Name one good reason to voted for pedo biden
Name one good reason to voted for pedo biden
You'll have your rights taken- oh that's not a good reason.
He's just more mature than Trump. Trump is incredibly petty and infantile. Out of the two, I would definitely have voted for Biden.
Not this
Look at these names...
No one care britbong retard. I guess you havent seen the videos of biden flipping out and getting angry anytime he is questioned. Thats not mature hes a scared angry little man
>"Name one good reason"
>"Ok, here's my reason"
You didn't vote for him and you had a reason which i just explained
I hate white people.
Your move, chud.
Trump is a fascist manchild.
>survived one of the deadliest pandemics in history (while getting experimental drug cocktails and receiving the best medical care in the world due to being president)
>dog got under his legs like fucking mutts do and tripped him
i voted for hawkins
trump does the exact same shit, leaf
Not a good reason
So you vote for the guy who wants to take your guns. Good job idiot
he's a geriatric kiddy sniffer that does shady business deals with china and Ukraine for personal gain through his pedophile son and also wants to continue wars in the middle east and will likely expediate the great reset. Who wouldn't vote for that ?
Biden chased his dog naked then abused it by grabbing its tail and broke his foot. Humiliating
People only voted for Biden because orange man BAD
Files won't load
ur gay
If Biden goes to prison for trying to rig the election, his getting hurt while trying to wag the dog will be the most ironic foreshadowing in fucking history.
He's racist
Yeah makes total sense
You've convinced me
Nope. Biden called a bunch of soldiers stupid cause they didnt laugh at his jokes
he only broke his foot because Russian spies put a throw run in the alleyway of his house so he would slip on it while trying to violate his dog's anus
So with elected officials, you value how they are perceived in the media as over the policy they produce?
Minus the faggot shills no one voted for him on Zig Forums
>“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said in 2015 while running for the Republican nomination for president. “I like people who weren’t captured.”
That was a really funny line too haha
McCain was a piece of shit
Everyone knows this
Trump insults 1 guy
Biden insults 300 people
B but orange man worse
Senile boomers were scared of the divisive rhetoric. Too late now.
He’s not Donald Trump.
Perception is 9/10ths of the game.