How do third worlders cope?

If you were not born in one of the dark blue countries, your life was doomed from the start. Why haven’t you killed yourself yet?

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I sneed


>not a third world country
Pick one

amerimutt hands wrote this

Why is Greece dark blue?

After elections like that you lost the right to call yourselves first worlders


Idk, user. Must suck to be a useless sack of putrid, worthless, retarded, smelly, gross, low-IQ piece of dogshit.
But I really wouldn't know.

Attached: Anglo-sphere.png (1000x631, 814.82K)

Uncolor california

Attached: 1577128599210.jpg (380x434, 62.64K)

false map
america should be grey.

>worst korea

Every day I am thankful for my life in a shithole, because for all its problems, I know it will never be as soulless or cucked as America. Beyond what you faggots see on the news or Zig Forums, life is actually pretty sweet

America should be grey, your election is third world rate.

true but who's to say they aren't doing the same shit everywhere?
there were 100% participation rates in some districts when macron was elected so clearly there's been some shit here too
not as shameless or on the same scale but we aren't doing too good either

fixed your map m8

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By migrating to (and ultimately destroying) our countries. Where have you been for the past 6 decades?

There was no mail-in bullshit though. At least not that I know.

Just get education in a good paying field and move to a rich country. Getting same salary as natives without any student debt because university was free. Actually paid me a bit for having good grades.
How do you cope with your student loans?

Yeah sure, I'm dying to live in the US surrounded by niggers or better yet, die trampled in a terrorist attack in Europe...

>hating your own team


>Assuming the French sheeples didn't get this faggot elected after Jupé lost and all the media started pandering to him to fuck Fillon.
>Assuming the 20% shitskins in our population didn't vote Macron.
user, I...

The countries you marked are abolishing their culture and traditions in the name of tolerance and apathy

cringe cope

nigger I didn't say he didn't win the 2nd turn (not sure about the 1st)
I said he still obviously cheated
in some parts of Lyon at least
sure but they're going to get so much more emboldened of they can just blatantly fake the US election without repercussions
our next elections are basically already lost

You will find out after Biden turns the USA into a 3rd world nation with his globalist policies. There is ZERO percent chance of America not falling into a catastrophic economic collapse with a Democrat leader.

I was born in one of the blue countries and regret having been born there.
Ever since I left that shithole I'm happy.

>first world


Why is the first world so gay?

Attached: westerners are faggots.png (1278x684, 48.56K)

show flag

They can't help themselves.

I wish I was born in a first world country so my little son can be brainwashed into cutting his dick off and my daughter be raped and beheaded by muslims.

Every collapse is actually caused by republicans. Including the xcovid recession caused by trump's inaction and failure to lead on covid.

>>theyre developed and Western European

Doomed to what exactly? I've been to the US, spent 4 months living and working there. It's not exactly heaven on earth.

Now is fixed

Attached: 1608107890190.jpg (750x340, 42.97K)

Based UK?

We don't have jews

Because Im not a trannie like the op.

Duterte’s wife


Ikr, the hell is wrong with these degenerates