Why does Zig Forums shill for "le based spics" like Nick the Spick and Ted the Spick?
Is Zig Forums a fucking spic board? What is it?

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Manufactured for BBC

Take your meds

Cottage cheese is good for you

You mad Cletus? don't you have a sister to fuck inside your trailer park?

CivNats will fall for anything.

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Spics are White

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Latinas are genuinly the sexiest people on the planet. Every white boi on Zig Forums needs to go and find himself a cute Latina gf

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>Why does pol do x
Feds have been asking that question for 88 years now

Her name is Mandy Muse

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Based spic here, see my location? yes, my own country and that's the case for 99% of all spics. Fuck the rest, they aren't my amigos.

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Hecho por BBC

Latinos are based and thats a juicy ass made for BBC.

i've worked with spics and they're based as hell. right wingers, christian, hard workers. i have no complaints

Cletus, I know you better than anyone I else but you’re to stupid to see that we’re all spics. Do what you gotta do

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Because this board is mostly minorities that hate judeo globohomo and want to live in a normal fascist world run by nice civilized white people.

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Yeah, spics are definitely better than nigs. Even the cholo’ed out ones are cool if you’re cool with them.

Because at least they're not niggers or jews.

>why does pol shill for "le based whiteoids" like fag the whitey and cuck the gringo? is pol a fucking cracker board? what is it?

jajaj, sometimes I wonder why do we keep up backing up these ungrateful entitled gringos.

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cause we are based

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¿Por que?

You mean:


Grande Negro Pollo

For every one of these there are fifteen goblinas THE SAME AGE. Latina women are either beautiful or are built like a sack of flour, there is no in between. Plus at any point a beautiful Latina can become the goblina herself

Big Black Chicken?
what the fuck

I threw up a little

It's a cope, who'd want to be a white tranny faggot cuck pussy fag

This is very true. Sadly whites are their own worst enemy. I know more beaners who would be for a Third Reich U.S. than cucked whites. They vote against their own interest and the white guilt brainwashing is strong.

LatinX is gay.

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I wish my nose was directly attached that crack

bet that smells like week old refrieds

I like chestbutts more.

U mad, OP?

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spotted the virgin

>Mutt's law
>La ley del cholo
Gran negra polla, y me cago en la puta por tenerme traduciéndoles esa pendejada de "BBC". Porqué demonios a los gringos les obsesiona tanto el pene de un negro penetrando a una mujer blanca?

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OP is a tranny larper who unironically thinks Zig Forums is rednecks and not a bunch of alienated bros who knew better than to take the tranny pill.

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Mine gained 50 lb from "stress" in like a year. Not thicc, just gut.

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well there are based non white people here but spicolas catboi fuentes isnt one of them. and by based i mean humble and kind hearted followers of national socialism. they are frens

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Whiter than you.

cuz spics are the last bastion of hope in America for the nigger and tranny problem.

It is just flesh. Turn away from this image, brothers.

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big poopa

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Every single time you see a retarded thread, an equally retarded tranny memeflaggot is behind it.

All fields.

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Only in moderation