>dad comes home from the military
>his son is now a tranny
Laaaand O the freeeeee
>dad comes home from the military
>his son is now a tranny
Laaaand O the freeeeee
Do little kids just accept this? Like how is that tranny not TERRIFIED of going to school like that?
His fault for having a child and going away to the military. Serves him right.
Zoomers are constantly anxious about everything, they'd be scared to go to school regardless.
Imagine your doctors, parents, teachers, everyone you are supposed to believe as a kid tell you that you are not a boy but instead a girl. It would mentally fuck them up and once they learn to think on their own they realize that the hormone blockers everyone told them that would be great end up destroying their body after their mind was destroyed. Broken people.
Holy shit those cancerous comments.
Now he has a boypussy to fuck.
Lucky bastard.
Americans are sooooo Gaaaaaay
THose fucking comments, holy shit I hate humanity
yeah, the war was on the home soil all along.
>Dad is happy because he now has a free blowjob machine for the rest of his life.
America army truly is cucked.
This film actually makes me cry every time I see it. I wish my family was as understanding, or at least that I had enough income to live how I want to. I just want to hop on HRT and have my room completely pink pilled. If my parents had let me get hormones when I was young, I could've been saved from this horrible life.
Your thoughts on America's current state Hans?
someone (maybe even the dad) abused that kid
Fuck off trender.
alright boys lets help these guys out.
as always fuck trannys, the comment section is utter fucking cringe.
at least he has someone to fuck, with his wife having run off and all
yeah but at least he bombed some muslamic infidels children who wanted to impose muslamic sharia law on women
So if he was in the military he know how to dispatch a bullet
>falling for engineered jew-ops
>thinks this opinion is the majority and yours the minority when it's the other way around
The wars for Israel didn't give that away?
a few years later, pic related
would you, Zig Forums?
Hard yes.
America is hilarious
see you later... robert
Time to start accepting reality there bucko
He got the whole Israeli package.
Serves him right for working for a socialist death squad that steals around 5% of our GDP every single year.
Imagine fighting in a war for Israel, watching your buddies die and having to deal with all the horrors of war, you survive and finally are able to return to your family, and this is what you are faced with. The absolute state of the jewnited states
Ive never been with a man but he's pretty enough.
This is so fucking fucked up. This little boy is even wearing a fucking choker like an adult whore.
We are in peak weimar bros