Christcucks vs. LARPagans debate is done

I've come to my conclusion on this retarded d/c shit. You will never have victory if you discard the Christian Right. Period. We have more overarching goals.
If you
>believe that white civilization is under attack
>the liberal system cannot defend it
then you are on our side. I don't care about any of your other beliefs. If we do not stand on these 2 simple principles, our race is FINISHED.
All things not related to the securing of these two core principles are irrelevant. These d/c threads need to be called out for what they are: kike bullshit. Anyone who hijacks this thread to make it about anything other than ending this d/c and working together is a kike nigger faggot whose mother will die in her sleep tonight.

That is all.
Heil Hitler!

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Christians are pagans retard

Think of your mother user.

Good idea, I'll think of his mother too.

Although there's no need for a racially aware Christian or pagan to fight against each other, we should find the most effective method for increasing racial awareness.

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best of both world and super based and redpilled, dont know why people here are ignorant of it desu.

American Christians maybe.


Bumping, based thread.

Agreed. May God bless both Christians and Pagans in their fight against evil.

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Looks like the art of Johan egerkrans. Am I right?

Nah Pagans were Christians before Christianity

>Paganism Vs Christianity

It's a false dichotomy, they are the same, the latter incorporates the former. It's like the Sega Mega drive /Genesis and the Sega Mega/Genesis CD. It's a bolt on.

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It’s not true. Ideological purity is the only way. Christianity is a competing ideology. Simple as

user I’m sorry. But there’s a reason that effective regimes police religious communities.

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I don't know but it gives me a feeling of nostaglia and some mixture of divine mysticism. Can't really describe it. I really enjoy the esoteric nationalist artwork on here though. When I try to describe this feeling with rationality the beauty and divinity of it goes away.

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This is true. But the Strasserists and the Hitlerists worked in tandem until Hitler had control. The reality as I've said is that we will have to work on this 2 set generalized platform or risk destruction. Ours is an infant in the crib. He cannot do anything until he is grown and strong.

I've been active in my community for a while. If you start using anti-Christian rhetoric they will close their ears and sooner kill themselves than assist in their own salvation of their own race. It is a foolish tactic that even Hitler did not use.

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The most important thing is racial awareness. No need to attack Christians who are racially aware.

natural law, aka reality, is the word of god.

kikery is convincing people of believing in lies.

man cannot walk on water and virgins cannot give birth, that goes against natural reality, it is ANTI god.

christ cucks are cucks, house niggers to kikes

read the book The Emperor's New Cloths
you keep commenting on how nice his new cloths are and we keep telling you faggots we are sick of seeing that swinging dick

god is creation, creation has laws, the laws of physics, math, chemistry,
its all the reality of our natural work, and us understanding it is the worship of god, creation, life, REALITY

Nikola Tesla was closer to god then any christian has ever been or ever will be

get fucked you christian retards,
your turn the other cheek passivism, though shalt not kill, "we are all god's children and brothers and sisters in christ'

is UNnatural, and part of WHITE GENOCIDE, sound like kikery? to teach the goy to go against their nature and let the shit skins move in and fuck everything up and replace them without them defending themselves and just watching it happen???

Lions dont put up with Hyenas attacking their PRIDE, they act according o their NATURE and kick the shit out of those Hyenas and kill them to protect THEIR OWN

christianity is unnatural and you fucking christ cucks are RACE TRAITORS, HOUSE NIGGERS to the kikes, cucks, betas

we need to act according to nature, like all other creatures do and BREED AND KILL
are not go extinct, survival, passing on your genes and having the species survive is the natural way
not dying out as we preach peace and love and acceptance of the niggers and kikes who are killing our people off

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That’s compromise and half-heartedness. It’s destined to fail. Purify the people’s thoughts, unify the national spirit. Just let it go. Christianity is an ideology. Christianity doesn’t even let you go to other ideologies ‘man cannot serve two masters, he will love one and hate the other...’

Your conclusion is meaningless and you're still in a false dichotomy of Paganism v. Western Christianity, both of which are evil.

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"In a world of fools, surely, stupidity must work."
- Anonymous

Only a fool makes an enemy when he could have made a friend. We will not win if we have to fight more than one opponent. We are fighting against the anti-whites. Period.

Based, embrace Cthulhu worship instead.

We need a revolution. We can’t go back to the christian past. I’m terribly sorry user. But God is dead.

And we aren’t making new enemies. They were our enemies all along.

>not dying out as we preach peace and love and acceptance of the niggers and kikes who are killing our people off
Clearly as I've laid out in my OP, those people would NOT be a part of our movement. There are 2 qualifications to be in. I don't care what you are if you fit those 2. You must read your audience. Most whites are Christian. Why the fuck would we attack that when we have a much bigger threat? You are fucking retarded with no power and trying to do something that will not help us. You can only fight one war. It isn't ideal, but that is the situation. Religion or Race? Your call.

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>You will never have victory if you discard the Christian Right.
You will never be jew free if you discard the christian right

friendly reminder about some facts:

Fact the first: If you are a christian today because you don't like globohomo and it's faggotry, then you would have remained a heathen when the conversions happened because both globohomo and christianity are jew products that work the exact same way, with Christianity merely having better optics.

Inquisitors that persecute you for heretical thoughts back then -> golemized justice system of today that persecute you for antisemitism and hate speech

Crusaders from back then who died for jerusalem -> zogbots of today who die for israel

People of the recent past who say Christianity gave us progress and civilization -> faggots and co who say the same thing about today, better living standards, medicine, etc, all under globohomo.

The difference, again, Christianity had better optics, but both are jew garbage and you would have remained a heathen back then, something you should go back to.

Fact the second:
If you are a Christian, then you are a heretic failure to all the other denominations, and your daily bread is that of vile lies and deceit, both fed to you, and given to your other Christians, because all of you need to work in the framework that was designed to keep you fighting.

Did heathens fight? Yes, absolutely.
But Christianity did not give us peace and unity as it claims, and no heathen religion, unlike Christianity, ever claimed to be the end all ultimate truth.

It's time to leave this jewish horseshit behind and all the vile lies told about your true ancestry.

You are not a part of a jew tribe, you are not judged by a jew god, you were always free, just like antisemitism has no drawbacks or downsides, aside from the learned and lied about idea that it has.

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This. Just like Catholics are Jihadists.

>You will never be jew free if you DO NOT discard the christian right
Gotta watch how I serve my pasta.

Again, Christianity = Globohomo 1.0.

Christianity fights the devil, not the anti-whites.

You still don't seem to be getting it. I am putting an end to this nonsense. We are only focused on 1 thing. Securing political organization.
>They were our enemies all along.
No. They aren't. They might be stupid, but they are just following their upbringing. They hate fags, they hate anti-whties, they hate jews usually. I don't see what the problem is.

It’s just Christianity, it is just the simple truth. I prefer Christian identity though

I am not a Christian. I understand your issue with them. But we have limited time and resources that I will not spend fighting them. Most Christians just want family values and are conservative. I don't see how they are so different that we would declare war on them and lose our only chance at victory against the anti-whites. It is a silly move. You don't control the battlefield. You have to make the best move with what you have.

> LARP'ing as a redpilled pagan.
> Whilst sourcing Wikipedia.
Be more subtle, Shaim.

Christianity teaches that Jews are the synogogue of Satan. These people worshipping kikes formed a new religion. It’s called worshipping the beast. This is literally what revelations was talking about.

And yet Europe was homogenous up until Christianity was removed.

The problem is that Christianity is a religion. It’s spiritual, supernatural, ethical, moral- it occupies the space that a new ethnocentric state should occupy instead. It’s a competitor for the hearts and minds of our people.

He's making the argument that as long as Christianitty exists in the West, Jews will always have at the very least a back doors type access into our society by the mere fact the religion stems from thiers. So even if they were to make friends with the Christian Right wing against Globohomo, their mere existence would allow the same problems to come back eventually.

You have to know you audience. Most whites are christian. Sorry. That's what we have to work with. You can whine and bitch about it all you want. This is the reality.

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