A friendly reminder to watch this movie and accept the fact we're living it

A friendly reminder to watch this movie and accept the fact we're living it.


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>socialists angry at authoritarians the book

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Read the book instead. Also read Brave new world.

read the fucking book you faggot.

>watching the movie not reading the book

give me a QRD on brave new world I forget the premise.

It ain't Zig Forums if some pseudointellectual faggot on this board doesn't screech about "muh 1984" once in a while for the "I am so smart" points and to shit-talk "socialism" unaware of who the guy behind the book was.

Don't forget to also watch the CIA-sponsored version with the good ending!

Yes, really.

>not reading the book instead
this, got my copy of brave new world and 1984 next to each other

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Why do leftist cumguzzlers always go for the messenger instead of the message?

Tell me about George

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No we aren’t. Put the internet down and go sit outside for 20min self-reflection. Don’t be scared, that’s the real world and nothing is happening, you can go anywhere and do anything. You have too much freedom and you are craving order so seeing it everywhere. Nobody needs you or will force you to do anything, it’s all by choice and welfare will pick up the slack. It hurts, I know.

Brave new world is shit

shine a light on our ignorance oh mighty swedish intellectual.

Also check out equilibrium. Dystopian future where everyone is equal and have to be sedated with drugs so no one feels anything. Also blade runner, Logan’s run, dune. All pretty based.

Brave New World mixed with Fahrenheit 451

What exactly do you want to know? That he himself was an avid socialist and that his book simply was a critique of the Soviet branch of Stalinist socialism (or attempt at it) which was exported worldwide at that time to the disgust of many, including socialists themselves who saw the issues with it?

read the book. quit being lazy.

You made the end of your paragraph alluding to some information about George Orwell, so it’s on you. You can still use his message for parallels in our own society even if he was an avid socialist..

Future people are controlled by providing all base needs including sex as opposed to crushing by big brother. Gilded cage as to 1984s prison planet.

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There's a movie version? Why the fuck would I watch a jew representation of the book?

Oh yeah? Who's watching you? You are nothing. Your private information is worthless.

I agree, loved 1984 but BNW is boring as fuck. Fahrenheit 451 is always lumped into this dystopian reading list as well but I wasn't keen on that either

>You can still use his message for parallels in our own society even if he was an avid socialist..
Except I was alluding to his background for a reason. Zig Forums-tards always use his book almost exclusivelly to crituque socialism and that its content is somehow proof of how it all must mean that we all live in a "Stalinist socialist hellhole" because calling someone a nigger doesn't get you laid nowadays. These are also the same faggots sucking Third Reich boot, thinking that it would be any different to the USSR in terms of conformity and police state.

good book
have to admit the bad guy made one important point i agree with
truth is subjective, you can be made to believe anything

Muh 1984 warning! No. It was a blueprint.

the movie with John Hurt is a faithful telling of the book
the climax in room 101 breaks my heart every time when he screams "do it to julia", god damn it I'm getting choked up just from remembering it

Checked, also the version OP posted portrays Winston as a bit of a fat cunt, which isn't really accurate

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>That he himself was an avid socialist
Dunno about that m8, maybe for a time

This was typed on a telescreen.

Alright Sven thanks for the cuckshed update

The movie is great. But read the book. It gives you the full discussion between Winston and O'Brien and it's worth reading.

Ew, no. Books are made of paper.

Why didn't you watch Brave New World on Peacock?

Needs more §oylent Green.

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>Biden literally supports 1984-style censorship of opposing viewpoints
>was VP when government propaganda was legalize for the first time since WWII
>but lol I'll pretend it's DRUMPFtards that are the censorship fetishists

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