What is the worst country in the world?
> t. I nominate the United States for holding fake elections
What is the worst country in the world?
> t. I nominate the United States for holding fake elections
I would say Australia. Nigger tier weather, nigger tier people, and nigger tier culture
It's very unpleasant to say this but:Brazil. Brazilian society combines the worst problems of the first world and the third world.
It looks exciting at least though and unlike America, is not pretending to be the beacon of freedom and democracy
aussies are up there, you are so much worse than us and are chinas bitch and won't do shit about it at least we are attempting to fight back will we be successful don't know yet.
>Holding fake elections
Well there goes 4/5ths the entire planet.
NZ literally has a female PM kek
Well I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
Our elections are still secure, they trialed Dominion a few years ago so who knows for how long but once again that is the fault of the United States for exporting your rubbish
I nominate Argentina for having so many jews
easy for your elections to be secure when you live in an echo chamber
We still discuss political ideas that didn't work 70 years ago as if it were the future. We are ahead of the worst country from today to 2 generations or more if nothing changes.
the funny part is our CIA have made sure that every election worldwide has been fake for decades so joke's on you moron
can back up w arguments
So much for pol being "patriotic".
fuck off leaf
All of them.
I would agree with you straya, but there are even worse reasons why Weimerica should be nominated.
>inb4 any african nation
Low hanging fruit
isnt that more reason your country is a shithole?
Diversity is our strength. Fuck off leaf.
>United States for holding fake elections
Y-yeah, shame on US for that stuff.
JewSA because its completely run by Israel and they ruin it for the rest of the world.
That makes you look worse dickhead
At least other countries like Russia acknowledge it is all bullshit, USA have shown they are huge hypocrites
the vast majority know its bs so they don't bother voting shitstralian.
Argentina yes!
1) Israel
2) China
3 - 54) All African countries
55 - 72) All Middle East countries
73 - 106) All countries south of USA
107 - 113) All India subcontinent countries
Funny Russian. Every Russian guy who came to America made us all look like pussies. Weirdly.
United faggots of shitamerica. Guess what little mutt, this is the answer which would give most of the world's population. Good night.
Patriotism is cringe.
1) Canada
2) Canada
3) China
4) Israel
5) Turkey
You must be one of the based Anglo leafs as opposed to the insufferable French leafs
Civic nationalism leads nowhere.
Any answer that isn't "Canada" is incorrect.
Indeed, I am. Chip chip cherrio!
Our voting is still paper ballot, in fact Australia invented the paper ballot system. You are clearly a salty liberal. Cheaters don’t deserve respect lefty
probably New Zealand. thats a tiny nation which was swamped in about 20 years with pajeets.
Both my sets of grandparents were offered cash to immigrate their families to Canada in the 60's I think it was.
My grandfathers wanted to go but my grandmothers didn't...so they stayed in bongland.
I wonder if they'd taken the offer if fate would have made my mother and father still meet in canada and create my sister and me.
When did your ancestors arrive in canada?