Homeschooling will die this generation.
Even if they don't make it illegal, homeschooling requires one parent to be at home which is already extremely difficult for most people and will only get tougher and tougher.
Homeschooling will die this generation
Wouldnt it be a. Because the portal is accelerating, not the object going through it.
a actually, the cube doesn't have any momentum
it is moved through the portal with the speed of the descending panel, therefore it will be flung.
Portals are glorified windows.
It's A
what is the speed of the descending panel?
“speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out”. The object in question is not moving at all once it enter the portal. Anyone who answers B is a downright braindead niggerfaggot.
People with no jobs can't watch their own kids?
Judging by the number of speed lines, high.
Theory of relativity, dumbass.
Did you play the game you fucking dumb nigger?
A obviously...
What kind of question is that?
In that case, it should be marked *slide* *plop*
No, I don't play video games because I am not a child. Looking at the image OP posted with a knowledge of relative motion and reference frames, the answer would be B. If your little video game came to a different conclusion then it's wrong and if you base your principles of real life physics on what happens in some video game made for autistic children then maybe you shouldn't be going around calling other people dumb.
b niggers should be shot
A. It is stationary
A. The cube isn't moving. The portal is.
Anyone who says A is a complete dumbass, in both A and B, the box moves out of the portal with nonzero momentum, if this was not the case in A, the only thing it could do would be to collapse in on itself, which it didn't. B is just a more realistic speed.
I am hoping this corona bs will make it more prevelant
>which is already extremely difficult for most people and will only get tougher and tougher.
No it isn’t you fucking retard. Only if you insist on buying unnecessary stupid shit. There are tons of jobs, careers, businesses one parent can do from home too. It’s only getting easier asshole.
Depends on what fantasy physics the portal is using.
The cube must emerge at the same rate from the blue portal as the orange portal is swallowing it. I'm intentionally not using the words "speed" and "enter" here, because it might be confusing for you. So imagine that the piston with the orange portal is descending at, say, a rate of 10 meter / second. The cube therefore, enters the portal at the same rate, 10 meter / second as it is enveloped by it. Because the way portals work, the cube must also exit the other portal at the same rate ie: 10 meters / second. The momentum of the cube can be calculated as speed * mass. This thought experiment works similarly to how we imagine warp drives, by having the orange portal swallow it, we basically bend space to propel the cube (since portals are NOT just hula hoops). The only other possible answer would be that the portal could simply not envelope the cube, and it would behave like a solid wall, but A is definitely an impossibility.
You retards should not vote and you are probably a nigger
These people are White and probably Aryan.
can't put a portal on a moving object
To me this comes down to reference point. Imagine that there are two parallel universes. In reference point 'A' the cube was sitting and continues to be still when it emerges. In reference point 'B' your universe is flying at a stationary cube and when it emerges your universe will continue to move with a speed that is converse to the cube which entered it. To further illustrate the power of the 'B' reference point in a way this board can understand try to imagine that instead of a cube it is a black man with 3 foot long erection and hovering over the exit point is a waif blonde white girl with braces nude from the waist down and aiming her rectum over the portal. Now would she be have the BBC forced hard in fast into her? Or would the man's cock just stop as it made contact with the rim of her anus?
A in the game's physics, B in newtonian physics
>real life physics
>fucking magical portals
Are you retarded?
>No, I don't play video games because I am not a child.
The game came out 13 years ago. It came out when most of the board were children, you fucking retard.
Also, it's A. You're a dumb dumb, and a faggot
The correct answer is A.
The only relavent forces interacting with the cube is gravity and the airflow into the orange portal and coming out of the blue which would create a slight force when exiting the blue portal. The argument that the cube would shoot out the blue portal due to relativity ignores the basic understanding of relativity in that the cubes frame of reference is equal from both the orange side of the portal and the blue side of the portal's perspective.
so if the piston is moving slowly, pushing the cube one centimeter a minute, at which point will the cube move, will it wait until it is completely on the other side to shift slightly or does it inch the whole time it is going through the portal?
kek I hope you never DM a fantasy setting
No. It will triple. Most of us will be leaving the system. I am done with this shit. Take my money. Take my toys. Take my entertainment. All I need is a garden, some animals and finally some peace of mind.
Because inertia
As soon as enough of the cube had gone through the portal that friction at its base is overcome by the force of gravity pulling it down the slope. Then it will slide sideways/down the slope.
B, the object is "coming out" from the portal at a very high speed. It cannot instantly change its speed to 0, so it has an initial speed and mass. Speed and Mass = Kinetic Energy, and since K is not 0, it wilñ have an impulse.
Depending on how fast the orange portal is moving and how heavy the cube is you may see a slight jump but the answer for the most part is A.
Relativity isnt real
It's just the modern epicycle theory
Portals behave just like windows. Grab a window frame and slam it over a cube. The cube will not fly up.
There is no force moving the cube.
and gravity
The cube will not move on the orange portal side, but it will move on the blue portal side, continuously as the orange portal descends on it.