Zig Forums really needs to start learning how to be compassionate
Zig Forums really needs to start learning how to be compassionate
Lick my taint niggerfaggot
I do not get the meme.
I think OP is a lefty cunt.
But I can't stop laughing at pic.
my compassion is for people who don't do crack being asked to foot the bill
Crack and Heroin are the drugs people only start using when they are past the point of no return.
Go be a subversive Jew somewhere else.
Treatment centers don't work and are a waste of money.
Too many words. Lost interest halfway through.
Wait... can I take a vacation to OR to smoke crack?
I want drug addicts to go broke and die so Oregon's elections please me greatly
>treatment centers
hahah no, they'll let them rot on the streets and keep shooting up like Portland has been doing.
Oregon is doing such a great job with this already
What a fat fucking slob of a woman. I hope you don’t post anymore of this hambeast user
What’s happening with that kid?
Life, or walk?
I don’t think they’ll find any middle ground here.
smoke crack, drink and drive, shit in the street
the world is your oyster
Do you know how many people use drugs in treatment facilities? You’ve got a bunch of addicts all living together. It’s heaven for addicts.
t. Former addict
>They already have treatment centers addicts can go to for help
>Addicts refuse to go to them because they'd have to stop doing drugs
The left truly is a party of retards.
See you fags later. I have a trip to plan.
All addicts are niggers no matter their race
Source on this hog?
Would be interesting to actually see the rate of people who "recover" from crack and relapse, I'll treat it the same as any of these talking points until we're given some cold hard numbers about it instead of star trek memes.
On a side note if you want to stop a drug epidemic that's killing hundreds of thousands of people you can just kill drug dealers, it would be the easiest and most effective way.
>Inb4 some lefty tries to cite some study that shows this doesn't work
Then they weren't hunting down and killing drug dealers well enough. People won't deal drugs if they know they'll get the death penalty over it. Most drug dealers are low level offenders that just get a slap on the wrist, if you just kill them instead the vast majority of dealers will just stop dealing, or be forced to do it a lot more secretly, thus decreasing the availability of drugs.
>Oh no now they're doing all their deals in secret and there's no way to find them!
Implement a reward for snitching on drug dealers and their competition will report them for us, do sting operations, etc. There are ways to solve this problem, people don't solve it because they don't want to make a hard decision and would rather have a nation full of drug addicts.
We already court order addicts to get treatment. After the third round of treatment we give up and send them to prison because they’re just taking advantage of society’s compassion at that point. Three strike rules exist in every state as far as I know. Oregon legalized drugs because Portland is filled with worthless drug addicts and the state couldn’t afford to lock them all up. Portland will look like Detroit in 2 years, screencap it.
Fuck off, junkies and their dropped needles litter my once nice Portland suburb. Drugs have been legal for years now, cops don't do anything. The latest laws just made it official.
Sooner than 2 years.
it kind of already is Detroit but with white people
so fucking stupid to have that on the ballot
You ever been around a neighborhood full of crack addicts? Other people foot the bill, they are fucking thieves to the extreme. Rather than have unforunate poor people who live around them footing the bill, we should have those who never have to worry about if they will or won't eat foot the bill.
Either that or maybe tax payers should stop paying for the cops. Police benefit and protect the rich at the poor's expense, I feel sorry for poor people paying to protect their slave masters.
Or maybe, just maybe, that guy who turned to crack did it because he was in a bad spot and the world is really a shitty place and it can get rough. Crack is addictive, its bigger than most people, but dumb depressed teenagers don't understand that, and they get fucked. And then they fuck everyone around them so they can keep getting that high, stuck in that trap.
Society benefits by getting those people off of drugs. Society suffers when placing those people in prison around professional criminals who teach them to be better thieves.
Give the audience what they want
This has to be pasta. I haven’t seen this one before. 1/10 sorry it just didn’t make me laugh
> Reality being that oregon just wants those sweet crack taxes
compassion huh
Hi Billie
Source: sex trafficking “victim” who dated nazis