Seriously when did the meme magic die?

Seriously when did the meme magic die?

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Dunno what the fuck a big lez is but can we sue aussies for copying chud?

Memes to reality

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When the left realized they couldn't compete and starting stealing the rights. They can't survive on their own, so they steal everything, and rape one year olds, because only pussy they can get.

You just know a brainstorm from a bunch of trannies desperate for a counter defence happened on discord before this thread. And this Is supposed to be the end results...

I mean big lez does look like the chud meme a little bit with those nasolabian folds, those rectangular glasses and that head shape. I was inevitable someone would make the connection.

keep seething hefty lefty

you aren't welcome here why do you post here anyway? you gain nothing I hope you realize Zig Forums is for shitposting political memes and the harder you try to change it the harder you will dilate tranny

From reality to memes

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MIGApedes took classic memes and claimed them for themselves, accusing anyone who uses the meme in any capacity that they do not approve of as "stealing" them. They haven't actually made anything themselves outside of minor variations of Wojack and Pepe since 2016. It's pathetic desu.

pick one, because they don't have the balls to retaliate..because they don't have balls

Memes don't have to be as complex as your gender identity you purple haired faggot.

Who fucking cares?

>only knows of wojack and pepe
fucking normie

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How does this make the meme illegitimate?

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Listen shill, proper memes are organic and done by average people, not professional artists, who are also out of touch with everything, at the DNC meme department like pic related.

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why the left wants to associate with pepe is beyond me

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>still crying for having your shitty meme overturned

Don't fuck with this senator.

You must be confused. I'm not a MIGApede fren.

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Chud had his own show?

kys you are no fren of mine but a normie in disguise

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Our biggest meme is a retarded frog made in 5 seconds in mspaint and that's the way great memes are born.

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Chud = Chad + Stud so yes

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The buff Steven seagal meme is cringe af

It feels too try hard and cope-y

natural selection is how you get the best memes. It's just that this site is the site where people can shitpost at ridiculous speeds, and keep throwing whatever they can at the wall until it sticks. On other sites, it takes several hours or days after something is posted until a decent chunk of the site's userbase sees the content. Here, when a meme catches fire, it spreads like wildfire instantly.

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This meme is the saddest cope ever. Meanwhile in reality.

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People like you are the problem.

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This image but unironically
why cant the left meme bros

pepe is literally just some retards comic frog that got turned into this. are you really surprised that chud is from some cartoon?

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why is the right now proud of being a strongfat boomer? what the fuck

Dr drew on the left, adam carolla on the right.

Memes are for retards anyway it's when you don't know how to convey a message so you create a short-cut to it

Holy shit these faggots got so butthurt they just fact-checked a meme

It's a good show, and I fear that zoomer Zig Forumsniggers are going to flood its videos with shitty reddit memes now.

Yeah that's the thing. They come together and spitball ideas larping as an Intel group whose purpose, at the end of the day, Is nothing more than making pictures that should cause a little annoyance to lurkers on a burmese pebble polishing forum. The fact that they try at all Is by itself counterproductive for meme making. Big lez chud Is not about the meaning, It isn't about anything in particular, It just works pure and simple. It was made by some shitposter and the fact that we're discussing It right now is proof It succeeded since It passed a natural selection filter. This Is why MC paint comics from complete schitzos that value to death the narrative they try to infuse their meme with but that you can't even understand because of the rambling are the funniest in my opinion, they're as genuine as you can get. This Is also why reddit has been a catastrophe for memes, they got the whole creation process backwards. They initially decide to make a meme without any idea in particular on their mind, then they find a "funny picture" and at last they add a caption that's supposed to be reletable but sometimes it's so bound to the picture that it ends up as completely unreletable because of how much specific It is

/r/ing Chud punch images

I thought the Pepe Biden meme was suppose to be ironic