Prove me slavs aren't specifically targetted by the western media just because of their ethnicity and communist history

Prove me slavs aren't specifically targetted by the western media just because of their ethnicity and communist history

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I mean they aren't but keep larping as a slav.

bump for wh*Toids being racists

Prove me chinese aren't specifically targetted by the western media just because of their ethnicity and communist history

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Slav hate is the beginning of the anti white agenda started by famous politician Adolf Hitler

they are, whitoid are evil

Slavs are a mistake. One step up from niggers.

Attached: 1607803771261m.jpg (1024x768, 225.64K)

This guy gets it.
UK, Vatican and jews are trying to create world order.
Unfortunately , they serve Satan and not God.
So any methods they use are satanic.

Americans are too young of a country and too naive to see.

WE wuz romanz nigga

Yes, yes Slavs did nothing wrong ever - indeed. Slavs being the majority in Norwegian prisons certainly has nothing to do with it. Slavs literally drive here enmasse in shoddy broken down third world vans and steal everything that isn't bolted down from farms, I'm sure the average rural Norwegian would love Slavs as you aren't fucking muslims if it wasn't for your criminality.

How do I report this hate topic?

We, slavs, are literally the pinnacle of evolution
>can larp as whites
>can outjew the jews
>can be asian if we want
>can be more violent and destructive than niggers
The rest of the world is seething, they can't understand why are we so based, especially w*stern cucks

Nothing to do with slavs.
Everything to do with jew commie- created poverty.
Not anymore, Mersedes Bentz sells most cars outside of Germany not in Norway, Italy , UK or US. But in Moscow.

Everybody wants to rule the world, even the chinks.


us slavs are specifically targetted and made fun of by the westerners because of our unfortunate situations

Remember, it's the jews who create wars.

The guy walked out of some village - creates University. Lomonosov. ))
The guy sits in some average town - creates table of chemical elements - Mendeleev.
The russians have top notch math and space programs.

Would've been top 5 countries in the world, if it's not for 20th century and 3 times pillaging of the country, during 1917, 1940-ies and "perestroyka" pillage started by Gorbachev in 1986 (? or so, rusty on dates).
Any other country starting from scratch like that would be done for a while.

it's the da joos, it's you wh*toids

Romaina - any economy left post soviet era there?

>poverty is why we are morally bankrupt
You sound like a disgusting nigger. Poor people don't automatically steer to crime if they aren't low IQ retards in the first place.

wh*toids like you openly supported hitler and helped him genocide us and killed 6 million jews because of your theories

and two steps up from americans

>You sound like a disgusting nigger. Poor people don't automatically steer to crime if they aren't low IQ retards in the first place.

When you have nothing to eat and nowhere to live, then you will very quickly find out the borders of your IQ and instincts.
You , buddy, have not starved once. Don't be ridiculous.

Slavs aren't white as PoC in America stated.

Attached: Slavs aren't white.png (475x452, 144.84K)

slavs are the actual aryans
let me prove it to you
>high IQ
>beautiful complex languages unlike the westoids ones
>superior in art (music, painting, etc.)
>higher testosterone
>did not enslave anybody
wh*toids were envy of our success pillaged our countries and threw us into communism

it's time for g*rmans and americans to pay for what they did to us in ww2

100 Trillions in reparations for the entire eastern europe

I am half polish half norwiegen.

I look like aryan god with golden hair and bright green eyes. My who’s a slav is like 6 ft 4 inches and has brown skin. People think he is North African or Arab. He got 23 and me and was 100% polish

My dad.

My skin is kinda dark for being blonde

poles are not slavs, they're "wends". Just like lithuanians. Very close to eastern germans.

stop appropriating us

you are not a slav, you are half whitoid, an abomination to humankind

I am ethnically polish too and an Afghan told me that if I grew a beard (and got a slight tan) I could go undercover there.
I guess maybe something with the Sarmatism meme is true

we are the actual indo-europeans, you are the synagogue of satan jesus warned us about you thousands of years ago, your languages are cheap knockoffs of slavic, albanian and greek, latin is copied from an old romanian language

slav here, can confirm that I've experienced racism due to the color of my skin from whitoids

Eastern Europeans are falsely over-represented in Western European and Scandinavian crime statistics.

And now we can even be counted as people of color if needed