You're finished, Drumpf.
You're finished, Drumpf
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Jan 20, 2025?
Yeah but by then he'll be on Parler
Funny thing, he doesn’t break the rules. He’s just getting banned based on his non lethal views. For someone that everyone claims tweets all day, he doesn’t really tweet much.
>must use ID to register account
That place is the anti-thesis of Zig Forums but you won't realize it until they turn upon you like every other globohomo tech company has.
Why can't they ban him now?
that's weird; I only check Twatter to see what The Don is thinking, where do I go after they ban him?
I thought Zig Forums supported the free market and business autonomy with minimal government intervention? Shouldn't twitter be able to do whatever it wants and the free market will correct it if it's a bad choice?
He deserves to get banned from everything, as we are all going to get banned from everything soon enough.
He had 4 fucking years.
Ban him for what exactly?
If they ban trump, they'll kill half their traffic.
Repeal section 230 and I'll agree with you.
if he is so inclined he'd use a different platform and still live rent free in every newsroom.
You don't understand how the world works now.
It's not what you do that matters, it's if what you do causes offense to someone to the point they report you.
offending people
kiu unironically predicted this
This is like when people said "if they ban movies and video games aimed at men they will stop going to the movies" isn't it?
>He had 4 fucking years.
This. He could have banned twitter from the internet. He could have banned jews from the country. He could have done a lot of things that he didn't do. He has no one to blame but himself. No one had more power than him to affect change.
>>must use ID to register account
unless this is a recent thing, because mine never asked shit
twitter stock is at $54 I think, watch it go back to low 30s
I never claimed it shouldn’t be ruled by the mob, but that I’ve strangled people for worse reasons. Republican states do not tolerate mob rule based on feelings. Republicans love that law so much that they ruin the lives of democrats by sending them packing to shitty expensive states where they won’t make it on their own
Lol, America is great for a reason. Some of us fuck around and never find out ;)
The sad thing is that most people, including you obviously, don't understand how little power the US president actually has. You think (((they))) would let a senile old child molester who fucked up continually throughout his career as a senator and pretty much only kept his job because he was one of them become president if that would give him *actual* power?!
Phone number. That's linked to your actual identity.
All he's have to do is break the rules. He had the power to do it. Instead he tried to play the politics game. If he wanted to, he could have declared an emergency, assumed complete power, imprisoned all of the traitors at every level of government by force, and save the country. You can't win this game any other way.
third world privilege
Why are you people this retarded?
No, this is a natsoc board
It's against the law for them to ban a politician. It's also against the law for a politician to block a random user.
1) Trump will still be president
2) Trump would just start an account on a competing platform and half twitter users would never return
Gas station burner
Yeah, and unfortuanately they have millions of bots to do it.
I don't know what parler is using it for and if you'll need it again to verify the phone number, if not, yeah that's an option but why would you bother. The very request of a phone number indicates they are collecting personal information, and most people aren't going to be using gas station burners so they're compromised.
This is a rightwing board
You will never be a real woman
>No, this is a natsoc board
Your not fooling anyone, troon
Do you know how valuable a list of American cell phone numbers is to advertisers? Not necessarily comped. Although it's likely
Trump is controlled asset if he doesn't drop major truthbombs on how this crooked system works when he's out of it
If he's truly anti-establishment he'll work to disillusion conservatives and non-leftists about the political system hopefully leading them to explore other options. If he continues to play the political game, endorsing people and being engaged as the lurking evil specter the media has painted him to be then he's only playing a role in this political theater.
He has to go all out on the truthbombs.
parler is using it for 2factor authentication to better secure their login system and prevent unauthorized users from accessing your account
the fact that this is completely unnecessary for 99% of users seems to have gone over their heads though
No u
>lose Twatter account
The absolute state of zoomers.