Sexy jews

Sexy jew thread - had to find file online cuz I just need some jerk material

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Going to post one?

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Still waiting for this
>Sexy Jew

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You can only have one

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This titcow.

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this kike

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>You can only have one
And that's natalie portman

You kikes are ugly as fuck. Kill yourself.

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she is supposed to be Russian right?
What admixture with slav spawned her?

Still waiting.
Don't want my kids to get Tay Sachs disease, which gives them an automatic demerit.

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Jews express red-hair frequently because it is a recessive trait and they practice endogamy, which amplifies these. Red hair did not ORIGINATE among Jews. It originated among Aryans around the Black Sea. These Aryans invaded the ancient world and dominated the Jews for centuries. This is, in all likelihood, how red hair entered their gene pool.

Jesus's comments about them "not being Jews" comes from the english translation. What he's emphasizing is that they are really the Synagogue of Satan, whatever else they pretend to be. That is, he's emphasizing the fact that they present themselves in a particular light, but behave much differently otherwise.

I really don't want to worship the Jewish god though.

That idea makes me sick and why I'm still a self hating Atheist.

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Wait no more. Milk truck is here.

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Is that H3H3's wife?

Jew (but I like her despite her being nuts)

Are you blind?

don't eat any peanut butter people kissing any of these gross women, you might kill em

Just discovered she's a Jew

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for fucks sake Zig Forums.

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may stretch her pink but those theeth oof

you can tell by the misshapen cheekbones and chin

Yes (sauce?)

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I bet her pubes look like finger waves

This might legit be a 1/10. How can someone that wealthy have such awful hair?

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