Can Chuds lose anymore? Stop supporting the sexist weirdo GOP and lets double GDP
Biden will be Better for the Economy
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bro, paul krugman.... weak b8
The stock market tends to perform the best under a Dem president and a split congress.
>best econoomist in the world
>not relible
Shit trolling
Republicans claim to love capitalism but Democrat policies are better for the ensured survival of capitalism. The GOP hates the free market when it benefits women, minorities, or immigrants.
How is that a bad idea?
A bat for example doesn't produce anything, but one can use a bat to force other people to work and produce stuff.
And? He's right.
>Paul Krugman said so
This, expect an economic boom akin to the roaring 20’s under Biden and McConnell/Pelosi
An incorrect prediction of this magnitude leads me to disregard everything he's said.
>best econoomist in the world
>Predicted Trump would destroy the stock market
>best performance ever up until chink flu, now back at ATH
Whatever krugman says, do the opposite. I'm going big on shorting next year. This shit is going to burn with no survivors.
wasn't this faggot caught with cp on his computer and then tweeted about it?
>captcha: chimneys
Remember that to scumbags like Paul Krugman "The Economy" looks at the average American as nothing more than a factor to be manipulated for maximum return on investment.. If that means shipping your livelihood to China to slash costs and then shipping garbage crap back to you to be bought at walmart then this is "good". These shitstains only think of how to maximize profit from the overall economic life of a nation and care absolutely nothing for anyone unable to enter the investor class. These people should be hanged.
This is the same lying kike that told us about the wonders of globalization and the benefits of trading with insects.
>Highest Dow Jones ever with Trump
>"Pedo will be better for the economy"
yeah right
It's going to go even higher after Biden wins.
Yet he still calls for more shitskins. His yid genes overpower any sense of logic he has
That is a bet I'm willing to take. Been taking profits for a week now. I'm going to be in cash, oil, and metals across the board by the end of the year. Good luck though.
prove it
Ok.... after Biden gets in you'll see the market reach an all time high.
Actually historic data is enough, the stock market always rises and no one has to do anything except let the FED keep printing money.
What’s a chud
>Actually historic data is enough
Spend any time at all on trading forums or trading discords or listening to professional traders on wall street and you will see that literally everybody is expecting a huge crash next year and nobody has taken Krugmen seriously, ever.
>inb4 nobel prize
wow a kike committee gave the nobel prize to a globohomo kike "economist", imagine my surprise.
Should have crashed in september 2019, but the Fed keeps bailing everyone out.
Why would it stop in 2021?
>Why would it stop in 2021?
Cascading failure of the economy due to the shutdowns. It's a domino effect that will take several quarters if not years to play out.
>double GDP
in what time frame? the next 8 years, assuming Biden gets re-elected? not gonna happen, dumb fuck
Then the guy you responded to is correct and number go up.
and so it begins
Trump spent four years talking about the fed keeping rates low, plus increased affirmative action for blacks, but now Biden gets in, the fed and equality are bad again
Eventually yes. But "actual historic data" shows that downturns can last years. How long did it take to recover from the dot come bubble? We're reaching evaluations that have blown past that bubble right now.
It was literally on his campaign website the entire past couple years. No one read a page. Otherwise this is what they would have seen:
In regards to monetary policy, I only remember a few:
>Bring back and sign the TPP (under chinese control)
>Increase income tax
>Increase corporate tax to iirc ~30%
>minimum wage federally raised to 15/hr
>increase workplace protections and benefits
>incentivize, protect and strengthen unions
>block all unionbusting
>ban mandatory meetings with employers
>ban state laws that prevent unions from collecting dues
>create a cabinet level group to support and organize unions
>ban permanent replacements
>reinstate and expand protections for federal employees
>allow independent contractors to unionize
>classify gig workers as independent contractors so they gain benefits
>eliminate all no-poaching/non-competing clauses
>no more relicensing in other states if you move
>expand protections for undocumented immigrants and expand U-visa
Biden and Resources/Energy
>introduce hard methane caps for industry
>500 billion per year to clean energy
>carbon free by 2035
>net zero by 2050
>killing fracking/nat gas
>killing coal
>shift towards electric cars by building 500k new charging stations
>stricter fuel emissions guidelines for cars
>decarbonize heat needed for steel/concrete/etc.
>priority investment into diverse farmers
>shift farmers away from carbon
More debt shit
>raise caps to work reduction by 80%
>make bankruptcy easier to claim
>give expanded benefits to bankruptcy candidates
>discharge student loans through bankruptcy
>protect home and cars from loss due to bankruptcy
>make it easier for women and minorities to get bankruptcy
Oh and mandatory nationwide mask mandate, another lockdown (this one federal and a year long), and increased Section 8 housing.
Biden's gun control platform
1. End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions.
2. Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities
3. Stop “ghost guns," and all other "home-built" guns
4. Limit firearm purchase numbers
5. Bring back the SSA block
6. Add additional background checks
7. Increase background checks to 10 days
8. Repeal the trump administration change that allowed fugitives/felons to earn back voting/firearms rights
9. Give ATF more power to forcibly take guns if you fail to relinquish fast enough
10. More red flag laws
11. Add a licensing program to own firearms
12. Establish a new taskforce to look at online harrassment of women and shootings
13. Expand domestic violence classifications
14. Introduce smartguns
15. New requirements on storage
16. hold adults accountable for minors gaining access directly or indirectly even if they never gain possession of a firearm
17. anyone with a misdemeanour of a hate crime or any enhancement due to hate or bias is prohibited from owning a firearm
The dollar isn't coming back it's too inefficient.
They're literally proposing a great reset.
Bitcoin is going to win it has too much going for it.
>Biden will be Better for the Economy
Check out the psychedelic realm. That's starting to pick up really big. Especially with a dem president and states beginning to decriminalize it.
Well, here's his foreign policy advisors:
Susan Rice
>who was pivotal in overthrowing Gaddafi
Tony Blinken
>who wanted to stay in Syria, wanted to arm Rebels in Turkey and gave Saudis carte blanche for Yemen
Michele Flournoy
>who wanted to invade Syria, increase presence in Ukraine, out Gaddafi, and generally worked for a defense contractor a ton using govt links
Brett H. McGurk
>who supports the Kurdish separatists and wants to fuck with Turkey
Nicolas Burns
>who loved the Iraq invasion, wanted to overthrow Gaddafi, and likes the military industrial complex
Avril Haines
>one of the mainstays of all the drone killings, and censoring info on CIA torturing people
And the guy he ultimately chose for national security advisor?
Jake Sullivan
>US should encourage China's rise, Biden national security pick Jake Sullivan says
And his SecDef:
Lloyd Austin
>executive on Raytheon's board
>executed plans in military to train the Syrian rebels to fight ISIL (since that never backfired before)
Yeah, if you voted Biden, you have to be clinically retarded.
Destroying cuckservatism is a win not a loss. The final buffer to killing liberals is about to die.
More Biden appointments
Zaid Zaid
>Facebook Public Policy official is now in State Department and International Development team
Christopher Upperman
>Facebook manager is now on the Small Business Administration team
Rachel Lieber
>Facebook director and associate general counsel is now on the Intelligence community team
Deon Scott
>Google program manager is now on the DHS team
Don't forget Janet yellen
I support literally every single one of those policies.
If you vote for the pussy Cheetoman who was too afraid to take out Assad, then you're mentally ill.