natural law, aka reality, is the word of god.
kikery is convincing people of believing in lies.
man cannot walk on water and virgins cannot give birth, that goes against natural reality, it is ANTI god.
christ cucks are cucks, house niggers to kikes
read the book The Emperor's New Cloths
you keep commenting on how nice his new cloths are and we keep telling you faggots we are sick of seeing that swinging dick
god is creation, creation has laws, the laws of physics, math, chemistry,
its all the reality of our natural work, and us understanding it is the worship of god, creation, life, REALITY
Nikola Tesla was closer to god then any christian has ever been or ever will be
get fucked you christian retards,
your turn the other cheek passivism, though shalt not kill, "we are all god's children and brothers and sisters in christ'
is UNnatural, and part of WHITE GENOCIDE, sound like kikery? to teach the goy to go against their nature and let the shit skins move in and fuck everything up and replace them without them defending themselves and just watching it happen???
Lions dont put up with Hyenas attacking their PRIDE, they act according o their NATURE and kick the shit out of those Hyenas and kill them to protect THEIR OWN
christianity is unnatural and you fucking christ cucks are RACE TRAITORS, HOUSE NIGGERS to the kikes, cucks, betas
we need to act according to nature, like all other creatures do and BREED AND KILL
are not go extinct, survival, passing on your genes and having the species survive is the natural way
not dying out as we preach peace and love and acceptance of the niggers and kikes who are killing our people off
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