Uhh.. Bidenbros?

Why is Twitter not putting up the "this claim is disputed" notice on Drumph's tweets anymore? Did we get too cocky?

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rope yourself faggot

Twitter doesn’t want to be seized by the feds lol.

They, like Murdoch and At&t see the writing on the wall.

To bad shills likeare to retarded to understand this

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You'll never be a woman.

I don't think you're aware of just how corrupt pre Trump presidents were

Ye will ne'er be a wench.

The tranny on shift must be dilating. Give him a few more minutes.

you feel it right? you feel how law enforcement will break your door and immeditaly shot your tranny head off, dont u?
treason my friend, you did it

>but CNN told me the orange man is the most corrupt president of all.
>warmongering presidents are necessary for world peace

God I hate shills

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Lol this.

They have 1 tranny employee with the sole task on waiting for Trump to tweet to then slap those disclaimers

its already 3 hours

They can't get away with it anymore.
there would be significant risk of Twitter's assets getting seized soon

Twitter trannies read Section 2 claus i and all dialted simultaneously

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The tranny offed itself probably, it's the only thing they excel in

Yup this.

Murdoch hiding his assets (Fox News)
At&t trying to sell CNN
Twitter stopped behaving like faggots

Wake me up when this orange faggot does something other than tweeting whilst the republic is destroyed.

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They don't give a shit anymore, he's getting banned come January 20th

Luckily twitter is full of trannies.

They are already preparing a tranny to resume the task of the previous tranny

i noticed that too. probably just slacking.

twitter went out for lunch & didn't come back

The fuck? I thought twitter disabled the likes and retweets?

it will go up in a second u faggot. not even twitter monitors every moment trump makes a tweet.

thats the 2nd thing. nothing is disputed anymore and you can like retweet and comment

They reenabled them and stopped slapping the disclaimers.

Very sudden change by twitter

They are going to ban him in about 30 days.

Low-energy meme. Sad!

Wow you're right. This feels big.

Murdoch is fucked

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>Twitter doesn’t want to be seized by the feds lol.
They should worry more about being siezed by their necks...

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Came here to post this. Soon as justice Alito administers the oath of office to Biden Trump's account is gone. I'll be surprised if they wait until he takes his hand off the bible.

At&t had massive debt (150B$) for the longest time.

And only now they are rushing to sell CNN (which was unprofitable even before 2016).

Yeah nothing shady here lol

Uhhh Trumpbros....? This whole "Uhh.... Bidenbro" meme isn't actually changing the outcome at all. It still looks like, and has looked all along like Joe Biden is gonna be the next president.

Lol can you imagine if they seized twitter and CNN and used them to broadcast emergency presidential addresses or some crazy shit?

I too wish to be deputized so I can kill my enemies and take their shit for the glory of God and the Nation! Anything looted of historical or cultural value will be donated to a museum not run by kikes.

all the old ones are still disputed.

That reply is so gay. Why are americans such fags?

Bet all the new ones won’t be disputed anymore.

They waited 2-5 minutes to slap those disclaimers.

It’s been 3 fucking hours now

We should start putting these in the yards and instead of Trump signs.

Based. Trump is a piece of shit.

you're a pretty faggy country yourself leaf

Ya they thought if they placated the left they wouldn't come after them for antitrust. Joke of them though, nothing was ever going to be enough.

They pushed to far tho.

The censorship and propaganda went to far


You know this doesn't work here, right? A lot of don't like or don't care about Trump, but we sure as fuck love watching you suffer.

>brainlet enters the chat

>Joe Biden is gonna be the next president.

How can anyone be so stupid but still manage to get past captcha?

>Murdoch is fucked
he restructured his empire recently and disappeared most of his assets outside the usa in tax havens.


Off yourself, cuck hans.

They know how to demoralize and crush people. They probably aren't putting it on there intentionally. To get people hyped up. They read everything posted on here and every other forum.

maybe he bought a pass


We should

>72 million uneducated retards
How many of those aren't fat slobs wheezing after they get up from the couch or out of their mobility scooters lol

If I identify myself as a kike the burger system will give me shekel's?

Name one thing he was corrupt on?

Cope more, lol

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I dont own land, so I cant do it, but you all have my full support. If someone created a fund to buy a bunch in bulk and hand them out to people who wanted them, i would donate.

Can't say it's disputed when he didn't specify *which* election

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can confirm so many faggots and trannys here
line up against the wall, chang

I am. Trump is probably at best average-corrupt...if you use the Presidents who made use of the spoils system.

only if the republican party is bought and paid for by your country

Why are you a Biden bro you worthless leaf?

But twitter disputed when Trump said he “Won by a lot”

He also didn’t specify which election (might have been the 2016 election) yet they still dispooooted