>They're adding new plot to the game
>But the main story isn't changing
Literally what everyone who wasn't retarded already knew. Kiss my ass tortanicfags 7REMAKE GOTY

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's shit, Nomura.

Anyone who isn't a retard realized this long ago.

>it's shit, Nomura.

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Joke's on you we just got our real tortanic 2.0 just the other day so most of us have moved on

Nomura is god. Fuck the haters, go eat your western cookie-cutter shovelware tranny shit.

This but unironically

So aerithfags are still going to get cucked and Zach is still dead?

nobody cares
it will be finished by 2035

Snoyboys are insane, why would you not only be happy, but praise the people that try to squeeze every single penny out of you? How can you defend being forced to purchase a whole new console just to continue with a shitty story?

In other words they realised the old fanbase thought his story telling and changes are all fucking terrible so he's been told to dial it back a notch

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>makes huge deal about fighting predeterministic fate and shit
>still follow the same story 1:1
What a hack lel.

This means they got a shit ton of negative feedback and sales are prob not what they are actually claiming.

That still doesn't change the fact that they undercut and foreshadow the WHOLE FUCKING STORY in midgar already

>Some loser wrote this
Get help

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These interviews are from before the game was released user. This was always the plan

The ghosts really ruin the scenes though

you already fought sephiroth and jenova and aeris and red xiii already know the future, what's the point of continuing the story

>But the main story isn't changing
Nobody is this delusional.

The main story has changed. The main story changed about 10 minutes into VIIR when Shinra blew up their own reactor.

Nomura needs to jack off to his work a bit more

Kek, timejannies are the fucking cryfags

This means "all your favourite VII moments will reappear as fanservice, between the new bullshit"


That means they got negative feedback from the playtesters then.

If you have to reference the game that came out before it, FF7 original, then it's a sequel.
So much of FF7R would not make much sense if you didn't know the originals story. It would just look like some confusing kingdom hearts shit.
How is he still paying you shills to defend this.

Attached: FF7R shilling reviews.gif (692x515, 712.33K)

It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not
>It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not
It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not
>It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not

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Keep shilling moron

Kek you are denial.

They are going to make four games and the remake fags will keep eating it up

>The main story changed about 10 minutes into VIIR when Shinra blew up their own reactor.
That's the one thing they DIDN'T change. It was always an inside job. Play the original.

This can't be unironic, I don't wanna believe that people are that stupid.


Cait Sith : "Barret!!"

(He bounces over to Barret.)

Cait Sith: "What was that scratching just now!? As long as Marlene is safe, who cares what else happens, right?"

(Cait Sith slumps.)

Cait Sith: "I been itchin' to say this to ya fer a while now!"

(He waves his arms madly at Barret.)

Cait Sith: "When ya blew the Midgar No. 1 up, how many folks d'ya think died?"

Barret: "...that was for the life of the planet. Ya gotta expect a few casualties."

(Cait Sith turns away.)

Cait Sith: "A few? Whaddya mean 'a few'? What may be a few to y'all is everything to them who died......"

(A pause. He turns back to face Barret, who is still staring out the window.)

Cait Sith: "Protect the planet. Hah! Y'all sure sound good! Ain't no one that'd go against ya. So ya think ya can do whatever y'all want?"

(Barret spins to face him.)

Barret: "I don't wanna hear that from no one in Shinra..."

(He turns back to the window. Cait Sith slumps down.)

Cait Sith: "......nuthin' I can do 'bout that..."

(Cloud turns to face them both.)

Cloud: "Stop it!"

Tifa: "Cait Sith...... Barret, he knows what he did. What we did in Midgar can't be forgotten no matter what the reason."

(She walks over to them.)

Tifa: "Right? We haven't forgotten, right?"

Suck my cock

>We aren't changing the story, promise
>Part 1 releases, story is drastically changed
>We aren't changing the story for the next game, promise
Nigga you dumb

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Holy fucking autism

>They're adding new plot to the game
>But the main story isn't changing
That sounds like I want to have my cake and eat it cope. This is gonna be a shitshow

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>still mindlessly believing PR statements
When will they learn?

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this, Jessie fucked up the calculations just like she fucked up the I'd cards on the train, she was an amateur

>mentioning Twin Snakes
>forgetting about RE1 REmake
Trash post.

>the main story isn't changing
Now that's retarded. Has to change now, you can't just pretend you didn't kill the manifestation of fate.
But walk into their epic subversion again, that's all they want.
>In an interview with GameSpot, Nomura indicated that the story in the remake might deviate from the one set out in the original, suggesting the remake may be more of a reimagining. “We’ve announced a HD port version on the PlayStation 4, and then we have the remake coming to PS4,” Nomura said through a translator. “You’ll have this extremely, very, very pretty FFVII existing on the same plane. We feel that if that happens, it’s like, why have the same exact game? “We think that if a game is on a certain platform and that platform becomes obsolete, then we’d recommend playing the new port version,” he added.

This was from 5 years ago

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The funny thing is, in the "calculations" throwaway line that shills constantly point to, Jessie sounds PROUD that she could make such a badass powerful bomb

and when she's dying she says it's payback for their actions

Don't Avalanche, especially Barett, gloat about the damage in the original?

>The main story is changing
>Uhhh no it isn't?

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They're going to let us save Aerith and you know it

and that's a good thing

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yes he says the second bomb is gona be even bigger

>>They're adding new plot to the game
>>But the main story isn't changing
>There's a new final boss who'll be in the last game, in Midgar, it's a character who's supposed to die, but hasn't died.
Enjoy having Zack (or Aerith) as your final boss.

And in many follow up interviews the said the complete opposite.

I made you so mad you had to respond twice.

So much same fagging going on in the SHILL nomura cocksucker threads.

They are the ones talking out both sides of their mouths.

And it proves they were lying.
>If you make it in the same way as the original then it would end up being just Final Fantasy VII with pretty graphics.
>Tetsuya Nomura: “While I believe some would be fine with that, if we were to remake it with the same structure from back then, we could have just supervised it and asked for external developers to do it. However, if we were going to do it ourselves then instead of doing the same as the original, we’d rather have something that can bring surprises to those who experienced the game back in the day. For that reason, we obsessively worked out the details for its making.”

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So Is Kitase just a lying piece of shit? or does he keep saying this garbage because he's genuinely unaware that nomura changed the game behind his back and he thinks we actually got a proper remake?

Also kill yourself mentally ill "tortanic" poster. your shitty forced meme has not caught on. give up.

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Remember that it was Kitase who wrote FFX-3 and the exploding Tidus scene.

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Funny how you keep using that ONE interview when they had just taken over from cyberconnect2 and not the 30 others where they said they were not making any major changes to the story and were going to be faithful to the original story.

That lying by omission is cute.

So he talked in a circle and said nothing that could be nailed down. sounds like that fuck nomrua alright.

Yeah but why does he keep lying and say it will be faithful.
he said that before release. and now he's doubling down and saying "wait, wait we're not changing the story please buy the next one" when it's obvious that's a huge lie.
has he even seen nomuras chimp brained plot?

You dont need to list every fucking game dude. Just a handful of examples. So your fav one was not included. Cry more.

Yeah no shit, it was obvious to anyone who played the game that you'd still be visiting the same places and going through the same story beats, but with divergences in the "big moments".

>taking Zig Forums shitposting crusades seriously
>when 90% of them are poorfags or console war fags who don't play videogames

>not the 30 others where they said they were not making any major changes to the story
That's because they don't exist.
In fact the most recent one calls 7R a sequel flat out.

100% correct but obviously square shills are still gonna shill.

I'm convinced people who keep spouting ToRtanic have no idea what made ToR a disaster in the first place.

Anyone who uses the "story beats" buzzword is a 100% confirmed shill

it's one mentally ill guy. the barry of FF7R.
it may even be barry apparently he liked FF7R.

I'm sorry you're autistic and have no taste.
I was one of the people pushing you over when I walked past you in school as you were trying to find people to do Kingdom hearts roleplay with.

What would suggest be used then if not the single phrase that makes sense in that context?
Not everything is a buzzword

>can't be assed to come up with an original plot
>but will slap all his kingdom farts fanfic all over it

And Redditors are defending this. Oh well, as long as Aeris still dies.

Kitase initially wanted a 1:1 remake. Nojima wanted an updated script. Nomura wanted to make it into compilation/sequel.

So expect interviews to be all over the place.

The main story is already changed.
The protagonists literally want to do something different from the main game.

>They're adding new plot to the game (and taking the core of the old plot out)
>But the main story isn't changing

>I'm repeatedly inserting a knife into your body
>But i'm not stabbing you

>Yeah but why does he keep lying and say it will be faithful.

t. manlet trying to feel big on the internet

That just means it's when they were trying to keep their shitty plot twist under wraps.

lmao is this the most cringeworthy post on the net

Your taste is shit, nigger.

Kek, based Remakechad

t.losers having flashbacks to school.
Listen it's not my fault you alienated yourself by being autistic weirdos who are fans of faggot shit like kingdom hearts.

Do have any proof that Reeve knew anything about what happened inside reactor 1? No? There you go.
There are people here who are so mentally retarded that they unironically believe there are zero moral implications if an extremist action fails due to incompetence. You didn't do nuffin if you murder 50 people on your way to detonate a bomb for environmental reasons that kills 1000 more as a by-product. Yet somehow not being the direct cause of the 1000 dying is somehow making it as if the whole incident never happened and the 50 who were killed on the way somehow all don't count, not to mention that Shinra wouldn't have done that if AVALANCHE didn't try to bomb the reactor in the first place.
Seriously, people turn into outright psychopaths to justify complaining about this game.

>Hey that one doesn't count! There are millions that say the opposite but unlike you I won't post them because I am cool and don't need to!

Okay I believe you

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>Seriously, people turn into outright psychopaths to justify complaining about this game.
Do nomura fans really think that everyone who doesn't like his games is a heartless psychopath?

Or a nobody

They're children just like nomura they live in their own fantasy world and think they're anime heroes.

It's trash.
It was always going to be trash.
It sold less than FF15 which was also trash.
I will never buy it no matter how many threads you make shill.

Lot of projection there, did you finally found those 30 interviews where he said the Remake would be a 1:1 replica of the original?

Where were you when Assassin's Creed won GOTY?

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>cgi trailer

watch the video and look at what kitase said.
then take your disingenuous 1:1 false dichotomy and shove it up your ass square shill.

I'm not gonna watch your shitty video.

>But the main story isn't changing
>main story already changed
Are you retarded?

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Because it's technically true. All the "story beats" will be there, so it's faithful... in THAT sense...

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1. Why are you in the thread if you didn't even know what the OP was about
2. Do you really think I run a Square Enix shill channel and would praise garbage like FF7R?

To see you purefags seethe. Now keep crying for me.

It's not faithful. A story is more than a list of events on a checklist. Despite changing tons of superficial shit, West Side Story is a far more faithful retelling of Romeo and Juliet than FF7R is of FF7. FF7R recreates some superficial shit from FF7, such as characters names, what they look like, or what vehicles they jump from but it completely shits on the core plot and themes of the original.

I know, but they're relying on the double meaning of faithful just like they did with the double meaning of remake.

The video literally says that they haven't even panned out the story yet and only have a "general idea" and will come up with shit depending on how many parts the company wants them to make.

Nigger, Reeve is a Shinra executive, those guys are literally only below the president himself, and he was already aware of the far more scummy plate inside job, why wouldn't he know about another one
Just admit that "Shinra blew up their own reactor lol" is something they pulled out of their asses because boohoo muh barret is a good boi he would never kill innocents

The term that should be used is "surface level story telling".

Literally nobody on the planet thought that the mako reactor explosion was an inside job in the original until the Re:Make demo. Nobody.

>Just admit that "Shinra blew up their own reactor lol" is something they pulled out of their asses because boohoo muh barret is a good boi he would never kill innocents
I don't think that's the true reason. I think it's because we live in a post 9/11 world. Terrorism is a much more delicate subject today than it was in 1997

Except 9/11 WAS an inside job

So this makes Sqeenix based?

I think Aerith will be saveable, but you'll probably have to sacrifice Tifa to do it. No one would make that trade.

>zack brings up angeal or genesis

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already in the original game they took out Jessie explaining why she was a terrorist in the train because of the sarin attack in Tokyo

Terrorism was more common in that time than you think, zoomie
It's only when Americans got butthurt about 9/11 did terrorist plots become taboo to add to fiction

>le purefags
Damn you a are a child
Shut the hell up

>a proper remake
Fuck off

The story was never really the problem, the filler and poor pacing is what dampens the experience. Thankfully combat is based, Tifa is my stagger queen

It hasnt chsnged, 2 digits iq mongoloid.

how can it be a fanfiction when you own the rights to the IP?

FFVII isn't that good in the first place. I don't understand why people think it's a masterpiece. It's alright. ATB was a mistake though. Second half of the game is clearly rushed and unfinished. Plot is kind of retarded. Cool cast, but name one JRPG with a cast that isn't likable.

Nomura autists on damage control so hard for their compilation sequel they react the same way trannies do when they hear "real woman"
this is next level pathetic.

but name one JRPG with a cast that isn't likable.
FF7R cast, KH3 cast

When you're arguing semantics you've already lost

FF IX had a terrible cast

its over Final Fantasy 7 Remake bros

>story literally changed
>It hasnt chsnged

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cool, now hurry up with the graphics fix so i can play this mess.

also what im gathering from the recent talk they had, it doesnt sound like they really even started part 2 lol


Ok low iq mongoloid

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>noooo muh ghosts everything is Different oh no bros, so different

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Crisis Core is already obviously canon, and I wouldn't be surprised with Angeal at least, since the buster sword originally belonged to him.

>AVALANCHE bombs Reactor 1 (they either succeed or Shinra does a false flag if Jessie was too incompetent to do it right, minor change unless you are a guiltfag)
>Cloud briefly meets Aerith and then fights his way through Sector 8 and jumps on the train
>AVALANCHE returns to Sector 7 slums
>(new side story: Visit to Sector 7 plate, which has no real effect on the main story other than Cloud now feeling more attached to the AVALANCHE NPCs)
>AVALANCHE bombs Reactor 5 (Jessie and Wedge not taking part, but that is inconsequential), get caught in a trap, Barret and Tifa manage to escape, Cloud falls into Sector 4/5 slums border region into the church
>Cloud and Aerith meet and get confronted by Reno (new fight vs Reno, but due to changebad ghost, plot goes on as in the OG)
>Cloud and Aerith go to Sector 5 slums
>Cloud and Aerith go to Sector 6 slums, see Tifa being transported to Wall Market
>Cloud and Aerith infiltrate Don Corneo's mansion with Cloud crossdressing
>Cloud, Tifa and Aerith go through (expanded) sewers and traingraveyard
>Sector 7 plate falls (Wedge survives temporarily, part of the slum residents manage to escape before the platefall, plate dwellers at home all die)
>(new part of the story: Shinra underground facility, has not much infuence on the main story)
>Aerith goes with Shinra to save Marlene
>AVALANCHE attacks Shinra HQ
>JENOVA breaks out
>AVALANCHE leave Midgar
>(new story bit: main cast destroys Fate, with unknown consequences on the main story Zack lives in another timeline, Biggs lives)
The only thing that really changed is that Biggs lives. Other than that the main cast is almost in the same situation aside from having more of a concrete motivation to go after Sephiroth instead of "ugh guys, Sephiroth is bad news, trust me dude."
If you have anything that already changed the story significantly that is definite and just "potentially", then out with it.

The fact there's all these forced walking segments fucking sucks ass.

What will Elena look like? Since Square is putting more backstory/context to the characters in order to pad the story, I hope we can see her in high school form.

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I would just to see Tifafags seethe

>a story is a list of bulletpoints on a checklist
>the more bulletpoints are checked off, the more faithtful a remake is
this never gets old

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first FF game off of a nintendo console, first 3d FF game, Because it was on the PS1 it used a disc so it could be longer, despite looking like crap now the FMV scenes werent seen before and due to the ubiquity of the PS1 it was the first FF game for millions of people globally.

The fucking planets lined up for FF7 in the late 90s

You mean mean actual story facts as opposed to >this scene feels SOULLESS in my feels, therefore it's unfaithful!
Because I haven't seen any words other than "MUH retarded" or "MUH convoluted" or "MUH like KH" so far but keep trying.

>he didn't want Back To The Future II: Midgar Boogaloo

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>zack is alive and will lead to unforeseen developments
>Sephiroth knows the future and is now a good guy
>Cloud revealed unreliable narrator before the flashback
>Aerith knows the future and is going to walk willingly into her death

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You people are so retarded. Suppose that all the events from the original happend with perfect accuracy EXCEPT that Barret rapes Tifa somewhere at the beginning and Cloud watches both of them and masturbates furiosly until he cums on Tifa's crying face.
Idiots like you would go
Yeah never mind that this single scene re-contextualizes every other event that involves these three characters in the entire game.

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How can it possibly tell the same story while focusing on time travel and having Zack live? Unless your definition of "the story" is Cloud´s group chasing Sephiroth around the world to stop him from wrecking everything.
Let me tell you that is not, and has never been the point.

Nojima and Kitase's definition of "story" is "checklist of events".
Who cares if by introducing new events you actually change the whole meaning of what's happening?

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>Let me tell you that is not, and has never been the point.
Yeah but I'm starting to believe that for the majority of "fans" of this game, that is the point. To them, FF7 is a boring story with some mildly interesting iconography slapped on top. Debating on Zig Forums about FF7 has shown me that the fanbase consists of the dumbest people in the universe, so I am not surprised why SE makes sequels and "remakes" like this. They are perfect of the "fans" of the series.

Main story = Sephiroth is out to destroy the world and Cloud and Co. must fight against time before he unleashes Meteor.
Everything is else is changing.

I'm pretty sure that's changing too.
Nu-Sephi is behaving very differently. I wouldn't be surprised if he had entirely new goals this time around

And something in character for the characters
Same thing

>refuting reductio ad absurdum on the basis of being incapable of getting the common denominator
>calls other people stupid

>refuting reductio ad absurdum on the basis of being incapable of getting the common denominator
I finally have a brief way to describe this common mistake. Thanks!


I want the anime girl image from the ending of the video

>absolutely nobody:

Yes how dare people use the most correct phrase for something

reddit scum