I don't understand

I don't understand
Why would adult man spend time playing video game aimed on the women and little girls?

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Kill yourself

Last two letters of your post.
You're welcome.

The hardest souls like the softest things

This only applies to men of course, women are mindless whores who just buy what's popular

Fuck you.

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Possibly because he wants to?

It's simple.
From 0-18, Humans are capable of fun when they are low IQ.
From 18-40, Humans increase their IQ but their emotional retardation grows even more as their souls are sucked out by corporate culture.
From 40-Death, Humans are peak EQ and IQ, and the midlife crisis unlocks their ability to fun again.

Basically only soulless stunted underage faggots in adult bodies can't have childish fun past 40.

It's probably gonna come as a shock to you but not everyone is as insecure as you are.

to stay relevant and make some waves on the internet

Better question is why he plays the worst shitties copy pasta scam that every existed instead of playing something with taste like Rune Factory.

While you aren't wrong, Sega and Nintendo marketed heavily during the 80's. To the point of everyday people knowing what a Nintendo and a Genesis were.

PS4 is mainstream console for normal people though, not switch

>ey holmes, give up that dodo code, puto

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Its portable and got boomer friendly arcade games up the ass, pic related.

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Im sorry, is that Machete?

Why is it that beaners understand how to use a belt, but niggas still having trouble?

>manlets trying to act tough
When will they ever learn?

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no, that's Animal Crossing
Pic related is a machete

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>this man raped and killed a girl in the 80s


If men more successful and liked than you are playing it and don't see an issue, maybe there's nothing wrong with it, and the issue is your fragile masculinity?

It's like someone who gets nervous being asked the time in public calling a pro mma fighter a beta because he cried after losing a fight.

This might shock you but once you get old enough you grow out of the high school mentality and you start appreciating things for what they are instead of trying to always seem cool.

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Belts give them flashbacks.

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it was self defense

say it to my face white boy. Me and the homies are coming over foo!

Because adult men are capable of making decisions without the approval of others.

Same reason people loved MLP: it's good

> Craig the cracker weighing on something he has 0 knowledge of

A question mark is not a letter, user.

2. 2 letters you retard


He wouldn't, but posting a picture of the literal starting screens of a game to his instagram or whatever with #ad will give him a pretty nice sack of cash, so he'll do that.

Damn hes face is ageing fast.

He is 75 years old.

I don't think Latinos want to find themselves in Eastern Europe.

>starting screens
>gated behind months of game

Not an argument cuck shill reddit faggot. Seethe cope and go back, nigger.


Correct. Good job reading things correctly user. Would you like a gold star?

wouldn't know, I don't play that faggot shit, but a screen taling about building an island paradise with your friends sure sounds like the shit you see directly after "are you a boy or a girl" and "customize your avatar".


God this image has great photoshopping potential. Too bad I'm a brainlet at that shit

>he doesn't want to be a little girl
We need Snacks back

but he's barely aged in the 30 something years he's been in showbiz

what do you expect people to do during a pandemic?

sit around and watch TV?

Why are you in Zig Forums?

This is an oxymoron considering where you are

Maybe learning new skills or two while they have time

Danny Trejo is one of, if not the most actual gangster actor there is. Look up interviews with him talking about his past, it's wild as shit.
Let this old man play his Nintendo game and relax. He's earned it.

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Dude was friends with the Mexican Mafia and shit.

cartel life ain't no fucking joke.

>75 years old
the fuck, he was like 68 when he did machete


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Tony Sirico was in the italian mafia, lived through the columbo wars

the better question is why anyone plays toil simulators

He looks so frail now, he doesn't have much time left.

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>danny trejo looking super old

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i like the porn

because he was paid to advertise the game

When has Danny Trejo ever not looked old?

Anons dont be like this skeleton. Height matters very little in an one on one fight in the streets. Shit not even a good technique is that important. What matter is raw strenght and the level of violence you inflict. How much are you willing to destroy the body of your oponent.

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Yes, I'm sure Danny Trejo's masculinity is so frail it's afraid of the judgement of a dweeb whose main interaction with the outside world is through an anonymous imageboard.

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So that he can sleep with women and little girls


>assuming anyone knows what the fuck gangs are up to on Zig Forums - Malaysian Basket Weaving

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because he's paid to promote them

Unironically this
Nintendo even paid jav actresses and idols to promote animal crossing on twitter
Shit was cringe as fuck

>Anons dont be like this skeleton. Height matters very little in an one on one fight in the streets. Shit not even a good technique is that important. What matter is raw strenght and the level of violence you inflict. How much are you willing to destroy the body of your oponent.

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PR and marketing agencies saw the massive interest and normalfag appreciation for elijah wood so they instructed their celebs to go buy switches and animal crossing. Or are we just going to pretend 3-4 dozen celebrities all trying to start up twitch streams, and tweeting constantly about ac (but only since elijah wood did it) is coincidence?
Call me a conspiracy nut but it's pretty fucking blatant.

Have you considered the possibility that your taste is not objective and that other people find the game fun?

>s0nygger sees washed up actor with a Switch
>this makes him seethe for some reason
Why are they like this?

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they are up to their typical shit, defending their "territory" that they don't actually own and acting like niggers.


Mature games for mature gamers such as myself

He always looks old. But yeah he's getting up there.

Its only good up to season 3. That's when everyone else dropped it.

better hecktor

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Because he learnt grammar.

>Hey, names Chad. Oh is that a Switch your holding? Wow, Animal Crossing? Haha I love that game! Wanna come to my island and then bang later?

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>he voiced Raul Tejada, a Ghoul, in Fallout: New Vegas (2010).


You will understand when you grow up and mature, snoygglet.

>he voiced Octavio and Enrique in KotH
More based.

>voice the cuban gang leader in vice city

eternally based

Every time I play Dragons Dogma, i base my arisen on him

next level cope

Machete can do whatever the hell he wants!

>The hardest souls like the softest things

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but it's true

Animal crossing isn’t made for girls lol
You can do whatever you want in it. You could make it have all guy decorations if you wanted too. My first room is a desert wasteland with rain and lightning and fossils and fire. I have Godzilla outside of my house. You just have no creativity so you think it’s for girls.

I don't understand
Why would an adult man spend time mocking and judging others for their hobbies instead of minding his own business?

>Sucked out of corporate culture and consumerism
Oh user, what blissful ignorance of the world around you

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>self reported gender

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He's probably getting paid to post that on whatever social media it came from. He's an old man, leave him alone.