Police shoot BBC bull who was charging at them with a knife
Drop the knife, niggORC.
fucking racist cops wont even let a nigga stab them
>BBC bull
Is everyone here a cuck porn addict or why can't you enter a thread without some faggot talking about black dicks
Hopefully he survive
Another kang bites the dust
oh no! anyway,
Another day of riots I guess
What's the crime?
Charging a police officer with a knife while black???
Yep. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I can jerk off for 12 hours straight to interracial, gay and tranny porn while high on meth. best combo in life
>when your sensitivity is too high in a fps
It's just psyop by some asian subreddit to make you feel bad don't worry about it
>Zig Forums sucking police dick
Nothing news here. This board is full of botlickers
Time to burn the city down black goyim.
>copying youtube comments from the video
Please go back
>charging him with a knife.
pretty sure that was just a shitty pun ya retard.
Yeah, cops should have let the dude stab them.
Stay Blacked, France.
dude he obviosly was just trying to butter the cops breakfast roll
He couldn't breathe goyim, and was walking around to get a fresh air.
Time for your city to burn, I guess in the name of black bvll:)))
The oregon police are some of the most professional almost entirely white police force in existence in the US. Suck a dick idiot
They are being ironic
>I'm gonna stab a group of cops armed with guns with muh knife
why would someone ever have this thought?
Fuck off memeflag nobody
I don't know Germanon, I honestly don't. Only place you see nigger worship is online, in real life people still lock their doors when niggers walk by, at least out here in rural KY
even mulattoes are as stupid as the pure breed.
>run at police with a knife
you will be shot
>once shot still refuses to let go of knife, still resisting which delays aid
pretty sure he lived because the pussy cop looks like he shot him in the shoulder but the end result is going to be the same. mulatto will claim racism, activists will do what they do. the city will have to pay millions in damages, half breed walks free a millionaire.
the police should learn shoot to kill. the same bullshit is going to happen either way, but at least with there would be one less nigger out there. it's the only way to control the pet population, if they would just spay and neuter these animals there wouldn't be a fucking problem.
he was a kang the cops should have just let him stab them as reparations for doing a racism
Think of all the goods that will go unlooted. *sobs*
>cops shot chimping nigger
Where are the unarmed nigger whisperer social workers?
BBC is king
Oh no, what a tragedy
Did this guy live?
It always messes with me when they say " I'm dead. I'm dead. "
Usually it happens if they say that too. It's just kind of creepy.
>survived the shooting
Well, that sucks.
This rarely happens in Mexico and we have tons of prietos here, even the most retarded orangutan prieto there is, can understand simple instructions like "orale pinche puto túmbate a la verga con la pistola/navaja/chancla" and if they don't understand cops will have a ball turning a motherfucker into swiss cheese.
Sorry I'll quote it next time so you will know I'm drawing attention to a funny comment.
rip bvll you will be missed
Fuck off frog
One less mouth for my taxes to feed!!
>we want to render aid
when will they ever learn?
80% of French posters are either niggers, Jews or cucks
Fucking Marcel Obongo Shekelbaumont
Often drugs
> They are really smart, but once they do drugs they become dumb.
That's what you sound like.
I knee and fist in his memory and god I feel tired need to sleep now
Nothing less is expected from a leaf.
we got screen caps from trannie shills. they think that this is the only thing that genuinely hurts pol nazi feelings. their entire goal is to hurt the feelings of nazies.
instead they are all super assblasted at being told they will never be a real woman. several have written suicide notes in leftypol or bunkerchan
And another kang gone, another kang gone, another kang bites the dust!!!
why are black people so fucking retarded. never bring a knife to a gunfught. retard
>we got screen caps from trannie shills.
i meant their forums and discord channels
That nigger was an absolute ALPHA. BVLL charges pigs like a proud African warrior. Now I know why white women lust after BBC.
Should of been making love not war. Loss of a good sex machine
>not knowing the context of ">"
Go back to your hut, Achmed.
niggers dont have thoughts
they think wakanda is real
Of course, becuase he is not some white bitch boi, like that omega male which was killed while crawling in hotel hallway. Black bvlls are naturally dominant and physically superior, taking a couple of bullets, is not enough to harm BBC
it's a memeflag thread so what do you expect? OP is asian
it must be so satisfying as a cop, whose profession exposes you to the realities of racial differences, to kill these niggers when the opportunity presents itself like this. And knowing deep down that no matter what a poisoned liberal mind says you did the right thing for your community and and took a violent nigger out.
Based and Kentucky pilled.
No frontal lobe.
Thats why the posting quality is so high
go back to Africa D'tembe
it's just like those pitbull videos where the cop has to shoot the thing
Why didn't they just shoot him in the knee like biden said?
Why do niggers pull this shit all the time?
Regular as rain, niggas be pullin' shit
>Jogger wearing Nike