Just made this OC, how the FUCK can you explain this shit?
2008 vs 2020
The STATE of this map
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I'm curious.
The first thing the founding father feared about cities went from 1-100% in a few short generations.
And most in the cities are niggers.
2008 was a huge blue wave. Obama won by like ten million votes nationally. Bush's job approval rating was like 20%, no Democrat was going to lose that year.
Very meta joke
4 years of a orange retard.
And then Obama proved to be what JFK was if he didn't gey headshotted. A young shit-for-brains who basically took every buzz-word and ran with it. I lost it when he got the Nobel peace prize after approving drone strikes near/ON civilian targets in Syria.
Biden got more votes than Obama.
Yeah but bidenbros claim they out performed even Obama yet look at the fucking state of the country results
But shush, no fraud happened.
population density in the cities dude, if 1 man is the only citizen in his county, his county voted 100% trump.
So between 2008 and now the population of the blue cities in this states have quadrupled nigga?
Yes he cheated
No you drumpflets can't change anything
Give it up
Trump also got more votes than Obama ever did.
It's almost like this election's mail-in ballots made it an anomaly.
Your poll doesn't to show results. There was obviously fraud, I don't know if the system too corrupt for it to be beat, and I think there's a possibility every election is a pre determined psyop since every election so suspiciously close.
No he didn't, it was just fraud. Probably got like 60 million votes or something and stole/stuffed the rest.
>Yes he cheated
>No you drumpflets can't change anything
>Give it up
NI HAO pirate flag chink, nice to see you started your shift for the day
Yes, yes they did.
Or rather..
*looks at dead people, people who don't exist, fresh printer ink, dominion websites*
No, no no fraud at all.
and trump got 6 million more votes than obama, 128 million people voted in 2008 and 155 million people voted in 2020, you guys are so retarded
get a life loser
Yeah, which is why Blumpf bagged shitloads more counties an consolidated his base in already red counties which you see on them map you disgusting steppe-chink magyar gypsy. How do you explain Biden having record low county wins combined with the biggest vote number of all time? The ONLY cope is to say cities flipped more blue, but nigga the population of the cities haven't quadrupled in 12 years.
land doesn't vote, retarded coping faggot
1) the suburban areas are trending towards red as (white) people flee the cities.
2) dems strategically harvested all the ballots from the inner city areas where they knew their base lives; leading to the sudden surge of voters from those areas we see this election.
they might have fucked with the tabulators, but in reality there is no reason to do so if you can just guarantee 100,000 extra votes in a blue county while the state is usually decided by 10-20,000.
The average salary in your shithole is what I spend each week on 2D camgirls. Fuck off magchink
cool argument coping retard
The population of those counties also got up proxyfag
Nice cope poorfag, clean toilet
We had a nigger president.
and less than 70% of eligible voters voted this year, literally irrelevant
nice cope trumptard, cry more
You argue like a 9-year-old. Fuck that, I have a little nephew, who is 9-years old, who argues better than you.
Yo will you get ya boi under control
umm sweaty, they have filters on the strawpoll website that stop "election fraud" polls from working
so this will never show any results FYI
oh okay I'll argue like the brit here
shitskin midget monkey fuck you I fuck your prostitute bitches
better now?
hahahah seeeeething. Mummy didnt put enough paprika in your goulash this morning steppe-chink?
yo will you stop coping? you lost, you're retarded, you can look a the poopoocounties in bumfuck nowhere all day it won't change a thing
FYI speaking of old election maps
I’m sorry but fidesz and momentumbots can’t be controlled.
>entire thread is one shitty flawed flimy argument
>get btfo
>resorts to ad hominems
typical of a pathetic trumptard loser
What specifically, do you think?
Taxpayers don't vote, niggers do.
>no fraud
would you say the same if Fidesz would lost most counties but would won the election by winning big in the capital?
Biden interestingly only won in swing states, he either lost the others or in cases like California he got less votes than Hillary in 2016...
ezzel az erővel téged is sztyeppecigány csóró gecinek nevez, ennyit a nemzetközi hazafiasságról mi
I thought Fideszfags were pro-Drumpf?
Fidesz yes momentum no
Mate, its like nigger vs black man. There is steppe-chink and Hungarian.
>made it into a dozen or more anomalies, every single one of which skewed Biden
FTFY you smug commie cocksucker
the capital has a liberal mayor wtf are you talking about, all the big cities lean more towards the left than fidesz, fidesz only wins in bumfuck nowhere gypsy shitholes
wow it's almost like more people vote in swing states, and the races are closer, because they are swing rates, and democrats in california didn't bother to vote because they won by 6 million extra votes this year too, or get this maybe californian democrats moved out of california to swing states in the 4 years
that sounds like a reasonable explanation why democrat votes decreased in california and increased everywhere else doesn't it?
so if you happen to agree with someone then they're okay if not then you instantly insult their nationality, very consistent, fucking retard
Question - why does an incel in central europe shill so hard for a crackpedo neocon chink asset?
Why didn’t this participation surge turn up more evenly distributed? Some precincts saw no bump in participation while others posted rates of 150% voter participation and more
Biden is overflowing with charisma. His speeches are powerful, commanding, heartfelt, and genuine. His vision for America is one of unity, progress, and love. You can't help but gravitate towards his sincerity and charm. A few weeks ago, folks and I started to honk for Joe. Let me tell you, the honking hasn't stopped ever since.
Its just banter I like Magyars m8, you are super aggro though so needed some chink-steppe bants to try to calm you the fuck down but it didn't work
question - why does a britbong fish thief shill so hard for a retarded zogpuppet diaper baby with an orange tinge?
Cause the chink asset is anti-Brexit so fuck that mick cunt
why would participation surge up in stronghold states where it doesn't matter instead of swing states where it does matter? maybe if you were thinking logically more things would make sense, but instead you start out with the conclusion that they cheated and try to force everything into justifying it
haha yeah crook teeth nigger subhuman part and parcel bbc slurping anglo kike faggot, just bants :)
You're forgetting that chinks are incentivized to go out their own overbloated country. Or ya know, VPN?
What you can tell is their arguements, it's like they take it from a spreadsheet if some sorts.
>>all the signs of election fraud in the US
>there are convoluted answers so it didn't happen
again, your side "won" so you don't even want to look into it, because you fear, that an investigation will find enough fraud to overturn it
I hope Fidesz gets another 2/3 next time.
fucking brexit was 4 years ago, finish it already or shut the fuck about it
hahahaha fucking hell you have so much fucking anger in you lad
>land doesn’t vote
Been seeing this line pop up all over the last couple days. Not a great argument. And you’re not being asked to explain the record low counties. That’s easy: nobody wanted Biden. Very unpopular candidate. The task at hand is to explain the record low counties he won as well as the insane surges in popularity he enjoyed in places he did win. In context of each other. What made Biden so unappealing across a geographically diverse swath of the country? What strategy did Biden use to whip supporters into what seems to be an almost religious fervor in those places he did win?
And go ahead. Waiting on that debunk
God was this the one where his eye blew a fuse and squirted out? How the hell did HE get the Dem party backing again?