Zuck is fucked

WHAT: Zuckerberg-funded network that funneled private funds into the public administration of elections in key swing states, causing havoc, confusion and lawlessness in the 2020 election.

WHO: Phil Kline Director Amistad Project of the Thomas Moore Society; J.R. Carlson, Stillwater Technical Solutions

Attached: zuckisfucked.jpg (1065x1999, 405.83K)

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Nothing will happen to him.

QRD what am I looking at never seen this before and post source please thanks

that kike will shapeshift into a reptile and scurry under the courtroom door never to be seen again.

Fuck off. OP pic is photoshopped and missing key words.

You forgot your source, faggot.

a guy , maybe the same guy in that memo was at one of the legislature hearings in GA. basically zuck setup shell nonprofits for 'covid relief' and funnelled 500m into counties, basically buying the election.


Fricking non profit groups! I knew they were just a scam

This prick should hang

Fuck the Zuck!

and Trump just sat there and did nothing.

Trump had dinner with zuck like a year ago right? Sooooo maybe zuck is gonna sell out the rest of them to keep Facebook from losing out to competitors? 4d chess?

Facebook is to finished

No doubt he is trying to get a pardon for dishing the dirt.

giving money to help a politcal cause is not illegal, and each 'side' is not owed the same amount of funding. this is retarded and will go nowhere


Zuckerberg's wife is DEFINITELY a chink spy. They could both be tossed in GITMO and FB nationalized on that basis alone. And they should be.

>meds: not taken
>damge: controlled
>coping: hardest

This is serious shit!

Zuck will just donate a few million to Republican and Democrat candidates and this will all disappear as Facebook is hailed as another avenue of US dominance

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Them start of the end of big tech

Yes won't that be grand.

Look at me!
We are the facebook now


Tig if brue

>It's literally the other way around, Dan.

Money in politics isn't illegal, though (not that I agree with it). What am I missing?


Nah. We live in a Corporate Aristocracy. Nothing ever will happen to people like him.


Attached: Ted meme21 paragraph 174.jpg (2000x1000, 482.56K)

Yep and asking for recompense to provide security to an establishment isn't illegal either. Just make sure you fill out your IRS form correctly.

Bump for importantnence.

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