>Biden, facing mounting evidence of a rigged election, is considering conceding to the Trump campaign in five hours to avoid charges of high treason according to sources speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Holy shit is this the biggest reversal of fortunes in recent times or what?? MAGA!!!!!!
>reversal of fortunes The only reversal here is the reverse psychology you shills are trying. "Reversal of fortunes". The amount of fraud on display is not lost on the populace. It would not be a reversal of any kind. The only ones on the Biden train are the media and their cucks.
Matthew Thomas
Yes OP is a giant faggot.
Kayden Bennett
doesn't matter he hangs regardless. Sucks when people lie huh.
Isaac Young
and retards will clap like retared seals thinking its real
>Trump, facing mounting ivanka with a ridgid erection, is considering cumseeding to the biden camp in five hours to avoid charges of premature ejaculation according to sources speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Holy shit is this the biiiigets revverse of fortoons in recent tymes of watttt!? Pedo biden2020!!!
Kevin King
Holy shit Bros this is it put your 5 point harness on it's gonna be one hell of a hit!
Breh if you can't tell at a glance that OP is just some tranny trying to get epic upboats for tricking Drumpledorf Hortler supporters you need to get up to speed
Jack Martin
Ok tell me when he does it. I bet Biden is in bed all drugged up on sleeping pills.
Alexander Morris
This was being talked about last week. Negotiations between Trump & Biden. Add to it McConnell's fold today. McConnell is being threatened with many more.
Jack Clark
Happeningfags begone
Isaiah Lopez
This is huge if big
Julian Gutierrez
I mean, they worked great for attacking Trump. Made national news several times.