I think the simp phenomenon would mostly disappear. Of course there will always be pathetic, gullible men who get taken in by unscrupulous women, but it will be far more difficult for thots to do that without their precious camouflage- uhh, I mean "makeup"
What would happen if we banned makeup?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rabbits worldwide would celebrate.
how about we ban ugly people instead so incels like you disappear
assblasted femoid detected
>being this mad about someone suggesting a make-up ban
You will never be a woman
Fuck you - ana armenia
>Ban ugly people
>60% of women instantly get terminated because of makeup ban
>Trannies are an abomination and are the FIRST to go as no one finds them attractive
I like this idea.
think she had to blow chunky yogurt for her shitty job?
Where can I download
Unfortunately it´s not possible (yet) that Makeapp removing plastic surgery.
i see we share the same interests
god damn the guy that made this app is a true bro
not a bad idea, but then how will betas like you find ugly women to fuck and then brag about?
We have some common enemies
Calm down tranny, no need to be so militant over make up.
mean to quote someone else? learn to read faggot
naming the woman is all it takes for world peace lads
Guy in China sued his wife for being a fucking hag and giving him a hag baby because he didn't know she'd had a fuckton of plastic surgery before they met.
Make up is like a drug, once you start using it you become dependent on it. Years of slopping foundation all over your skin does untold damage as it starves the skin of oxygen. When they remove the make up their bare skin is left looking mottled like when you've left a sticking plaster on too long. They are forced to continue using make up forever since their skin will take weeks to recover and they can't bare to be seen without a full face of war paint
The problem is photoshop.
Pretty much every picture you see has been touched up.
looks like a literal clown
I would laugh as trannies would be BTFO as fuck.
Look how fucking moley she is, disgusting.
Wait, why aren't people doing this?
That was nearly Ausfag-tier bants right there. Well done.
Maybe Bought Biden won't be so bad after all...
Women’s skin would be a lot clearer. Makeup fucks your skin up so bad, and then they put more makeup on and use endless face masks and creams and lotions. Then they complain that men’s skin is so naturally clear. Yeah, cause we don’t clog our pores with powder every fucking day. Makeup does to skin what living in the most populated city in the world does to skin.
your only value is as a sex object: and only as long as you are young, nubile, and beautiful.
stay mad, hole
makeup is basically rape if you go by leftoid logic
Makeup is a bigger business than weapons user.
Makeup is interesting because of all the damage it does. It's like every women is an alcoholic that drinks to function but not to get drunk, they cause damage and then just keep damaging themselves for a short high when they were younger. I had a few gfs in my teens and early twenties that wore little to no makeup except for special occasions and they looked fine, it's these girls in their thirties that have been absolutely caking it on that look weird without it but what do you expect when you have a decade of cm thick foundation?
This is great! Kekekekek!
Holy shit it works..
wtf I fucking love chinks now!
I would have to start drinking again.
No it´s not. Women actually look like that without make up, your friends are probably naturally pretty.
>What would happen if we banned makeup?
Women would get their natural beauty back. These ugly skeletal faces you see on pics of roasties without makeup are direct result of makeup using for their whole life.
Welp I didn't need to post because this sums it up as well. It's not even the oxygen but the sunlight and all the clogging it does. Makeup can be neat but not all day every fucking day, I've seen girls go from stunning to absolute abominations from that shit over time and I honestly can't believe that's natural aging because it simply doesn't happen to a man's skin.
“And then you know what I did?” Elaine took a hefty gulp from the margarita she had made in a 7/11 styrofoam cup. “I called him UGLY” she tittered, pleased with herself. She drained the rest of the margarita, belched.
Somewhere in the distance, a cat let out a single meow.
Just tell your dates that you are allergic to make up
Link this tweet
It wouldn't make a difference to me tbqh. It has no effect on wether I'm into a girl or not. I do like it when girls wear make up and dress up, but I like em casual too. Am I the weird one here? Do guys really get 'fooled" by makeup, or is this just an epic meme? Tbqh it is funny af how butthurt they get over it and call the app sexist
women would have to lose weight?
Yeah, that interest is called Kosovo and he won it all when you cucks signed it away at the White House.
I remember fighting with my ex-wife one time.
I took all her make-up and "beauty" products and trashed them.
She wouldn't leave the house until i had replaced some "essentials"
So yeah, she was housebound for about a week.
roastie posting this hard shouldnt be allowed
If you only knew how bad things really are.
how about we ban those clothes that make you look thinner?
or those shoes that give you a little inches more?
it's the same thing, women just enhance and mask more stuff than men
I unironically think women look better without that shit, yes even OP's picture is better on the right. It just looks more... human.
>I married someone so hideous they won’t even leave the house to buy makeup without makeup even during a pandemic in which everyone is covering their face
Weird flex, lad.
Just ban makeup two days a week. The reality check days.
How's that app sexist? No really I'm really this socially autistic
m*n are easily fooled thats why makeup exists just think about it
Lmao the right pic looks like that whore pokimane without makeup. Their eyes gets fucking ugly as hell. That's why I always tell my gf I like them better natural, then I know I'm attracted to them and not some product on their skin
A ban on make up would be eugenic
She looked fine without make-up
She just couldn't face going outside with a naked face.
She was fucked in the head that way.
Why do women trick us like this?