are overvalued that only helps you out.
To me it is pretty obvious why other men are so threatened by men talking about mgtow. It shows how pointless a life is, basically doing nothing more than living out your animal instincts, your most basic biological programming, to stick your dick into vagina and inseminate a woman.

I have lost a lot of friends male friends that is, because they married total psycho cunts. These brothers are now literally dead to me even though some of them I live fewer than miles away from. Men need to talk about mental issues. You are a mental midget

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White male obesity is destroying western civilization

Not really. A CWA can have partners, however temporary they may be, and they don't shun sex. They actively look for sex. Basically they act like 25 year old women well into their 40s.
I don't act like a 25 year old man despite being one. And not only do I not look for sex, if it presented itself to me I would decline it. If a hot woman suddenly materialized on my bed and told me to fuck her I would say no.
Do you see the difference?

I didn't even mention white women. Says more about you than me.

You may be rejecting men because gynocentrism has your elevated status and shrunk the pool of worthy men, but that doesn't mean men aren't rejecting you.

They're not really men.

Is this objective morality?

> Why do you even have a problem about other men talking about MGTOW?

If you don’t care about women why do you keep talking about them?

A SIMP wrote this.

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Ok, they were born male though. Not every male reproduces. That’s called natural selection

Yeah it is, any straight man sees this beauty will drop to his knees and worship her immediately

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You can only overcome inceldom through rape or prostitution.

No it's called being a tranny failure.

>That’s called natural selection
Is this what people call objective morality?

MGTOW is a game theory/self preservation tactic for people who truly don't believe they can navigate the sexual/dating/marriage marketplace without being burned and left empty handed
In any case, it IS a perversion of genetic lineage / reproduction mentality, just a rationalised position for what i'm certain are purely nihilistic men

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MGTOW is men blaming women for their poor decision making skills
FEMINISM is women blaming men for their poor decision making skills

Two sides of the same shitty dysfunctional coin. Both utterly insufferable and pathetic. I’d take a flamethrower to each and every member of both groups right along with Antifa, BLM, and every other piece of shit who doesn’t understand the concept of personal accountability.

cope with what? a rigged society?
in that case sure, mgtow identify the problems
with gynocentric society?
a man who doesnt play a rigged game is smart

The ladies kind of subjugated themselves.

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The diversity of mitochondrial dna is much higher than Y chromosome dna. This is a fact that incels need to cope with. Hardly any men will pass their genes on. Men also get cucked by women.

This increases the strength of the gene pool.

Both Jewish psyops

>dumb basic whore making "cute" faces in front of an audience of thousands of horny betas
If it was legal I'd punch her in the face until she stopped breathing or crawled back into the kitchen.

The beauty of the white woman shall not perish from the blah blah blah blah...

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Retard bots

Lose some weight you obese Jewish incel

>>Because I suck at it.

I don't know dude I have a lot of qualities that I think a woman would like. I'm attractive, I'm a sensitive art fag, Good with my hands and can make a woman cum, Love to please a woman in bed licking pussy blah blah bl ah.
I do have to say that I agree with you that it probably is part of life to find a life partner. I do kind of think that might be a biological delusion.
evolution and biology don't give a f*** if you have a healthy relationship with the woman that you've inseminated and passed on your genes to.
I have not seen one relationship in my life to wear a truly seems to be harmonious and a benefit to the man, to me the best it seems is that the man gets a compromise that he thinks that he is happy with. If he knew what deal he was going to get before he would get into the relationship he never would.

Ask yourself this question honestly do you know one man, just one, that has a relationship with the woman that you are truly envious of? And would take that over your own freedom?
I don't know I might be a freak, I value my own personal freedom and my own free time more than anything.

Yup men who have lost hope completely in the idea that marriage with a woman can work

For some its cope, for others a way of life. It honestly depends on how old you are and at how much thirst you have and how you view life. I could easily have an average woman in this area, but is that even worth having? But I am over 40, and grew up in a different era when better women were more available and my thirst isn't so strong as it was when I was younger.

But some incels have invaded the community and it is cope for them. But honestly I support anything that helps incels cope. This society is kind of fucked now.

Yes, you got me. I am a Jew! I'm a big Jewy Jewy Jew here to destroy YOU and your ugly fat women!

>Why do you even have a problem about other men talking about MGTOW?
MGTOW are proud of "saving" teenage boys from women. You aren't going your own way, you're proselytising your cancerous bullshit.

Jewish incel bot waging war on white women

i can see you dont have an argument

Lose some weight, obese Jew