Why are Serbs such Niggers?

Let me preface this by saying I despise Albanians, but Albanians have the excuse of being Muslim.

The last Serb I met offered to hook me up with a drug dealer in my home suburb
Another Serb I met was a bisexual degenerate who had hooked up with a random guy in a Swiss forest after said guy hit on him
Every Serb I've met has been remarkably low-iq with a distinct dudebro vibe

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Turk rape babies

shh don't insult him like that

I've never in my life come across an intelligent Serb, online or otherwise.
It's remarkable

This. They are cucks.


Technically greeks have more turkish admixture than serbs.

Serbs outside of Serbia are degenerates.

Serbs inside Serbia are also degenerates but hide it and appear based.

I love my country.

i notice thier brand of butthurt is very similar to that of turks.
both are rump states; a a shadow of former glory who despise those who slipped from their grasps
HOWEVER, serbposters don't spam black bull shit so they are fine by me, unlike the turks, who deserve nuclear hellfire


The single largest Waffen SS unit was Slavic Bosnian Muslims. That's because the Slavs who embraced Islam in the Ottoman occupation had significantly higher birth rates.

So Islam literally created more white people to fight for the race and defeat the Jew

To this day Bosnia is the only place in Europe to not ban actual Neo-Nazi groups while Serbia has a dyke Croatian PM

Seethe & cope


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albaniggers are fucking scum

Idgaf least even pond scum will exist in a couple centuries unlike your ethnoculture, wop

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Sorry we fucked your sister/gf/mom malaka

imaging being a greek and calling other niggers
nice try to bait but you know the truth my dear ostlers
dutch people have more admixture than serbs if i'm right

>Every Serb I've met has been remarkably low-iq with a distinct dudebro vibe
are you by any chance meeting students going on vacation to Greece?

Why do albanians have pigs on their flag?

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Meanwhile you're a dark gorilla monkey nigger using VPN from pakistan or maybe Algeria, claiming to be white

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>spent almost all of its medieval existence as a vassal of byzantium without any notable achievements
>entire medieval heraldry borrowed from byzantium
>'''''their'''' cyrillic script was created and spread by bulgarians
>had an '''''''''empire'''''''' that didn't even last a single generation, left no notable traces or built anything of significance
>medieval core of the serbian state formerly known as raška now more popularly known as Sandžak, given its name by turks
>medieval core of serbian state is now majority muslim
>betrayed each other at the battle of kosovo
>betrayed crusaders in crusade of varna at a key moment in battle against turks dooming the entire balkan peninsula
>later fought extensively on the side of the turks
>230.000 registered muslims in serbia (excluding kosovo)
>150.000 registered gypsies in serbia, third largest ethnic group in the country
>spent half a millenia under turkish occupation
>over 8.000 turkish words in the serbian language
>got rid of the turkish occupaiton only after centuries of internal strife inside the ottoman empire and with extensive help from other countries
>first serbian dictionary came to existence only in the 19th century
>chimped out 4 times in the 90's larping as crusaders, manage to lose each war
>kill a few thousand muslims but still lose kosovo to them, another center of medieval serbia
>kill a few thousand catholics and banish several hundred thousand from bosnia
>destroyed and looted over 300 catholic religious objects in the wars of the 90s throughout bosnia, serbia and croatia including monasteries, graveyards, churches that survived the ottoman invasions
>have to act as russian cockholders and use them as leverage for politics because they have made enemies from everyone in europe

No more brother wars

moguce, hvala kurcu da nisam nizozemac

the truth is that we and the rest of europe purged your lands of turks, but little did we know serbs actually became turks during the time they were under the occupation

or some refugee on one of their nigger infested islands

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Stop instigating them then, jew.

You can literally see their algerian trash from google maps satellite view. A monkey can keep his environment cleaner.

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I wanna visit albania for the cheap beaches one day. I have some family from kosovo. Any tips? How do I avoid getting my bubregs stolen and my gf captured into prostitution?

Half of my family lives in Italy. They are registered citizen, pay taxes and engage in work. During the lockdown my uncle who is a trucker had to do double shifts because most other truckers refused to work. They also have their own business where they hire Italians down on their luck and provided then with a place to stay. You're not angry at Albanians, you're angry at your Government.

Is it ok if I say I'm croat? Will they think I'm a serb and take my bubregs?

Just say good things about the country and you will be fine.

actually they're pretty good at chemistry
best chemist I know is a serb, guy is a walking compendium and knows reaction mechanics like others know a language

Say to my face and not online and see what happens!

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Jannies please nuke this circle jerk r*ddit thread

Diaspora turklet cant take the heat. :D

This sandnigger is alright and has produced a devastating burn to the serbniggers

Looks like a turkroach

Nah he is just tanned. Serbs are peak white.

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What the fuck are you talking about nigger