So are there any options how you don't need to let yourself be vaccinated and still be "free" or do you need to get it in order to travel freely etc? What are some "loopholes" one can use if he doesn't want to get vaccinated against the flu but still enjoyes his realtive "freedom"?
Covid vaccine?
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Bribe a doctor and get the fuck out of this God forsaken country.
Way to completely miss the point that maybe a vaccine to a deadly virus is there to stop it killing you or giving you lifelong disabilities. OP's comic speaks volumes of how stupid Zig Forums is.
Here is my current reasoning for why I won't take the vaccine. I've convinced my family and most of my friends to not take it as well.
1. These mRNA vaccines are a completely new form of vaccine, the first using this immunization principle that's being made available to the public. There is no vaccine based on this principle that is already approved anywhere in the world. It is not reasonable to take reference data and compare with existing approval for a novel medical principle.
2. These new vaccines have undergone much less testing than what is usual for vaccines. Usually it takes upwards to five years, starting with animal testing, then going through several clinical phases. This has been reduced down to a few months for this one. In the traditional vaccine testing, adverse reactions are recorded both soon after the vaccine is taken, as well as at least a year later in the control groups. This yearly follow-up is in the WHO guidelines for clinical evaluation of vaccines. Pfizer expects their study to be complete in 2023, three years after mass vaccination began. In my opinion, for a new medical principle, there should be more testing, not less.
3. In the UK where mass-vaccination now has begun, producers of Covid vaccines have been granted a legal indemnity protecting them from liability and from being sued over any problems with the vaccine. Such legislation already exists in the US for vaccines in general. Producers of these experimental Covid-19 vaccines are requiring such legislation be in place before they sell their vaccines to a country. This is unacceptable.
I'm not about to subject myself to not properly tested, experimental medicine to prevent a disease that's not particularly dangerous.
Nice quads but this shit is pretty much everywhere.
If the virus were actually dangerous or if the vaccine actually protected you, then the elites would be scrambling to get it, but they're not. Pay attention to what they do, not what they say.
And if you want to take an experimental mRNA vaccine for a virus with a 99.5% survival rate, go right ahead.
I doubt the worst case scenarios that are being portrayed in the media of travel controls and not being able to enter stores and shit without the vaccine will ever happen. I think it's scaremongering to mildly coerce as many normalfags as possible to take the vaccine, but it would be too impractical to implement in reality and too much pushback. They're just going to do what they always do, get as many injected as they can and then pretend everyone took it.
But if it actually happens, you obviously need to find a sympathetic doctor who will forge a certificate for you. This shouldn't be hard, just connect with some anti-vax groups, they are usually full of doctors.
I'm actually not a Pole, I'm from the Baltics, just living here until the summer of 2021.
Thank you user. Great post.
>And if you want to take an experimental mRNA vaccine for a virus with a 99.5% survival rate, go right ahead.
Also, remember that the projected 99.5% survival rate doesn't explain the whole picture. The vast majority of the people who die from gorona is 70+. The average age is 80, with at least two comorbidities. That is older than the average life expectancy of any western country, and less healthy than average. As you can see from the current estimates from the CDC (which are high estimates compared to other health authorities) the chance of dying of gorona if you're under 50 is 1 in 50.000. If you're under 20 you pretty much have a greater chance of winning the big lottery than dying of gorona. Nothing to worry about unless you're 80 years old and morbidly obese.
>Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate (per 1000)
>0-19 years: 0.00003
>20-49 years: 0.0002
>50-69 years: 0.005
>70+ years: 0.054
Based Nordbro! Love it when you pop into these threads.
How's your statistical analysis of deaths going?
>lifelong disabilities
There has been much rumors and gossip about "lifelong disabilities" from Covid, and I've been consistently asking the people making these claims for sources here for months now. So far I've gotten very little of substance. These rumors seem to mostly come from media clickbait articles, that exaggerate the findings in studies. The studies I've been provided have all been low sample size, no double blinds, no reproducibility and with very vague and ambiguous conclusions. Basically reddit-tier science. Also, the hysterics over in the /cvg/ are often guilty of this behavior.
Perhaps Covid-19 will turn out to have slightly higher incidences of things like lung scarring (all pulmonary disease causes lung scarring, no one was terrified of pneumonia before this media hype because of that.) The question is of course how much and how well people recover from it (yes, people recover from lung damage.) It's doubtful we'll see any proper long-term studies of any merit until... well... it has been long-term.
For now keep asking people making these claims for sources and be sure to check them out meticulously. When you see studies with maybe a couple of dozen patients out of China, then I think it's pretty safe to disregard it.
>The average age of coronavirus death in the uk is 82
>life expectancy in the uk is 81
Oh, it's trudging along. Of course, here in the Scandinavian countries we can barely see any effects of gorona at all. I think Sweden is the most interesting country, with it's no lockdown or mask policies. They are going to end up completely within the 20 year average for deaths at the end of the year. It's harder to track statistics in the US, because they don't have a proper centralized statistical authority, but I'm trying the best I can. From what I can see, there are several years in the recent past they have had greater excess mortalities than this one too.
I'm going to publish my findings here when the end of year statistics start coming in, probably won't be until January or February.
Seems I have been using slightly older numbers for life expectancy, thanks for pointing this out, I'll adjust my pastas. The point still stands I think. When the average fatality from a disease is older than the life expectancy, then I think it's not really reasonable to be this hysterical about it.
But then again, we've seen a lot of unreasonable behavior this year, haven't we?
Thank you for all of your work based Norwaybro!
It’s fine. Just when forced to take one, take whichever they will take in Israel.
Last I heard they're buying the Russian one, no idea if that's accurate. Still, personally I don't think anyone should take vaccines against such a harmless disease at all. None of them have been tested properly when considered through the old standards of vaccine testing, and in my opinion even those standards were way too lax.
>These rumors seem to mostly come from media clickbait articles, that exaggerate the findings in studies.
This. I've only seen clickbait blogs sourcing what are 95% certain to be ccp psyops. And yet these supposed 'long term effects' are the go-to excuse after debunking every other threat posed by this virus.
Similar to the 'you can get the virus more than once' meme, or 'immunity only lasts a few months' meme... Both of which seem to stem from the existence of two dozen documented cases where certain individuals with compromised immune systems contracted slightly different strains of the virus. In each case they were asymptomatic and survived. Given that it's 20-something cases out of 70 million known covid cases so far, seems like pretty good odds that it's not a problem... And yet even the chief science advisor for the UK government is happy to repeat these memes in press conferences. SAGE is literally worse than useless.
When I point out that the UK had something like 50,000 excess deaths from flu in 2017/18, the pro-lockdown cunts just say "well we should have locked down then too". You cannot reason with these people.
I just won't get it, period. Fuck the government, fuck the politicians, fuck the corporations. I don't wear a mask, my town doesn't wear masks, my friends are not wearing masks, my family are not wearing masks. I've yet to know a single person that got it. There was one incident where my uncle "had it". Asked the doctor to test him again turns out he didn't. (This is giving you a hint that the tests are not at all accurate.) My little brother had the flu, it's been going around like every year. Yet not one case of this virus.
>You cannot reason with these people.
Yes, it's a pretty sad state. But the eternal redditor has always been a very unreasonable creature, religious in his faith in perceived authority. It's always been ironic to me how the so called "skeptics" are some of the least skeptical people out there, as long as whatever meme-science they consoom has been rubberstamped by some government office. A sad state of affairs.
But never forget that there are extremely many reasonable people left in the west as well, people who actually adopted the Enlightenment. I find that almost half the normalfags I speak to are able to absorb reason if you explain things to them. They might not dare front truth themselves, not wanting to stick their necks out, but every bit helps I think. The decisions people make in private are important too.
>This is giving you a hint that the tests are not at all accurate.
Seems almost random, actually. Which is another huge problem with this pandemic and all the numbers that are being thrown around. Look at things like excess mortality and hospital admissions, real numbers. Be wary of the statistics the media and government health authorities use these days, they are often very biased. Look at the raw data.
The single case in which a disease is more dangerous than the vaccine preventing it is that of the hepatitis B vaccine in babies born to HepB+ mothers.
Bumping with tiktok nurses.
Should also throw in that the literal cure, ivermectin, has been found.
In Illinois we get shutdown based on positivity rates. I’ve had to explain to most relatives and friends what that means and why it’s a irrelevant statistic.
Even people with average intelligence hear the numbers and repeat them without actually understanding what the numbers mean. Media has done a great job of putting the fear into normies.
You know what's the funniest part? The funnies part is that the "vaccine" doesn't prevent you from spreading the chinese flu. Just because your immune system might be a bit stronger at fighting it(assuming that's what it does) doesn't mean you can't have the virus in your mouth or on your skin and you're not spreading it. It just means you're less likely to have symptoms of any kind.
The exctinction of smallpox says hi.
Okay, they weren't really at the beginning of 2020, BUT THEY ARE TOTALLY NOW!
Yes, I've been worried about this development for some time now. It's quite possible we're on the precipice of a new dark age if this cultural progression is allowed to continue. The academies and universities have severely dropped the ball of properly educating the extreme normalfag-influx that happened with the post-WW2 academic reforms.
>The single case in which a disease is more dangerous than the vaccine preventing
never heard of smallpox or polio I guess, since they've been, oh, right, eradicated from the world using vaccines.
>Disregard anything that says vaccines work
>Believes shizoid anti-vax claims.
The ever present Zig Forums double standard.
>What are some "loopholes" one can use if he doesn't want to get vaccinated against the flu but still enjoyes his realtive "freedom"
there is one
kill all the pawns of system that stand in the way of your freedom
Nice picture that shows a guy saying he'd rather more vulnerable people get the vaccine first. Completely undermines your point but you're too stupid to see it. Also lol at mis-represented statistics.
>vapor is the same thing as respiratory particles
I guess Polish people are made fun of as stupid for a reason
Bells palsy
its literally warzone over there
No, I'm saying both are completely unknown. There is no evidence for either. There are no proper studies on corona long term effects and there are no proper studies on the effects of this new immunization principle and their rushed vaccines either. There is absolutely no double standard there.