This picture confuses and triggers the Zig Forumstard

This picture confuses and triggers the Zig Forumstard.

Attached: 1584060367022.jpg (613x768, 164.37K)

A jogger with a job is literally heroic

Its a fucking joke that America needs security to ensure their citizens don't go killing kids

I live is South Africa, one of the rape and murder capitals of the world, and we would never even consider this.

What a pedo that black is


that's hecking wholesome and keanu

It doesn't. Nobody ever said there isn't good nigs, because there is. Its just the other 99.99999% that are nation wrecking low iq retards. They also vote dem.

Isn't pedophilia a white catholic thing mainly? This black man saved the kid from vultures

leftoids are so retarded. their views are absolutist and crude, and so they assume that if you hate jews you hate all jews if you hate niggers you must hate all blacks.

>#1 country for human trafficking
Your ignorance is disgusting you streetshitting nigger.

OK pedo

guarantee she's a "single mom"
otherwise her son would've dressed like his dad

>School security
Are those the guys who hide and call the police when there's a shooter?

So you telling me there is a hard working, good nigger in 100 joggers ? Neat


> This picture confuses and triggers the Zig Forumstard.
Built for the BBC. Cope harder.

This is sweet and based

You mfers are pitiable

oh im sorry, we should look up to a country that has a government that performs land grab every other month then huh?

>I live is South Africa, one of the rape and murder capitals of the world, and we would never even consider this.
Maybe you should, this sounds like a good plan.

Every girl out here has had some stinky binder creep on them while they were underage.
Sure, the fags who camouflage themselves in the church get the rope too, but it really isn't as bad.

Security in a primary school?

Melissa Zygowicz is fucking the nigger.

Why would I be confused?

blacks don't paedo

thats some wh*te people shit

Attached: motherly love.jpg (513x584, 106.4K)

Huzzah, a nigger not doing nigger shit! Hip hip, Hooray! Say it with me Anglo! Hip hip, Hooray!

>mom is a nigger lover
>tells him to do politically correct thing for validation on the internet
pretty easy to understand desu

this. if a kid this young is looking for an external father figure, there's no dad in the picture. oh and the mom probably did it for internet points

and it's notable because it's so rare

hee hee shamon

>one of the rape and murder capitals of the world
>and we would never even consider this

Melissa Zogwicz doesn't believe the scene/story is ''adorable''. She is just a condescending )ew.

That’s why you live in the rape and murder capital of the world. Wtf are you retarded?