RHAZ Commie Stream

This piece of trash commie is live streaming the RHAZ eviction. The comments section is severely lacking some Pepe posting. youtu.be/cp_Ly271VOg

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Lel, forgot this was still a thing.

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Get in here faggots. They’re deleting 4channers.

we need more firepower


ngl, considering how low my life is rn, I would go in and shoot all of them

we need to sneed the comment section

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are we going to see inside the minds of commies?

chat comment
>Donbeea Statistseems the right doesnt respect private property.


had two accounts shadow banned already

inside the mind of a communist, where white males cause all the world's woes

they really are braindead aren't they?

Ask them
>why they are so desperate for change but not for peace
i'd like to know how they respond.

wow nice digits

65 people viewing

>#you, think for muh self
weekend warriors

they are giga faggots not interested in honest exchange of ideas

Holy shit check those digits.


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leftoids and shiplibs confirmed for being dumb niggers and mentally unfit for society.

Attached: 1538101504890.gif (619x619, 1.83M)

if those censorship happy kids are the revolution... we're fucked

>love is all you need
that would be women

they refuse to leave that tent, the audacity to call themselves "press"

instead of going in hot and saying something that will get you deleted instantly go in there and act like one of them. praise Karl Marx for instance. Or shit on property rights


quints confirm

I haven't said anything, bitch said her name was Zipporah Lomax

[Message Deleted]

How could Jews be race traitors?


come on, now, they seem like nice upper middle class jewish children

checked trannies btfo


>don't you chuds in here have any place else to go.. why would you watch this stream? it's not a place for you.... If you disrespect the streamer, Mods, or the protest you will be banned.

Attached: chud.png (600x800, 37.85K)

KEK. You madmen did it. They shut the stream down.

lmao. they actually use "CHUDS" unironically

Legit was there for that. I called them out for "chud"
Fucking hell that's 20 mins of my life I'll never get back

Good job lads.

New stream already up. youtu.be/WCEtu5IgRVI

Sounded like shit was kicking off towards the end. Doubt (we) got it shut down

The dude who mentioned that they were Jews is probably why they had to SHUT IT DOWN!!!! The goyim knew.