Why Indians and Blacks CAN'T SWIM?

Here EVERYONE can ride a bike and swim from the age of 6.


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No swinning pools in India.
And you don't want to go into any kind of water in India.
Niggs dont have fathers that could teach them.

i heard that also 80% of blacks in jamaica dont know how to swim eventhough they live by the sea. They seem to be scared of water?

Poor people in India can swim because they live by the rivers and waters.
Rich people in India and those who emigrate are usually sheltered as hell

This French guy is a world champion you idiot

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They've got less buoyancy because of bone mass or something...

get out of my country you POS

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holy shit, LMFAO

shit is that true?

so they swim in dirty lakes full of shit?

This needs to happen more often, except with high velocity lead, in Minecraft.

This article says fat distribution, although it's the smallest sample size ever:


But yeah, the media will report all day on black athletes being better sprinters and what not, but neglect to mention this. Also /r/ing the webm of pic related.

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Ah, yes. That was a funny one. Good times.

Here's the liveleak of it, anyway:


seriously what the fuck

I could swim before I was 2.


He's not French you retarded kike

What I can't understand is why you'd even bother paddling or wading in water when you know you can't swim! Or why you wouldn't learn to swim...

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boggles my mind when i hear adults saying they cant swim WTF!?


read this, she gets in the pool without vest or knowing how to swim

i can't swim

but there is no way i could die in the OP pic. I could doggie paddle

>i can't swim
are you black?

You have to go back, and never come back.

Eh.. I get it that India is filthy, but it is far too exaggerated on the internet. It's not a small country, majority of the filthyness is from the Gangetic delta in UP where there is a lot of industries set up in the cities along Ganges which makes it look like Victorian England.

South Indian rivers are cleaner in comparison, most of India is just rural towns and small villages anyway. Urban population is 28-29%.

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t. another non-swimmer

It's so strange. I've been a good swimmer for as long as I can remember. Since the first time I ever entered a pool it just seemed instinctive. There is nothing to it, you just fucking tred water to stay up no matter how deep and to move you fucking paddle. I could literally tred water for probably an hour straight before I got too tired to continue and I could paddle for at least 300 meters. It just seems like a natural form of movement. It's especially weird because I'm actually very afraid of going into any water that isn't a pool. I'm deathly afraid of the ocean and lakes and rivers. I will swim in the ocean but it gives me anxiety. I'm not sure why considering I am pretty adept at swimming but it just makes me feel very afraid. Deep water is just scary.

the majority of black children are severely neglected, thats why they cant read when they enter kindergarten, and don't know the alphabet


i have trouble with the first step which is ""floating""

I'm also tall and lanky

So therefore all blacks are world champion swimmers?

He's just asking why a lot of blacks/Indians don't know how to swim.

I dunno, honestly, maybe it has some correlation with math???

So you can relax

don't destroy our fantasies pal

what are those disk boats?

blacks have denser bones so don't float

Why didn't they just stand up in the pool?

Idk but it's hilarious.

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i'm bad at math too

Oh this.

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welcome to the water-human-theory
we whites come from the sea.


>Aquatic Ape Theory or Semi-Aquatic Human Ancestor Theory?
>What is it? Controversy Surrounding A Name
>The ‘Aquatic Ape Theory’ (AAT) aka ‘Aquatic Ape Hypothesis’ (AAH) has given rise to a great deal of controversy in recent decades, and not only among opponents of the theory. Perhaps it's because the name implies that an early ape-like human ancestor entered the sea millions of years ago, and then walked out of the sea as Homo sapiens millions of years later. This has encouraged opponents of the theory to regard it as a form of 'pseudo-science' and to dismiss the arguments of how water may have played a morphological role in the evolution of the human ancestor, without ever really considering the evidence.

>But the majority of AAT advocates today no longer believe that the truth is quite so simplistic. For this reason, most supporters tend to prefer terms such as ‘Waterside Hypotheses of Human Evolution’ (WHHE) or ‘Waterside Hominid Theory' (WHAT) or 'Littoral / Coastal Dispersal Model', in order to move away from the false and often deliberately distorted nonsense arguments that our ancestors were some kind of “mermaid”. The modern arguments in favour of the Aquatic Ape Theory - or however you choose to call it - do not focus on an ape ancestor millions of years ago. Instead they tend to examine the ways in which water has had a profound influence on the evolution of Homo (and Homo ancestors), in various ways over the course of time, and continues to do so, even today.

>Why Indians and Blacks CAN'T SWIM?
purely socioeconomic reasons that have nothing to do with genes

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More subhuman deficiencies

thats BS, bro. Most olympic swimmers are very tall and lanky.

I mean no. I'm horrendously bad at math but I'm a good swimmer. I don't know why I'm so bad at math because I'm not necessarily stupid or anything but math is just my weakest point academically. My brain just cannot comprehend higher level math.

You can't float so therefore you can't swim? That doesn't seem very logical, hahaha.

And how the fuck do you drown in SIX feet of water?? Holy fuck

I'm waiting for the rest of the story to drop, about how they were all holding eighty pounds of cement.

Lower bouyancy.

Also they come from Africa where the water is full of worms, leeches, crocodiles and deadly diseases. Maybe Nature implanted a sense of dread for swimming.

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Chimps are really bad swimmers because they have less fat and more muscle mass.

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Racial differences in general bone density and lean muscle mass / body fat.

>i have trouble with the first step which is ""floating""
you mean you can't float when still? like in a bed?
i don't know how to that and have no problems swimming

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Oh look, one token nigger.

Higher bone density and center of mass is a few inches higher in their chest compared to asians and whites. Takes more effort to create bouyant force and more difficult for them to lie horizontal. also NIIIIIIGERSSSSSS.

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This makes sense to me because I do not believe that we share a relatively recent common ancestor with Africans. They are literally a different species of hominid. Before anyone brings up breeding, that is irrelevant and you are brainwashed to believe that only close genetic relatives can breed. That isn't true. I don't believe that we're so different that niggers and humans (whites) can't breed but we are different enough that we are just a different being. It cannot be possible that such an animalistic and low functioning hominid is the same species as Alexander the great, Caesar, Cicero, Da Vinci and the rest of the greatest thinkers of human history (white).

yep. true.

Also the Navy has to teach basic swimming to new recruits now because a lot of people from the inner city have no access to public pools and / or their schools don't have the budget for a swimming pool. It's not so much a stereotype as an effect of poverty - which disproportionately affects black people.

Aside from that, I've heard swimming is not a very popular hobby with black women because it has bad effects on their hair and wearing a shower cap is unattractive. Said person I heard this from was a black woman who invented a wig / showercap combination for this exact purpose

So whites are horses, and blacks are donkeys???

Sounds about right...

This is why lifeguards have a job... the absolute state.