How do Westies cope?
How do Westies cope?
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Ontario is still a shithole.
Your mom loves my bagged milk
by not having to deal with the french?
Your mom loves curry and attends mosque.
>whitest province
>most culture
>most xenophobic
>most anti immigrant groups
Tell me again why you hate the French
no one except niggers would argue otherwise tbqh
Isn’t the mayor of Calgary a Muslim? Lol...
They don’t call it Worst Case Ontario for nothing
well ya no shit eh bud
I'm an Anglo and I love our French Canadian brothers.
how much is Toronto alone?
Based. Unity is strength. And we need strength against globohomo
Suck my cock anglo
The East is trash and will reach a point where the West can no longer avoid the facts that they're being drained and receiving nothing in return.
I thought he was a Hindu?
Wow they have so many more sandniggers! Oh my god I love diversity and science and smelly ethnic food!
mange mon merde tu petite tete faggot
Too many
Hahahahaha, the east has been here twice as long as the west and funded your shitholes existence. Show some respect and lick my dick Anglo
>I thought he was a Hindu?
No you are retarded
>because that’s much better
Even Toronto did not do this
Ohhh no not no
Jesus Christ! This country will be 30% white in 50 years.
Bye bye Anglos hahahahaha
The country will collapse far before then.
Toronto isn't ontario you dumb fucking newfie. Get outside of the GTA and it's paradise.
>most anti immigrants
>sees shitskins everywhere in edmonton and calgary
The only way to save Canada is to unite all Germanic whites
>I-in my bum fuck rural town were 100% white
No one cares you stupid mutt, meanwhile Quebec City >90% and we are a CITY
I didn’t realize Edmonton and Calgary is French now
Only way to save Canada is to keep Quebec quebecer simple as that
>a frog tries to insult a superior white human
top kek!
Quite happily, I'd imagine.
By not living in urban shitholes? Lmao nigga just leave like nigga just grow some vegetables and shit
If your so superior why are all your cities owned by foreigners now instead of you?
If you're going to move to Quebec just take a french class please. I learned the language in my 20s it's not hard. You guys are turning that place into Toronto 2.0
Quebec is zero percent white. French culture is racial radiation poisoning. No matter who you are you become a subhuman socialist. Look at New Orleans or Haiti if you want further proof on the racial corruption of the French.
Haiti is a good lesson for French people, lessons Anglos never learned, but you will
live on a comfy acreage and don't race mix
t. alberta
You will just be as bad as France in 10 years.
I hate French people and their love for niggers, thanks to that filthy island they created now we are recieving unlimited waves of hungry niggers, we were a spic country, but we had no fucking subsaharian niggers reeeeeeee
That population is a drain on the west. Most people in Quebec and Ontario are useless leeches.
The French couldn't of created a stable or homogenous colony if their lives depended on it. Like their Latin cousins the Spanish and the Portuguese, they infatuated with BBC. At least us Anglos had until the late 1980s at having a good time.
All of Niagara is a fucking disaster so not sure what your point is
>61.5% of canada's population live in hell
hahah Montreal is full of niggers, you lost.
Don't be a dumb nigger, you know exactly what I am getting at.
And despite that, they still come crawling to Alberta for equalization payments
France is also attacking its islamists now as well.
No I'm actually not sure, I'd wager more than half of Ontario is a shit hole disaster and it can only get worse with the amount of immigration happening. Toronto is also leaking into every nearby area as we speak. Ontario is the worst province in Canada objectively speaking.
No one cares about you shitholes anyway
Ontario is falling apart. Even outside of Toronto. Someone has to fund Toronto and Ottawa. That someone is the rest of the province. It shows. Drive along 69 and 17 and you will see the ruins of yesteryear. It is clear Ontario has seen better days.