Yall dropped the mfing ball spending decades jerking the Chinese off. Now China is the new Global Power and it's going to assfuck democracy and put you all in labor camps.
Oh no, nobody could have seen this coming
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By the way, the Chinese actively monitor this board and bury any anti-China threads. don't believe me? Try making one. You'll get very few replies unless you call them out on it and will be archived or reported as off topic within a few minutes.
Kek. What I don't get is why they're releasing this *now*. Presumably they had this for a while.
Obviously they want war with China but now they're also trying to get this Pedo puppet of China into power.
Makes no sense other than an internal civil war.
Jannies/chinkmoot are probably in on it. Selling Zig Forums to a bugman was a dumb mistake. They're only concerned with money, they have no religion or spirit.
China is actually so fucking alpha. They are a model society.
>larp of the week slide thread
Okay Pajeet
i can see the machinations of the fake jew. their blood demon requires another world war hence the anti china shilling
Why is democracy good?
Alot of latent homosexual references and projections
Yeah they have vaxxed and engineered their population into mindless ants with no passion for their jobs that suicide by the hundred in every industries, but it's a nice country see.
>unironically posting sexpat serpentza
who cares, China is just as bad as the West in Authoritarian bullshit.
Let them both die, suffer in agony and pain for their sins
I see you've deepthroated CIA cock. How does it taste?
The Chinese are the new niggers
>China is actually so fucking alpha. They are a model society.
so are we nuking Beijing as well as Paris?
Why is authoritarianism bad?
>Haha I drew him yellow and ugly so I'm right
I didn't realize the negroes built the most powerful country on earth
no bro, u are the new niggar. Chinks be da boss
Every chinese is a soldier for the hive
Look at all the nonsense comments with zero speculation on the ramifications of this
As is optimal for a soldier
Fucking chyna deepfried bugs
It's the most dependable country on Earth. Depending on western markets
You seem a little jealous
ok then let the chinks rape our asses and not fight back, ching chong
Whya youa soh angahry?
Rong and grorious rife to the eternar helmsman!
oh shit, better fight the chinks so israel can stay in control of america
Maybe 30 years ago. China sold the West a noose to hang themselves with
always a fucking leaf. fucking kill yourself chong with no Schlong
I didn't realize Canadian was a race
Chinchong small gay
Too bad they nasty and eat bats n wierd shit like that. I doubt the 105 meme as well, they are Mexican tier at best.
Hey look everyone, a desperate communist insectoid.
You're going to burn in nuclear fire.
Because I'm not the one with authority.
t. every authoritarian ever.
When are we going to glass chinks?
Based picture. The absolute dragon energy of it