if Islam isnt the answer whys it so heckin based and valid? You're the reason can't we have channels like this
!!! HE WARNED US !!!
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I'm not going to follow a religion made up by a guy who fucked a 6 year old
Spongebob is an aryan white male that has been domesticated and emasculated, jewed by his boss, wastes his time in an abusive relationship with the friendly equivalent of a nigger... It's perfect honestly
I wonder what could be said about squidward, is he a kike?
Only the early seasons of spongebob were any good
the turned spongebob gay as soon as his creator died
it's always like this
i hate kikes
Was Paul Tibbet the beginning of the end?
i think squidward is a serb
In all the centuries of Western tirades against the prophet pbuh, PRECISELY ZERO MENTION AISHAS AGE UNTIL 1910.
That means you got kiked, faggot. Just like the "taqiyya" meme which traces to a single kikess article after 9/11 (by Judith Miller, the most credited with shilling the Iraq War)
I sincerely feel sorry for you, Inshallah you'll see the truth and mature.
Go fuck more goats, sand kike.
Whenever they changed the writing staff.
Literally all you got is memes. Really undermines your position.
Taqiyya was already preconised for dissimulation in a strategic way against infidels by Ibn Hazm in the 11th century.
Nice Taqiyya faggot.
>frog thinks he owned me
If I say "transubstantiation" most Catholics won't know what it is. Yet its a concept dating from 2000 years ago. If I then meme it in 2001 to prepare to invade France and demonize the French, it is a kike trick that you fell for like a dickhead. Congratulations
Most powerful men in history have fucked 6 year olds. Rome was full of em
It's a concept dating from 2000 years ago yet it has not changed since and is still believed today. Using it to demonize the French would not mean the concept is not real anymore. Taqiyya is real and was a strategy adopted mostly by Shia muslims but also theorized and preconized by Sunii scholars, the fact that it was used by shills to justify the Iraqi war doesn't mean it's not real.
Also why the fuck transubstantation would demonize the French ?
Alhamdulillah based
if sand niggers would stop being religious fanatics, marrying kids, and genital mutilation then maybe i'd look into islam
>was a strategy adopted mostly by Shia muslims
I was waiting for you to have the integrity to mention that fact.
>the fact that it was used by shills to justify the Iraqi war doesn't mean it's not real.
Um it strongly indicates that.
>Muslims are low IQ useless
>Muslims are trained from birth to evaluate every situation in order to best lie "for Islam"
Pick one, asshole
>Also why the fuck transubstantation would demonize the French
It was an example. But its also literal cannibalism (their view), involves drinking alcohol as worship, and is retarded and lame ("a mystery").
>more memes
God knows the first thing I did when I converted was fuck a child and cut her clit. Idk what came over me. From white to Stone Age Afghan villager in minutes.
You're right though no point perpetuating the wire race if they're such cucks that they think "teenagers" are "children" (muh groooooooming)
>Muslims are low IQ useless
I've never said that and I don't think so. History and Muslim Civilization proves that it's not true.
Isn't spongebob supossed to be asexual, thus an eternal queery oldboy? Only faggots and religious zealots think spongebob is gay.
They didnt say he was gay, it for some faggot LGBTQQRBRAAAAP+ twitter post, he was representing asexual
Lack of balance in the West results in degeneracy of the human spirit. Lack of balance in the Middle East locks the human spirit in a cage.
2016 was late as fuck to have that kind of realization
Lmao you think a Saudi religious scholar knows cartoons? What is he, an American adult?
>I wonder what could be said about squidward, is he a
Well that's not so bad. Could be Albanian.
>vague pretentious faggotry in thread
>it's a leaf
Why are you the way that you are
Yeah but it sets you lot off and that shit is funny. With the ululating and the homosexual child rape just like your degenerate faggot prophet (semen be upon him)
Based burger comrade
>homosexual child rape
The Catholic Church has paid over 4 billion dollars in settlements. I dare you do dispute that fact LOL
ah yes, the sandnigger religion invented by a dude who went to starve in cave. had hallucinations about god, so he went out to become a murderous warlord, raped little children and invented a new religion to spread the word of god
Are There Scientific Mistakes in the Quran?