Has there ever been a more perfect restaurant than GOD-FIL-A?

I mean they're anti-fag, not under the stock market meaning they won't be Jew controlled, and they outsmarted BLM by pretending to be cucked feet washers. The staff are always the best and usually pretty Huwhite.

I mean the only people I can think of who don't love God-fil-A are Faggots, Trannies, Kikes, Libtards, and Soibois. You're not one of those are you user?

Attached: God Fil A.jpg (1440x960, 78.83K)

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THAN, you fucking retard. THEN is related to time. Than is related to quantity.
KYS, illiterate OP.

I personally like to order the spicy chicken delux combo meal with large large fries and Dr.Pepper. With a side of 12 Chicken Nuggers with ranch, BBQ, and God-Fil-A dipping sauces.

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Didn't the CEO shine the shoes of a nigger while begging for forgiveness? Nah. Not based at all.

Who helps you read the menu, or do you just point at the pictures?

Its 4d chess user.

Attached: God Fil A 5.jpg (1440x960, 60.05K)

Numbah wan, numbah twho.

No fried chicken chain can survive without pandering to them honestly

Nigger loving over rated bullshit

I dont get tricked into buying gay shit because it makes democrats mad

Wagie wagie take your shots
It might give you spots or clots
But we know you need your job
Because wagies are poor slobs
So you'll do just what we say
Inject Pfizer's RNA
Who cares for your ribosomes?
Not our corporate CEOs
Government can't force your hand
But your boss can make demands
You'll take the vaccine unless
You want to wake up homeless
And we'll make you pay for it
A thousand dollars per each prick
If you're subscribed to Blue Cross GoldĀ®
Otherwise you'll pay much more
And you'll like it, or your job will be offshored
The duty's to shareholders at the board
So wagies are exploited and ignored
We watch your activities online
To make sure you're good all the time
And if you ever step out of line
You'll be hungry by design
Keep cheering the market on
It keeps your corporate masters strong
Nobody knows how to cuck
Like a wagie who needs a buck

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It's fine. Their shakes are good.

homo here
Idc about the PR, i love their food. I wish there was one closer to me, I have to drive 30 minutes just to get their food

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Hey look a Kike.

Hey look a Libtard.

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I don't think I ever really liked burgers in the first place, I just have obese siblings and all they ever wanted to eat as kids was mcdonald's. french fries and chicken sandwiches are great, though desu

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Jollibee is doing pretty well. Filipinos hate niggers.

wendys has a spicy chicken that is better than anything on their menu

Please hang yourself before you enter my establishment Pedofag.

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Bruh, try and keep up with the news


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>tfw no burgers in the vicinity
I admit it, I fucking love burgers

A Chick-Fil-A opened up here in Spokane two weeks ago and the line is still insane.

they're the biggest jews, 90% gross margins, remember that

I speak the truth and you will hate me for it shills

Who else remembers the timeline where it was actually spelled "Chic-Fil-A"

>tfw it was the first ever job i applied for and got rejected
stillbuthurt 8 years later


>Chick-Fil-A said on Monday that it has stopped funding two Christian charities after coming under fire in recent weeks from LGBTQ activists.
>The fast-food chain's foundation has donated millions of dollars to The Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Both organizations have a history of opposing same-sex marriage.
>Chick-fil-A said it no longer funds the organizations.

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I don't eat Gook shit from Wetbackfornia.

Me! I remember it clearly

You should buy a deep fat fryer, and cookware for him/her to use. Fast food is pleb tier.

Dharma: Kitty where's the potato masher?
Kitty: I told you I gave her the day off.

Remember when the owner shined a black mans shoes on TV in honor of St. George? That was off the charts based.

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checked, i've had their spicy chicken sandwiches before and yeah, they are good. I think chick-fil-a's is crispier though, and I like their waffle fries. I also like to support them because, y'know, run by a catholic who donated to an anti-LGBT cause.
>Please hang yourself before you enter my establishment Pedofag
no I come to eat sandwiches in peace

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you mean how much corperate takes from te franchise? That's fin, theyre the ones that provide all the infrastructure for the restaurant and making sure the location is successful

You can apply again fren.

4d chess, trust the plan.

Attached: God Fil A 3.jpg (1200x879, 192.27K)

chic fil a is just as kiked as the rest.
prices continuously going up while portion size continuously decreases

They sold their souls also. The only way you can express your political identity through spending is by not spending so dont worry about that shit.

>4d chess, trust the plan.
No that's retarded. Stop eating fast food.

They went BLM.
We In-N-Out now.

IDK, there's plenty of better places to eat out west ( I am a truck driver). In N Out, Whataburger, and Jollibee has the beat dried chicken in the planet. Think Popeyes but less greasy and way more flavor. They all blow away chik-feel-gay. Their waffle fries are pretty good though. If only in n out served them. A 3 x 3 animal style and chip-feel-gay waffle fries would make the perfect meal

Kill yourself, namefag

>wendys has a spicy chicken that is better than anything on their menu

Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich is better than Popeye's but no where near as good as God fil a.

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They gotta get rid of those bland, under-cooked, salt free waffle fries, they're disgusting.

>they're anti-fag
No, they caved. Fucked 'em.

no, I'm talking about gross margins gross profit/revenue
they will pay their workers minimum wage to grind out $1 chicken sandwiches and sell them for $6
but hte location looks pretty and the drive thru has plants in it
shove it up

It never goes away. I've only been a couple times since CEO said to wash the feet. It's good, but fuck them.

I'll never stop eating burgers and fries. I can live without soda, but life without A&W or In-N-Out no way .

also they're pro nigger
the ceo said 'I think every white person should shine a black persons shoes"