What are the best arguments against evolution?
Other urls found in this thread:
"we're all created equal"
So nothing?
The Devo.
There is none.. anyone talking about creationism to me gets put on my list of people who I considered flatout nuts and mentally unstable.
There's a 100% chance this thread was made by some redditor to make us look
>flatout nuts and mentally unstable.
There are only alternate theories such as alien intervention a la Prometheus.
It sounds like you're pretty open-minded!
we live in a retarded circus led by failed clowns
Who else, besides God, would be able to keep this shit show alive?
Nigger I was just wondering if there were any
Wheres these guys at?
>be grug
>be first anatomically modern human
>tfw have fused chromosome
>tfw gruggette only make small, dead baby-grug, never good moving baby-grug
Blessed trips. Evolution is false. Whites are made in the image of God.
No redditor I know uses such a word of power. Perhaps he is not truly of the land of faggots but one of us.
The best argument against evolution is that you should worship Jews because Rabbi Yeshua, who was his own father, got executed after committing mass violence and therefore you're no longer a bad goy for eating shellfish. And Rabbi Yeshua doesn't want you to acknowledge evolution because then you might start thinking white people are inherently better and more civilized than niggers, who are God's children just like you.
It's mathematically impossible.
The " Missing Link ".
Look it up.
>Only have
the NBA and NFL
third world
>Wheres these guys at?
Creationism is dogmatic and inherently close minded bu contrast. We remain open minded by rejecting it.
Immune theory
virual pathology and epigenetics
Timedoesn't exists
things only appear to change
but its the same thing that happened before
haven't you heard, jesus wasn't jewish, also because he criticized some jews he is anti jewish, never mind him, mary, all the apostles, every author of the bible are jews
Ohh really. Go try and get a paper published in a scientific journal that does not have a conclusion in natural law. Then see how open minded and not dogmatic atheism is.
>Thinks rejecting darwinism means you accept creationism
You know there's secular atheist biologists who reject darwinism too right? But because it's such a cult, they also get ostracized by the science community for going public about it.
people like OP
You wouldn't get it published because that's unverifiable according to scientific methodology. Scientific paradigms have shifted massively over two millenia based on these principles. How is that dogmatic?
Evolution is a naturalistic myth. It is irrational. The supposed causes and effects don't correspond. Natural selection cannot produce anything because it is a process of elimination. And there cannot have been millions of mutations that produced all traits of species because there are only a few traits that are changeable without harm, such as those of color of hair and eyes. And there is nio reason to think that the genetic and outward similarities between species must be a result of common ancestry because there is nothing to prevent different species with many commion traits from being created separately from each other.
Heres one for you? Why do monkeys still exist but the other variants don’t?
There you have it. Dismissed with out even reading it. Look in the mirror, you are the Vatican.
>Why do monkeys still exist but the other variants don’t?
The real question is why do humans too stupid to even understand what a "shared ancestor" is still exist?
Another good point. How do evolutionists explain that one?
modern humans have multiple locations of origins
The other variants are called Diversity
Ok retard
natural selection is originally and still is a creationist idea
animals dont turn into other animals naturally
something in all life creates new life within the same form - by design
niggers thinking they can create Wakanda
>What are the best arguments against evolution?
The way it is set up, there are really none, anything that happens anywhere at any time can be explained as a mutation that will be incorporated if it's best fit to survive. I don't think there are conceivable ways to challenge such broad (and useless) theory.
The chasm between man and the rest of the animals is bigger than the chasm between any other two individual species, but it's still explained out as
>monkey randomly got smarter
>smarter monkey was able to fuck more xD
>repeat xD
Read The Arcane Teachings
In our world? Only that it is a sucky way of improving things.
Which is true. Ironically it is a fluke that we now have the understanding to push out evolution in any direction we want it to.