do you trannies actually believe this is really hildawg?? REALLY? I'm being for real so any non-tranny leftist commie who believes this is really her please tell me how

Attached: really.png (976x1319, 834.74K)

This is her

Attached: IMG_20201111_165434.jpg (1147x1035, 251.12K)

>wrinkly paper-thin geriatric skin
>hair that's dyed but visibly grey at the roots
>rubbing her hands like a kike
How is it not her?

That is not her

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>Right meow

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you will never be a man

No a chance it actually HRC

What’s this

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Honestly it looks like the botox finally wore off and now her entire face is drooping. The reason I don't believe all the body double conspiracies is because it seems kinda pointless half the time. If I believe Zig Forums the rich just constantly switch out for half a dozen random body doubles, yet those body doubles never com forward and reveal themselves, or seem to have any life before becoming a professional look alike.

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Attached: Evil-Hillary-Clinton-Stare.jpg (640x462, 45.55K)

It would make sense for political figures to have body doubles on hand for simple escape-from-assassins purpose

News flash, she has clones.

Hillary is an idea, a myth, a team.

Cunt is still thinking about him

Attached: Screenshot 2020-12-15 at 4.52.41 am.png (338x418, 299.64K)

>when you're having withdrawals from the adrenochrome

Honestly it's easier to have bodyguards than body doubles.

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are you trying to be sarcastic or is this a bot brain deducing "you will never be a woman = bad so I should say you never will be a man" because botgroids don't understand nuance

Also can bots swim?

Attached: niggerswater.gif (241x241, 2.86M)

shes dead

Attached: weekend at Hillarys.webm (640x360, 305.34K)

Politics is just this pathetic, one side vs another childish bickering that wastes peoples time and energy.

Looks like this broad.

Attached: OH-SHIB.gif (506x666, 1.54M)

Not when you suffer serious health issues and need to keep up appearances.

you're not wrong pasta nigger but it's a game we have to play until we don't. The white pill is there's now video evidence of everything instead of grandpas story about his grandpa having to fight because the world was so fucked up back then because faggots and niggers and womens voting rights, all brought to you by schlomo, inc. fucked everything up

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>elector doing her fucking job

Where's the pottery? I fail to see it.

She hangs out with Soros and starts taking on his traits

kekd and saved

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i think he offered a reward and someone went to a book signing and got her hair follicle i believe

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got damnit wrong one

Attached: Alex Jones raged to SUPER SAIYAN on Joe Rogan (720p_30fps_H264-192kbit_AAC).webm (1280x720, 1.76M)