America is a failed state
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She can't come up with $100 to pay a bondsman?
>1 post by this ID
Its just a sheboon chimping out
You don’t know how 1pbtid works you fucking retard, it’s not across the site it’s in a thread
end this meme
jailing people for marijuana is fucking retarded
Absolutely Based, drug addicts should be hanged
t.drug dealer
>government is evil
You don't say
Found the nigger
Dude, weed
Good, now she learns now to break the law next time.
Found the prison capitalist
>let’s manufacture more pieces of shit by sending everyone to prison to make more money and more pieces of shit
real question is how many times has this chick been in this judges court in the last five years?
She spent it all on weed
No Cletus, you're just retarded. You should've finished 8th grade
Power tripping judge
Thanks. I needed a laugh.
Something tells me this dumb nigger has had MULTIPLE felonies and was on parole when this happened.
Fuck niggers and their stupid failures.
We should have started stringing judges up in front of the courthouses a long time ago. Probably something most of the right and left can agree on.
In Los Angeles they got rid of cash bail.
ids change regularly in the same thread for me. Seems like an inactivity thing.
Also you're a fucking moron
Watch the video, she had no decorum and literally yelled at the judge like he was her long lost daddy.
Judges are legit petty assholes and they powertrip on the small amount they're given constantly but she was a nigger and frankly all niggers should die so I hope she does
Why not both?
Judges are bigger niggers than the niggers they put away
It's bad when people in positions of authority go on a power trip.
But could you imagine being a judge who is stuck dealing with law breaking negros all damn day?
10% of 2000 =
Yeah, I don't care if you don't like niggers or pot, this is fucking horseshit. 2.1 grams of pot = street value of $10-$20. Then there's this exchange:
>Judge: Bond is $1000. Are you requesting a court appointed lawyer?
>Accused: I guess, sure.
>Judge: Give me a yes or no.
>Accused: Yeah.
>Judge: Give me a yes or no.
>Accused: Yeah!
>Judge: Is there something you don't understand about give me a yes or no?
>Accused: YES!
>Judge: You're really gonna yell at me?
>Accused: I'm saying yes, you're saying you can't hear me!
>Judge: No I didn't say that, I asked you a question-
>Accused: Well I'm trying to-
>Judge: Don't interrupt me. I asked a question that calls for a yes or a no, I don't expect anything but a yes or a no. Not a "mm hmm", "maybe so", or a yell, or anything else-
>Accused: I said yeah!
>Judge: I heard what you said. Your bond just went up to $2000.
Fuck this piece of shit, he deserves the rope. All this during a fucking lockdown, riots, and everything else. What fucking city or county in this country currently has the resources to waste on doing this to a person over fucking fifteen dollars worth of weed? Fuck anyone who agrees with this and if Trump appointed him, I don't give a shit. We won't lock up violent criminals rioting and burning and looting but we let this faggot fuck over a private citizen because he wants to be pedantic? Fucking shit. A whole lot of judges need to be lined up and given the ISIS HD treatment.
You impotent rage amuses me