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he is going to give a victory speech retard
You Trump asshole lickers really are something.;
its shitposting/bait newfriend
you mock trump fags for believeing shit like this but dont even ask youself why you believe OP is being legit?
Your tears will be wonderful Monday night.
Trump only got 4 years lmao.
Why is OP always a faggot?
What the fuck is Conseeds? Don't you mean Consneeds?
its going to be the exact opposite of consneeding
He's such a great charismatic speaker =)
Remunerated viral marketer here, I shall not tell a falsehood, we are shidding and farding our undergarnments, we are not unaware that this is most disadvantageous to ourselves.
The emotional consensus at RVM headquarters is indeed growing ever more tenebrous.
No, he's going to finally admit to pack the court.
why though? its already a 7-2 globhomo tilt.
Electoral votes aren’t counted until January 6th, the only ‘victory’ he may be able to claim is that his desired delegates met. Given how fucked the 1877 electoral commission is, that doesn’t mean much in this scenario
PA, AZ, and GA are sending their own electors. The fraudulent popular vote doesn't matter in those states. They will elect Trump. If they don't elect Trump then Pence in the Senate will not certify it, and it will go to the House where each state gets one vote. Trump will win this.
not enough
I cant even tell if this is shitposting or you retards actually believe the shit you post.
yes this time it's surely over. our god emperor will be rightfully instated as president again so he can continue sucking israeli cock.
Hope he pulls the same stunt he did with Stacey Abrams when he cold cocked her on MSNBC
Biden's going to declare himself the winner and demand Trump concede.
Voting and voting Republican will surely save the White race from the Jew!
It’s liberals making us look bad
>I cant even tell if this is shitposting or you retards actually believe the shit you post.
It's pure shitposting at this point. Zig Forums is an anti-White LARP.
Depending on how the 1877 electoral commission is read, if they send a second set of delegates none of the state’s votes count. Then depending on how they count total ev cast- 270 or if the thrown out ev don’t count toward total, both have happened- nobody wins majority and it goes to congress
Probably going to abolish the electoral college in 2023 after rigging the midterm.
Trump doesn't have to concede. He stops being president January 20th, period.
Biden doesn't care if trump fucks off to Florida and pretend he's president.
he is going to concede
Like clockwork
>Trump doesn't have to concede. He stops being president January 20th, period.
Well the legal challenges aren't completed yet but Jan 20 is the end of the line.
>Biden doesn't care if trump fucks off to Florida and pretend he's president.
Biden isn't coherent. He doesn't know where and who he is.
Is this the new migapede angle?
Pretending to not be schizo?
>Ironically supporting Biden
What a faggot you are.
It was formerly conchucks before converting to conseed business.
how far will the cope go?
on jan 21 retards on here are gonna say that biden is actually working for trump undercover
>PA, AZ, and GA are sending their own electors.
how does it work? Don't the legistlatures need to formally have a session to send electors?
I want to see how many people will watch the live stream. He gets very low views because he got his presidency because orange man is literally potato hitler and his farts smell bad.
Its been entertaining watching you magapeeds keep running the date of victory further and further back. At least you're learning civics in a way you wouldnt have before. Learning by desperation, effective.
it is pretty funny how you dicks can plan out things in your favor
Eat shit drumpers
They don't matter. The constitution is ironclad buddy. January 20th, Biden is president no matter what.
All 50 states have certified the election, the ec votes tomorrow. That's it.
Electors are already sent. The vote is tomorrow. This is it.
Now that I have your attention
>Pretending to not be schizo?
Yup. It's been happening all week. I think they are slowly approaching to the realization.
> it's shitposting/bait newfriend
bullshit, the past year has been republicans clinging onto the hope of the constitution, and Zig Forumstards clinging to anything that gives them the slightest bit of good news. It's understandable as this year was full of uncertainty, but /ptg/, the right, the left, blm, antifa and the rest of the commies all suffer from hivemind thinking. Everything is very mob mentality on both sides and it's a great flaw. I hope the world ends but it won't, just an endless culture of shitposts that somehow shitposted itself into real life.
Biden had discussions with Pepsi and Hormel, they're bringing back Apple Slice and Frank-n-Stuff hot dogs.
I know that's it, only thing it could be..
Lol yes we are all schizos living in mom's basement yep. by golly I have never even smelled a vagina
The presidency isnt a tv show with ratings. Under normal circumstances no one wants to watch politicians speak. Trump got views because he established himself a cult and lots of people watch for the trainwreck
>The presidency isnt a tv show with ratings
If only you knew how wrong you were
Do you really think that Trump is a fair competitor?
His taxes show that he likes to manipulate things in his favor so he is just mad that he couldn't cheat as well as democrats.
Will be funny to see Migapedes resufe to vote Republicans but still winning their campaigns, showing that they never needed Trumptards as Trump's influence dies away.
>The constitution is ironclad buddy.
Except when it comes to the first and second amendments, right?
Oh and having abortion and homosexual marriage which should've been constitutional amendments being judicial edicts, right?
Funny how you claim to follow the constitution only when it suits you, huh?
>Biden is president no matter what.
No, he's really not our president. Do you remember that? "Not My President" ring a bell?
>All 50 states have certified the election,
Certification of stolen elections doesn't make the election legitimate.
There's no way in hell Biden will have any semblance of a legitimate "presidency."
>His taxes show that he likes to manipulate things in his favo
Says who? The media? the Democrats? Oh yeah...they're trustworthy.
Isnt it beautiful
Whoever it is who actually thinks for Biden might want to start thinking about conceding sooner than later. They should be getting the message it’s just going to get worse every fucking day for them.
>Certification of stolen elections doesn't make the election legitimate.
A certified election is a certified election.
Trump failed to present a single piece of evidence, in court. None of his witnesses would go under oath. This was all a larp to take your money.
>As time passes the date progresses
Your brain must have fewer folds than a Pennsylvania mail in ballot
Execute order 51