Trump hates FOX News

Why does he hate FOX News suddenly? In Germany many view it as his propaganda channel Isn't that true anymore?

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He's always said Fox News was controlled opposition. It's even worse than CNN because they actually pretend to be on your side

Fuck Fox.

But I thought Tucker was based af?

It's controlled op
If that's what krauts actually think they're retarded

Trump should just endorse infowars at this point

everyone on there is a kike shill, no exceptions

>If that's what krauts actually think they're retarded
Our media is retarded and we have way too many NPCs

>In Germany many view
Who gives a fuck about your "view", you were brainwashed by globohomo.

I haven’t watched Fox since Carlson cucked on Hunter Biden.

Migh t be interesting to provide context. How is Fox News viewed in the Ukraine? Or are all TV channels total Biden shills?

Because Fox won’t lie about Biden winning the election.

Let me explain. Fox News plans to exist for the forseeable future and thus needs to worry about what they say for the sake of credibility. Trump, by contrast, knows he lost and is just throwing a huge tantrum so that he can always say "well my re-election was stolen, I'm ACTUALLY a winner, not a looser". He has nothing left to lose by pushing this angle, Fox does. People who are mad at Fox News expect them to flush their image down the toilet just to stroke Trump's ego by saying "he actually won" which is false.

Fox is not the Trump channel, it is the Republican channel, and the Republicans don't want to look retarded by supporting the guy who lost the election.

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"elites" control all sides

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You krauts have even worse MSM outlets than the Mutts

Stopped being true about 9 months ago, if ever. They hired lefties once they decided to stick the knife in him

its always someone else's fault with this orange baby

>In Germany many view it as his propaganda channel
you people are pozzed more than my leafpile

But wasn't there a lot of evidence of fraud to be shared soon (tm)?

Fox never actually supported Trump. They only pretended to support him reluctantly, because most of their viewers are populists and Trump is the only populist politician. The second that Fox believed that Trump was on his way out, they dropped the façade. Fox has lost a ton of viewers to pro-Trump Newsmax.

Fuck odd to plebbit tranny shill

Fox has always had many Democrat or left leaning anchors. I don't understand how some people see this as a wholly right wing network. That's a false deduction.
Look at Chris Wallace, Shepherd Smith, Megyn Kelly, the late Alan Colmes (can't remember how spelt) plus many many more. They've always been very critical of Trump and other Republicans.

Many Germans are stupid as fuck so that doesn't surprise me.

true, literally 80% of journalists vote far left, a recent poll showed.

>many view it as his propaganda channel
Who told you that, CNN? Faggot.

Interesting that you mention knives. The leader being stabbed in the back is a common theme for millenia now. :3

>Radical Left
Biden isn't radical left.

>unedited commercials
What is he talking about? Which commercials are unedited?

Many in Germany are retarded apparently.

Your whole reply is based around the idea that the democrats won fair and square and ol Burisma Joe did in fact get the most votes of any presidential candidate in U.S. history do you see a problem

>I don't understand how some people see this as a wholly right wing network.
99% of Germans (which know FOX News) will say it's a right-wing network.

their natural spergy demeanors and added smugness from being brainwashed by kikes really is an insufferable combination

Trump should've wiped the floor with all the scum, like he fucking promised. Now the whole system is trying to bury him. Playing by the rules with them was never an option, they would never let him win second term. You can see how they had to really go out their way, even as far as exposing themselves. But if they manage to crush the real opposition, it won't matter.
I don't know what is he planning, but the heads must start rolling, literally.

In Germany you're behind the times. Rupert Murdoch put his liberal sons in charge of NewsCorp (Fox) awhile back. Since then the channel has started lurching towards the middle.

Do you remember that first debate where the moderator argued with Trump the whole time? That was Fox's Chris Wallace. Fox News has also done stuff like prevent guests from saying the name of the impeachment "whistleblower." The last straw came with the election when Fox called Arizona much earlier than everyone else, was generally hostile towards Trump, and refused to cover evidence of fraud.

As a result of the election coverage, Fox's ratings were literally cut in half. They were previously far beyond all their competitors (being the only non-left wing news outlet), now their ratings are comparable to CNN. Fox's audience has moved on to NewsMax and OAN, which are much farther right and threaten to become major media powers in the near future.

smug leftists are the worst

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Enlightening post. No, even journalists which should know better will refer to it as Trumps home channel.

Of course there has always been some fraud, but that's not the relevant question. There is certainly *not enough* fraud to flip multiple states (what Trump needs to win). People who think that some report is going to come in and invalidate the election are either memeing or delusional.

It's the same in my country mate. That always let's me know I'm talking to someone who doesn't know shit and has likely never watched it.


So your assumption is that the DNC controls the narrative, especially if they're in presidency, and that speaking out against them costs you your job.

God, you're one step away from realizing what kind of government behaves like that.

Oh tranny. I know you wanted that to be true. You thought after the election things would go back to "normal" and Republicans would start celebrating your womanhood.

Instead the whole GOP has been forced to rally behind Trump, even more extreme right wing channels are rising as Fox crashes, and civil war is being openly and loudly discussed.

You will never be a woman.

Critical of trump does not mean left leaning. Trump is not the right. Hes just s lazy sack of tumors a world away from you. Your parents just wanted a normal kangaroo.