How can we get ride of porn ads?

Since the shilling began the Zig Forums algorithms started to push porn ads all around, I mean I understand that Zig Forums have it, but come on Zig Forums! Because of shill posting BBC threads and Trans bullshit we been getting this ads all around.
>what can we do to prevent this to keep going on?

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just coom it's good for you

I'm a holy man

I don't get any on Zig Forums and I don't use an add blocker.

you are in heaven my dude

It's weird, I have all the porn ads on the other nsfw boards, and the coomer-lite ads on 4channel. But nothing on Zig Forums.
The day every one else said porn ads appeared on Zig Forums I did see them. But only for an hour.
Since then I get no ads at all on Zig Forums.

Do people really pay for porn?

I got sick and tired of everytime that my girl pass by she see porn ads on Zig Forums that it's retarded

Top banana.

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Not have jannies that are globalists scum
>fuck jannies
Moot sold us out long ago

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are you posting with phone?

Sounds awkward mate.

Probably now that boomers got hold off the internet.
At 12 years old I learnt I could steal any porno I wanted.

is there any way of blocking this bullshit ads?

gas the kikes

I desktop in the day and phonefag at night.

An Ad Blocker

lol are you me britt?
while phone posting not porn ads because I'm using an app from the playstore (government knows me well)

Anons get banned for posting nudes on Zig Forums
Rules for thee not for me.

weird, I only saw them when browsing with laptops.

>just coom it's good for you

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HIRO approved porn ads on Zig Forums recently from what I've heard
oldfags know porn ads were never welcome here since porn with no relevance to political discussion would get your post deleted here

I know m8, good thing she knows my powerlevel or so she else would think I'm some pervert

Thanks user, I will! So tired of jew ads

This is clearly the devils favourite ploy and by devil i mean khazars


Use brave browser bro, I really want porn to be outlawed, but maybe thats antisemitic so....

Brave browser.
[not affiliated with Brave Browser, its subsidiaries or any of its partners. Terms and conditions apply]

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Use the extension unlock origin. It'll block most ads. Even YouTube ads. Good luck.

Anyone have the original image? I've been waiting for it to be re-upped for ages to share with my gf. Black hexagon will only bring questions about black hexagon. Thanks anons

Convince people to stop clicking on porn ads

I don't know where did it came from but it's a perfect alegory