What should we do to this guy?
What should we do to this guy?
Well first you verify whether or not he was actually a vote counter or if he's just a larping faggot.
look at this faggot
Second, after positively verifying this, promptly report him to the proper authorities. Local, state and federal.
kill him
>tens of thousands
dis nigga can't count
pussy ass leaf
that's more like it
LOL looks like a typical American.
Last name actually Chamber.
Poo on his doorstep
how'd you find that? sauce?
shall all 75 million of us poo on his doorstep?
Okay, so when you 100% for sure do this, OP. Please document with video it so we all have proof.
How about an old fashioned tar and feathering?
Agree. Even if hes joking. You cant allow this behavior
commie sniffer.
Its simple... you make him regret everything.
Yes the same (((authorities))) who have ignored multiple videos and affidavits proving Dem shenanigans in this election. They'll do something this time I'm sure.
story is from nov 8, he already made the it's a joke defense. what's up with ?
Yeah, you're right. Let's do nothing instead.
idk, not my screenshot
There are plenty of optons, but telling teacher ain't gonna work.
He's saying the authorities are comped
Matters need to be taken into our own hands.
Btw you're a leaf. There is no "let's" here. You will be watching from an entire country away. You won't be doing shit either way.
Maybe ask Lori and Jerry?
>I-i-it's just a joke
Same excuse my kids use to make when they knew they fucked up.
Are white dicks really this small
OP do we know each other
Report to authorities, like now. Ignore the other faggots saying to verify it. What do they want you to do, play investigator now and get involved asking obvious questions?
>If you see something, say something
You see a nigger admitting guilt. Report it, let the proper authorities verify it.
My white dick.
is that your dildo faggot?
I suggest trusting Sessions and waiting two weeks
yes, darling, yes we do