Fake and gay. Just like any thread with Breaking in the title.
Josiah Reed
Suck a dick shill bitch
Jayden Hughes
someone post that proposal made to the PA state legislature for use of dominion
Carter Perez
At this point I think Biden could open his inaugural speech by saying, "You're damn right we stole the election. The ends justify the means. Am I right?" and then nothing would happen.
Jace Fisher
don't waste your time. not worth it
Cooper Hernandez
Hudson Bell
Nigga I ain’t clicking any of that
John Miller
>falseflagging to get Zig Forumsacks to click your links
The thing I don't understand about all these complicated supposed schemes is that, like, if your plan involves a corrupt vote counter, they can just count the vote wrong on purpose. If they had the kind of control needed to install all these agents they could just fudge the numbers. These conspiracies would mean extra work for no reason.
David Foster
These are all just hunter Biden dick pics, OP.
Gavin Martinez
through the adjudications, the system vendor stays out of liability.
Eli Stewart
Nothing will happen....that is Trumps legacy Law and order