>EO 13848 is real >Insurrection Act is real >Dominion Frankfort Seizure is real >Dominion bought by CCP is real >DNC working with CCP is real >Biden being a Communist faggot is real >Bill Barr was in on the fraud >big military positioning is real
>Trump's Martial Law: A New Hope For America; Barr's Special Mission From Trump To Expose The DOJ
>Does Bill Barr and Trump have a secret agreement? Why did Barr suddenly gain praise from Trump, Pompeo, and Cruz? In this episode, we look at why Bill Barr resigned and what it means for the future of contesting the election.
>We know that Trump will not just rely on the lawsuit, but has other plans. As the electoral voting approaches the end, more than one former "allies" of Trump has slowly turned away from him.
>But he has a plan, the special 2018 order and the will of the people.
for only four easy payments of 29.99 Trump will drain the swamp and lock you down with martial law! Yes, the tyranny if the left will be replaced by the tyranny of the right because might is right! Act now and get a free set of steak knives with every hanging!
Adam Garcia
Bunkerchan, we need boots and voices on the streets, go to any rallies you can and then back into your bunker.
Tyler Smith
Trump is in on it, the country is busy fighting over which figurehead they hate least while for some reason mass censorship is happening on an unprecedented scale, everyone is brainwashed into thinking you're crazy if you don't wear a face diaper and do exactly what the TV says, firing squads are legal again and for months we've been discussing troops rolling into every town (to 'deliver the vaccine').........but I'm sure Trump is gonna save us any minute now right...... He's there to keep you complaisant while the hole gets deeper.
China presents you with some Q psyop tier shit to still continue to make you sleep about the roll out of vaxxines through operation warp speed initiated by Trump itself, to cover all the millitary movement for this purpose and paint it for something else...
You do not have a jug of popcorn butter in your bunker rations? What kind of god-forsaken commie are you leaf?
Easton Diaz
nothing is going to happen unfortunately.
Tyler Cruz
maybe for frying or something
Kayden Cook
mexico will pay
Nolan Rogers
The order is from September 2018, am I missing something?
Jose Roberts
Michael Perez
>actually having tang
Isaac Scott
It is great for adding calories to every meal. Important when you need to ration food. Also it is very cheap. It is a must have for preppers.
Samuel Sanchez
this is fake news. BIden won and is the winner
Kevin Butler
Hell yeah baby. Goin down to the Feed and Seed and gonna get me some gummy bears and sheeit to wait out the fuckin D E S T R U C T I O N of the Left. Fuck those god damn gay NIGGER faggots, fuck them to hell. Stomp on their mother fucking heads until they're begging for mercy and call them niggers while you're at it. Fuck it. USA. Donald Trump has my sword. All he needs is to say the word and I shall dive head first into battle, regardless of the odds.
Nice stash. I would argue that you fucked up getting those huge cans. Sure it's easier to buy and store, but you'll risk wasting food and wont be able to trade as easily.
Also if you didnt start prepping even just a little bit after this year, then you get what you deserve.
We live in a reality where you need to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
Ayden Mitchell
It's popcorn popping oil. You use it for pan popping popcorn like Jiffy Pop but without the aluminum bubble.
Julian Gray
just wait guys this will all be exposed in 2 weeks!!
Brayden Perez
There is a serious lack of gender and racial equality in that picture
Ethan Foster
>death in a can
Jesus fucking Christ dude. Get rid of that crystalized cotton seed.
Proctor &Gamble paid 1.7 million dollars to the American Heart Association to shill for this shit. It was left over seed from the cotton gin over production of cotton seed they needed to sell somehow. Awful for you.
CIA chief killed in Frankfurt? Real too? Damn, you guys are delusional retards
Jeremiah Jenkins
More like night of the long knives. Type code rudy20 but do not pass go you dirty nigger.
Nicholas Lopez
You might as well just drink the 409. And trash the Tang while your at it. There are no life saving hospital devices down there in the bunker with you are there?
William Garcia
>Rudy = Gone quiet >Sidney "the Kracklin" Powell = Quiet >Barr = Leaving DOJ early to fuck a Christmas ham >Barr's replacement = Pretty quiet >Q = Quiet
Don't know Trump bros. The clock is running and miles to go to catch up to January 20th.
I need a good secret insider LARP to give me some hopium. Where's FisherAnon, BigDickAnon, or FBIanon. Surely some secret insider wants to tell Zig Forums if you only knew how bad it is....
Alexander Richardson
He meant that gigantic cans of corn aren't shit for preparation. OP has toilet paper and napkins in their bins instead of flour, rice and beans. Also needs waay more more oil.