There's no proof of this however what happened to Admiral Byrd when he went over there is pretty strange
Joseph Murphy
rollin fur SS
James Myers
I hope so man
Wyatt Green
James Hall
Y'all ever wonder if Hitler did win WW2, but jew sympathizers many years in the future got ahold of a time machine, came back in time and ensured his defeat? Or am I delusional schizo and should take meds? No but seriously, if operation paperclip wasn't a success for America Hitler's boys would of nuked everything to smitherines, ah yes glorious would be the wasteland. But to add a cherry on top of my theory, the jew sympathizers gave Jerusalem to the kikes to add insult to injury. If only Hitler could of for seen the time traveling timeline jumping jew sympathizers. Smh.
Justin Powell
Well, now we have a sniper fireteam/jaeger gruppe.
Kayden Rogers
i hat egermans
Cameron Stewart
unironically take meds if not baiting
Brody Brown
Zachary Sullivan
Nolan Lopez
1 so i can kill niggers
Owen Mitchell
What did Nazi Germany do wrong?
Jordan Morales
didn't get the job done
Ethan Ortiz
Jace Martinez
Thomas Young
Also how do we play this game..? I'm confused I don't know what I won...