Why can't I leave this fucking board,I should had never gotten into politics...
True. Now read the new gospel
public domain version.
Jesus explains the real truth.
God loves you and forgives you, spread the word, be forgiven by forgiving.
based and christpilled
user, the only way out is recognize that 4chins is simply an exercise in self aggrandizement and self validation. Recognize that, sometimes you: ARE. INCORRECT. Otherwise...enjoy the Satire, LARPing and Trolling.
The Fuck is THIS SHIT GOOK MOOT?????!!!!??????
>the bible says the bible is correct, therefore the bible is correct.
Your here FOREVER.
You can leave this board but that’s not gonna stop your future sons from becoming trannies or your daughters from fucking niggers. Maybe you’re angry for (((reasons))) much bigger than a single image board. (((reasons))) that you can not escape from.
Do you people have any idea how much this thai fishing forum have fucked us up socially?
This place is called many things by many people, but it is one of the few places you may actually get the complete redpill.
The redpill is a redpill. What were you expecting? Get your guns oiled and stand by. Hyperinflation or perhaps mandotory vaxx will be what sets it off.