You. Fucking. Lost.

Accept it, the election is over and Biden won. All the media outlets called it for Biden weeks ago. Every legitimate polling organisation (like Nate Silver) predicted Biden would win in a land slide, and guess what??? HE fucking did. Time to crawl back under the rock from which you emerged 4 terrible years ago. Joe is going to Build Back Better and put ordinary Americans first in the recovery, not angry cis white male billionaire scum. Drumpf (his real name) has done great damage to American institutions and values, inflaming hate and racial division. Joe has got a big repair job on his hands, but he has proven he can do it. First step: pull down Drumpf's wall.

Get that through your thick ape skulls you idiotic MAGAtard chuds

Attached: trumpanzee.jpg (400x400, 22.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

me not read any of that

You got a loisense for that monkey picture chap?

When did Trump have a mixed child?

You shills are acting real desperate this weekend, when you should be cocky and arrogant. Do you guys know that Trump is about to disclose something that exposes the fraud, and you're panicking?

He did did drain the swarthy rootless cosmopolitan swamp. And Israelis got everything they wanted maybe whites will get something next time.

Attached: AE18E1D6-3E32-456A-AE5C-8505AF40BE48.jpg (250x206, 5.33K)

Bad b8 m8

but didnt you see the obvious election fraud? Trump was way ahead election night and then they stopped counting, when they started counting again, they dumped in 90% pro biden ratios. What was that about?

Why you ape scared counting twice to be sure, then?

It's called postal votes you MAGAtard chump, which favoured Biden. The opposite happened in Ohio where they counted the postal votes first - Biden had a huge lead which Trump slowly closed as they counted the in-person ballots.


Just wait until Trump leaves office and everyone disavows Israel for the cucks that they are

>inb4 trump or war

Attached: article-doc-jd6zj-549WdWAo6N0da26d716c18f2303c-811_634x422.jpg (634x422, 104.77K)

You lost the day you were born, JIDF shillstein

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When it’s actually over you won’t have to parrot “it’s over, it’s over” all the fucking time

Attached: 1607528391761.jpg (1024x692, 55.48K)

Attached: i'm a huge fucking faggot!.jpg (1024x950, 60.27K)

We have facts, you have memes

Foreigners fuck british childen

nice pasta.

Kamala will resign any day now right?

I’d rather have Covid 19 than (((Biden 20)))!

Attached: BC41AA35-D8AC-40CB-A837-CD7A3BAC19A7.jpg (457x343, 51.69K)

You are going to get beat up. It is inevitable.

Israel sure has a lot of Turks.

>i a British citizen care so much about how people in a completely different country think i make thread on 4chins.

Why does the Orange Man Bad crowd think calling him Drumpf is an insult? Immigrants change their names all the time to make it easier to spell/pronounce.

Please keep redpilling strangers.

Dems were reeeeing for the last 4 years about russian interference in 2016 elections and best proof they came up with was some fucking facebook ads. You expect people to keep quiet the time where there is mountain of actual evidence?

Cope more. His real name is Donald Drumpf

Attached: 1607708725418.jpg (722x540, 271.79K)

That's an orangutan, brainlet.

Attached: 1584084920504.jpg (897x1121, 186.22K)

It's a Trumpanzee, which has recently become an endangered species

relative of yours?

didnt read lol, go fuck yourself brit

Attached: fuckyou.jpg (337x600, 14.75K)

It took you 4 years to come up with that. Sad.

too late OP, most likely people will die, and things wil only get better no matter how many times the dems can get wins in a row.

ok ((((female))))