If Chinese are so amazingly high IQ, why do they steal so much Intellectual Property?
Chinese IQ
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>paying jews for "ideas" is high IQ
what color are you
They can only compute equations but they cannot create anything of their own
This is the correct answer. They are too scared to try new ideas.
Stealing from your enemy instead of giving them more resources is the objectively high IQ move.
because IQ tests are purely pattern recognition wheras inventing stuff requires creativity and seeing beyond an established pattern
I actually like the chinese way of doing things, but it stems from their culture essentially, they don't view it as stealing, there was a Confucist who said something about this which the Chinese believe in .
Chinese are the greatest capitalists in history. They steal the work and profit off of them. They have slave labor which makes US corporations ship work there. That's pretty high IQ, but morally frightening.
No need to reinvent the wheel. I worked at a company and the running joke was that our main competitor literally hijacked one of our tools and bribed some shit hands to keep their mouths shut while said tool was secretly shipped to one of their warehouses to be reverse engineered.
The nips and gooks did it too. Toyota/Hyundai/Honda/etc. basically bought American and European vehicles. Took it back to their warehouse. Disassembled it piece by piece. Assembled it back together piece by piece. Once they understood the engineering fundamentals behind the design, that's when they started modifying and improving the design. Today, many Toyota/Hyundai models are superior than to their America/European counterparts.
Who gets to benefit from it all? The consumer. More competition results in lower prices and better products. Of course if you work for Ford or Chevrolet, you'd be mad. But basically this shit happens all the time. Asians are just really good at it and could give zero fucks about IP rights of some Caucasoid.
Because their IQ tests used to provide the high score was one test done online, with no way of proving who took the test. They have the morals of kikes, the brain of a nigger, and physique of a poo. Truly the worst genetics on Earth. They, also, cheat the same way on SATs, and the like.
Wang, 2001 (Average IQ of 76-81)
Source: fluoridealert.org
Average IQ: 81 and 76
Hong, 2001 (Average IQ of 65-82)
Source: fluoridealert.org
Average IQ fluctuates between 65 and 82 for china, depending on amount of fluoride in water. Shandong province, china.
Li, 1995 (Average IQ of 79-89)
Source: fluoridealert.org
Average iq is in between 79 and 89 for china. Guizhou province, china.
Yang, 1994 (Average IQ of 76,81)
Source: fluoridealert.org
Average IQ for china is 76 and 81. Jinan, China.
An, 1992 (Average IQ of 76,84)
Source: fluoridealert.org
Average IQ for china is 76 and 84. Guyang county, inner Mongolia.
Guo, 1991 (Average IQ of 76,81)
Source: fluoridealert.org
Average IQ for china is 76 and 81. Hunan province, china.
>Instead he contacted a Chinese company that specializes in finding American-based test-taking proxies who, for a fee, obtain high scores on the SAT, the graduate school admission test called the GRE, and English-proficiency exams like the TOEFL for their wealthy Chinese clients.
>For years we’ve known about the widespread international cheating scandals that have rocked the SAT and ACT, leading to cancellations of scores from entire countries. It’s a problem that has been well-documented by the likes of Reuters and other news agencies. South Korea has been singled out for massive breaches in test security: in one instance the ACT was cancelled for every student in the country.
>SAT cheating scandal broadens with indictment of 15 Chinese nationals
>Last week, a federal grand jury indicted 15 Chinese nationals in a scheme in which they paid up to $6,000 for other people in the United States to take the SAT, the GRE, and other college and graduate school standardized entrance exams for them to help them gain entry into U.S. universities.
>Parents riot as China tries to stop exam pupils cheating
>As soon as the exams finished, a mob swarmed into the school in protest. By late afternoon, more than 2,000 students and their parents had gathered to vent their rage, smashing cars and chanting: "We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat."
They realised it's easier to steal than it is to create.
They arn't. They are soulless drones.
If Chinks have such high IQ, and IQ is just pattern recognition then why is the white man so superior in chess?
chinoids cannot do anything original
I think all the replies are valid. I don't believe the asians are smarter graphs. I think they can memorize like champs bc mom and dad beat them into it, they steal because it is faster and the ccp collectivism is mental poison to achievement. What I mean by that is the ccp ruins artists and I have a feeling anyone uniquely creative and capable of any really amazing technological leap is downtrodden from the get go as a kid...
... agreed
They're high IQ in the way a machine can repeat facts back at you. A machine has no creativity.
This. An obvious proof of high IQ.
english chess isnt popular at all in china. Why would they want to play english chess when their have their own Chinese Chess and Go?
>amazingly high iq.
>gets effortlessly coerced into starting ww3 by Jewish war profiteers
Pick one and only one chang
This would leave them one step behind forever
They claim the IQ themselves, and people believe it because they are shills. Just look at the endless amounts of looney toon death videos that come out of china. They are lying mutts. Their cities are fucking garbage dumps
stealing is the smart option
>work and figure something out with a lot of effort, time and money
>just copy it
Intelligence is not honesty.
Planning ways to save time is a high IQ behavior. Intelectual property mostly benifit big corporations, and you have to pay patents on China if you dont want the chinese to copy you. It is just that simple.
They were used as slave labour by the capitalists, what do you think is the high IQ move? Remain assembly line peasants for eternity, or steal their lunch?
This actually. IP laws always favor the developed economy, making progress for anyone else a steep uphill battle.
Also IQ is only one measure of intelligence, and it doesn't cover all aspects, you dumbfuck.
IQ score and creativity only track to around 120 IQ. Below that you can reasonably assume someone with a higher IQ is more creative than someone with a lower IQ. Above 120, the same cannot be assumed.
>just copy what they're doing
They have the in test only to top Asian performers in the biggest cities. Something about saving face or some shit. Chinese “IQ” is actually much lower than whites on average.
My Chinese professor was like:
>if we don't show you how, you can't be expected to figure it out
And to be fair, generating information takes orders of magnitude more effort than copying. Imagine how silly I felt when I realized that me synthesizing information at a comparable level, instead of resorting to straight up mimicry, was not only a waste of time, it took me outside the cookie-cutter employee bot model, so I'm practically not employable, by virtue of assuming I'd be granted enough autonomy to think for my self once I landed a job. This world is so fucked.
To catch up
doesnt matter. china has a large enough population that its simply enough just for the smart anomalies to be educated then join the workforce and having the rest be farmers.
Stealing other's well designed things is more efficient than doing R&D on your own. Simple.
>educated then join
I can't see you're not one of those "high IQ" chinsects, Wang.
>thinking IP is real property
30 IQ
they ban a lot of jewish websites in china. sounds nice.
Spooky deflated hand....
yes its then, not "than"
read it again, low IQ faggot
90% of chinks are retarded low IQ peasants.
>Chinese are so amazingly high IQ
They're not. They test in urban areas in select private schools.
As usual, the CCP fucks with numbers to make itself look good and the rest of you dumb fucks believe it.