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florida went 3rd party!

Wow. You guys are having a burning hot winter. Has Florida been evacuated yet?

Grand solar minimum.

>It will happen when the weather cools

Thats real comfy

The rod and ring will strike on the 21st. Jupiter (zeus) lightning rod will meet saturn the ringed planet.


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It's getting cold bros.

Celsius fag

The temp on earth should nice rise above 45F, you are non white if you don't love cold.

Finally winter is here.

Jeb is rising!

Attached: jeb!.jpg (875x560, 95.48K)

Fuck! If only I would have believed science and just voted Democrat since mid-2000's, this never would have happened.

can we postpone the prophecy? i have a final exam on the 21st

>MFW winter isn't even until next Monday

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I just learned that -40 farts and -40 celsius. And 32 is 0.

-40 are -40
100 are 38

White boy from texas here. Fuck anything below 50F

okay i talked to the simulation masters and they said yes, on one condition - you stop being a bitch

Room temperature is 68-72F, melting point is 212, 4C is about 40F, and 100F is around 38C. You can fill in the rest from there.


pick one

high five

Were i live it's going to feel like -27 tonight.

just imagine: there are people who unironically believe global warming is a thing LMAO

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>can’t tolerate the cool
Sure thing, pablo


ur a stupid bitch german user

user, it's climate change, not global warming.

aye we're in for a proper snow in appalachia

my body is ready

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I fucking love the cold. Cold tolerancelets need some fucking balls.

the saturn jupiter conjugation

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New yorkbros, ready for the snow storm?

ive been ready for a while now

the numbers
What do they mean

It's not, though, just wait two more weeks, and hey, while you're waiting, why not pop on over to for the best deals on the best cigars in the world? Use code RUDY2020 to get a free cave painting with your first order!

let me take a walk through your mind what stirs in your soul

Pretty easy, it's just (degrees f - 32) / 1.8

I hate living in Minnesota. All of you equator faggots have it good. The only good thing about living here, at least up here in the northern parts of the state, is that it isn’t crawling with undesirables. Cold temps, Icy roads, and windshields in the negatives keep most of them out.

It's not that cold really

I love the cold, but i live in phoenix. I have every window in my house open right now.

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Florida be like "what winter"?

I can't believe how utterly useless people must be to think someone like jeb bush or pedo biden represent them. How horrible it must be to exist as that.

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is that cold in the civilized world?

No. Judgement day . Fuck your ronald mcdonald college exam.

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Fucking lolberts

Its 4 F in Maine but 19 F in northern Michigan? Wut?