
>An illiterate orphan, poor, shepard
>Unified the whole Arabia & created one of the greatest empires on this planet
>Wrote the Quran (a flawless arabic literature masterpiece )
>Wasn't a pussy , conquered every single one of his enemies
>Was an excellent general, Never lost a single Battle despite being heavily outnumbered everytime
>Fought The romans & won
>Conquered the jews
>Was an excellent political leader, most of the laws he created are relevant still to this day
>Created the religion islam, even after 1400 years , has 1.8 billion people following him
Literally the most influential figure in human history,You may not like islam, but you gotta give This man some credit

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Alhamdulillah based

Dont forget the part when he married a child

Mohammed hijacked the Christian faith and the Christian god. Turning the Abrahamic God of life and let live, and replacing it with a god of submission

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>He was a human after all
> Also that doesn't erase the things he achieved

Aaaaaand not the one in the pic.
You seem pretty retard bangal bro

claiming to be the word of god is a risky but powerful bet. He used that in a masterful way. He conquered. That's respectable.
But now he's dead
you gotta be pretty stupid to believe the Qran today

Muhammad confirmed the Torah, Muhammad had a red beard. Muhammad was a ginger jew who needed a force to destroy Persia.

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>fought the romans & won
he came after their fall
>most influential figure in history
Jesus clearly is retard. 1 Billion Catholics, 1 billion Protestants AND 1.8 billion stinky muslims

Nah Alexander crushed Persia u stupid nigger

Incorrect. The Western Roman Empire fell, since Constantine this was the junior partner of the two Roman Empires. The Eastern Roman Empire lasted until the 15th century.

what did jesus achieve in his lifetime?
What did muhammad achieve in his lifetime?
>Compare the answers

pedantic british faggot

What do arab Muslims think of non arab Muslims? I mean the religion is pretty arabic-centered dont deny it

He didn't unify "arabia" and he didn't write the koran. He was also a pussywhipped beta who married a rich older hag and then went into a cave to have delusions after his father died.

Mohammed is a prophet. The heresy of Islam is that Jesus is a prophet too. However the truth is that Jesus is the human manifestation of Allah. Do you really think Allah who is Jehovah would lack a human manifestation? Jesus is Allah, as all Muslims discover after death.

Mohammed never lost a battle... according to Islamic sources. Mohammed existed... according to Islamic sources. I suppose he literally split the moon in half because that’s what Islamic sources say.

I am not even convinced the man existed.

No muslim would ever post a picture of the prophet (sws). I don't know why you have to post fake posts like that.

If you want to know more about Islam, watch the deen show on Youtube.

stupid monkey nigger he didn't claim to be muslim go back to reading in your fake hebrew language nigger

I'm atheist

>Conquered the jews
Kek, WE conquered the Muslims. Islam is just Judaism for Arabs/shitskins

more based?

Generally no one really gives a shit. If you ask anyone they will tell you: They're Ok I guess.

But for me, their scholars learning Arabic is a must. Understanding Arabic is essential for understanding the religion, so if you don't know Arabic, you will only listen to who does.

Right now Non-Arab muslims are doing a really good job, the Endonosians and Malaysians have good countries, the Pakis and Bangals still have good conservative values, although I think they're also being pushed to liberalism because of the media. Western converts value Islam more than most Arabs because they know what it's like without it. Although I don't trust their scholars that much.
But the best Muslims for me are always gonna be the ones in Gaza.


I can't wait to murder your brethren

>Was an excellent general
No. He had excellent generals. One that literally never lost a fight despite having over 50 or 100 battles i think.
>Most of the laws he created are relevant still to this day
Relevant where? Saudi arabia? Iran? His laws are shit. You cant name single proper law of his except shit like "if someone hurts someone else he must be punished lawfully"

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Western converts? All five of them?

Seethe harder faggot

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>shilled a religion where the chosen people was not his own
Another retard.
Not to mention a pedophile.

>What do arab Muslims think of non arab Muslims? I mean the religion is pretty arabic-centered dont deny it
I'm a White Muslim from the former USSR(slavic) my parents came during the 80s. Most of the Arabs/Pakis call me a infidel IRL and on the internet websites when I ask questions about Islam.

I went to a Arabic Mosque for Friday prayers and everybody started at us look we don't belong. Never felt so umcortable in my life. I feel bad for other Albanians, Chechens and Bosnains who don't have their mosques and have to share with Arabs or Pakis.

Yeah I know, it's hard to give up jew-worshipping when you live in muttland.
But some people actually tell themselves: "hmmm, maybe I should stop consuming the kike media that's being spoonfed to me".
The fact that these people barely exist explains why you're country is going to shit.

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Pretty fucking sure that's Ali in your pic bud.

"Crush" is not "Destroy".

Islam destroyed Aryans where ever it moves.
Islam is just another form of White Genocide.

Based Bangladesh. Out here in full force with the memery

Divine intervention.

Most Mutts mix America Liberalism with Islam. That's why there are tons of Muslims (linda sarour, Ilhan Omar, Rasida Talbib etc) promoting non-Islam values.


cry about it.

Why do they call you infidel?

>Mo wrote the Quran


>dont forget he told his adopted son's wife to divorce her husband so he can fuck her phuddi
>was a betacuck, needed allah to told muslim to not marry and fuck his widows, leave his house as soon they finished their meal
>was a fragile faggot cannot take an insult
>was killed by a jewish woman.

Allhamdullilah he died like a jahilliyah that he is one

>couldn't handle the bantz, had all the poets killed
>pretended to be a pacifist when he had no power
>turned into a bloodthirsty conqueror ruling by fear the moment he got hypocrites on his side
>stood there and took it when Khalid ate something he hated eating in front of him
>had his wives fully clothed at Umar's insistence
>no one knows whether it was Petra or Mecca that birthed Islam but evidence points Petra whereas practice indicates Mecca
>got stomped at Uhud because he couldn't discipline his own men
>most backwards, infighting, split upon religion on earth that is just a Talmud for retards