Near infinite replayability

>Near infinite replayability
>Mass variety of character a builds
>Story that is still discussed to this day

Is it safe to call it the greatest RPG of all time?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Overrated piece of shit with terrible graphics, terrible combat, the factions are not deep at all specially the legion, companions are shit, important NPCs are shallow and the story feels forced and doesn't fit a post apocalyptic world.

>Overrated piece of shit with terrible graphics, terrible combat, the factions are not deep at all specially the legion, companions are shit, important NPCs are shallow and the story feels forced and doesn't fit a post apocalyptic world.

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Isn't it like happening 300 years after the apocalypse? Most of America is already rebuild.

It's alright, I guess

Worse than 3.

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>>Near infinite replayability
The strip was a huge letdown at the time, and put a damper on me wanting to replay.

Unpopular opinion, but exploring the metro was way more comfy than the bland desert spattered with ants and geckos.

Nice cherrypicking

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I'm just gonna come out and say it: I like both 3 and New Vegas, and I even like 4

quality > quantity

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>story is just a number of factions struggling over a power source
>doesn't fit a post-apocalyptic world
What do you expect, fuckers just roving around beating each other with sticks 200+ years after the nukes dropped?

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I like 4 as a mindless loot shooter
3 can go suck a dick, one of the worst games I ever played


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>and the story feels forced and doesn't fit a post apocalyptic world
REAL funny thing about New Vegas is that it was hardly touched by the war.
And just because some bombs dropped 200 years ago doesn't mean the whole world is gonna stay a green tinted hellscape where niggers stay in houses that are full of gore, garbage cluttering the floor and skeletons forever despite what Beth would try and have you believe.


Fallout 4 has much better gameplay and if you ignore story and characters it's a much better game in every regard. Especially with Sim Settlements mod which fixes the biggest flaw about the settlement system of you having to do all the work instead of automatic upgrades it really feels like populating the entire commonwealth again and building a strong faction.

I tried to replay New Vegas but the gameplay is just awful.

>Infinite replayability
I adore New Vegas but this is just objectively incorrect

>near infinite replayability
4 factions, all that changes is dialogue and the slideshow at the end.
>variety of character builds
Nope, just guns for combat and speech to get the right dialogue options.
>story discussed to this day
I’ve literally never seen an in-depth discussion of NV’s story except about how pointless and retarded it is.

3 was better.

Gunplay in f4 is dogshit.
Mind you NV and 3 were basically oblivion with guns where bullets act more like spells then anything else but it sure as fuck wasn't worth it to sacrifice almost everything that made fallout fallout just so Beth could have gunplay that still fucking blows compared to other shooters on the market.


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I love New Vegas, but I've played it so much, modded the hell out of it, and now I'm looking for new experiences.
It's time to waste hours of my life modding Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 isn't even a roleplaying game. No matter what you do you have to rolepay as a dad trying to save his son. It makes zero sense because the game wants you to explore, but at the same time, you're a dad whose son just got kidnapped, so the game wants you to finish the main quest first.

do you have these for other fallout games

The only thing that matters is that gunplay is hundreds of times better than New Vegas and is actually passable. Gunplay doesn't need to compare to top shooters, it just needs to feel like gunplay actually exists instead whatever the fuck happens in New Vegas.

replayability is a massive meme. I'd rather the game itself have more content and just be longer, rather than replaying the game over again and again except THIS TIME I choose the red guys over the robot guy and I'm using LASER GUNS instead of just whatever weapon I happen to pick up


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you can roleplay as a mother trying to save her son

>post apocalyptic world.
It has post-post apocalyptic feel and where civilisation meets the frontier. That actually makes me like it even more.

>>Near infinite

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Only actual autists roleplay for real. The writing in Fallout 4 is garbage though so it's shitty regardless.

Equally nice single example of point. Argument is negated I guess

They mean the game becomes logarithmically boring but never approaches being so boring that they want to kill themselves.

time to play new vegas again

Near infinite?
All the choices do is determine what uniform the bad guys wear during the next mission.
It is only replayable if are amused by simple things.

so is this how it works?
6 = Faction Housing
1 = Gannon companion
2 = Any of the three listings there? (Minuteman, Atomic Liberace, Home Team Hitter)
Your Allegiance (Last digit of post) 2 = Caesar's Legion

Is that correct? I'll do the playthrough Very Hard and Survival Mode tomorrow.

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Man iv played the shit out of this game. I got a few hundo hours in it but it man there is nothing left the barren content really hurts it compared to FO3 far more detailed world. Yes I know they had less time but its 8 years later you dont play a game for what it could be but what it is, and that is unfinished sadly.

Honestly I like FO3 exploration way more, the desert is to samey and boring, where in DC the middle of the map has so much cool shit hell everywhere has cool shit EVERY time I play that game and I got atleast 2k hours in it, I find something new or unique. Like turn off the radio, that ambience is what makes it so kino to me, it feels far more dead then any other other fallout game it is the black sheep of the franchise and sure its not fucking perfect but sheer atmosphere and atmospheric story telling I dont think there is another Fallout game like it.

What replayability when House is the only viable choice?

Fallout 3 towns:
>an aircraft carrier run aground, infested with Mirelurks, originally cleaned out by a science team and some mercenaries in order to use the mostly in tact science bay, with the rest of the settlement gradually building up around that due to the relative safety and access to clean water/food
>a fortress settlement built around a bomb worshipped by a church of fatalists who won't let anyone remove it, built completely out of scrapped airplanes
>a "republic" run by a narcissistic megalomaniac who runs corrupt elections every year. Every citizen is just his family, who he has convinced that he is amazing. Basically it's just a cult compound
>an enclave of ghouls built in a museum exhibit dedicated to the underworld and the afterlife
>a slaver stronghold where catches are caught, stored, and shipped out to buyers
>a luxury hotel restored by a powerful and wealth immigrant with a mercenary company backing him up which houses what is essentially wasteland celebrities, self contained and xenophobic, an allegory for the class separation and elitism in modern society, and how the rich tend to wall themselves away from the outside world and look down at the lower class with disgust and suspicion
NV settlements:
>it's a trading town with a big wooden roller coaster and a robot cowboy! Look at our bonny and clyde cultural reference!
>it's the strip!
>it's a canyon filled with druggy gangsters!
legitimately the only interesting towns in NV are Nellis and Jacobstown.

>Gannon companion
How can I do this if I'm with Caesar's Legion though? He will tell me to fuck off like Boone

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>He started the series with Fallout 3
It's been 200 fucking years since the bombs dropped user. Bethesda finally nutted the fuck up and set the game where they always wanted it to be in 76 which is shortly after the war so that it is a post apocalypse and makes sense for people to live in shit shacks.

I also always felt like the exploration in Fallout 3 is the best. Everywhere you go there is something cool. New Vegas is completely empty. That was also my mine gripe with Fallout 4. They replaced towns and other small settlements mostly with the settlement system.

Too bad FO3 has neither.

There is an option to save Ceasar using Gannon, I'll let you figure out how.

Story still discussed to this day.
So Skyrim?

Funny detail, not a single Fallout 3 town has built in water, food or power supply
Bethesda didn't even care enough to put that in

nice. time to be a slave bitch boi

figurative rollercoaster
literal rollercoaster


Who cares? Thats the whole "how much does Aragorn pay in taxes" bullshit. I love FO3 it was my first Fallout but even then I sitll play it and yes FNV has the superior concepts and story telling but the world design is kind of bland and boring.

>not a single town has built in water, food or power

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>Is it safe to call it the greatest RPG of all time?
no, that would be Gothic 2

You must not have played the game if you wonder why Vegas wasnt nuked.

FNV defenders will blame Bethesda and lack of time but that doesn't matter now the game has long since been released.

Fallout 3 has locations that are "neat" to find. Bethesda does this with all their open world games now.

NV has locations that fit the lore.

both games are great can we fuck off with this pointless arguing. everyone with a brain cell though universally agrees that Fallout 4 is a fucking garbage trash game and forsakes the Fallout series and the RPG genre.

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>spend 40 minutes slowly lifting boxes of cereal to the Tenpenny bathroom so I can steal without getting caught
>spent 10 minutes slurping radioactive water out the sinks
There's literally food and water everywhere and you can find electric generators in most settlements, including Tenpenny Tower and Nuclear Bomb Riverwood.

but yeah that post was bait so inb4 HAHAH BAITED LOL XDD I'M SYCH A TROLLE XDDDD

Fallout 1 was the best in the franchise and if you think otherwise you can suck these nuts because you're already gay and I know you'll enjoy it more than I enjoyed playing Failout NV. Shit game with choices that don't matter. You can say New Vegas was a roleplaying game but it wasn't because no matter what you do you're always gonna be speccing into speech, barter, lockpick, and science because your autistic brain can't even imagine playing through the game and missing even a single locked container. Don't pretend like this isn't true, because it is.

New Vegas fucking sucks dick but I guess you have that in common which is why you like it so much

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roll for yesman, cass, violent retard

Well, if you think of Skyrim, it has both things that are neat to discover and great lore-based finds, such as the boats and the shrines. Fallout 3 does that very well, and the NV canyons filled with radioactive slug people are pretty well done too.

>both games are great

3 is miles better than nu vegas

Where does the food & water come from?
In New Vegas towns have farms next to them, herds and dug wells, and generators for power
In Fallout 3 it's just "look, magical food appeared in our fridge xD"

I know I'm arguing with Fallout 3 fans here, so your iq is at neanderthal level, but at least try

house always wins baybee

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Rivet City - its a fucking air craft carrier it has generators and water purifiers
Megaton - LITERALLY HAS A WATER TREATMENT PLANT and the power could be given through the turbines since their are power cables connecting them to the buildings.

Yeah House saved the place by shooting down the warheads aimed at the place.
That's literally what I meant when I said "hardly touched by the war".
Even House admits in dialog that he missed nearly 10 of them and you even find a few of them ingame.

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>Fallout 3
>aaand THIS is the town where you can nuke it
>aaaand THIS is the town run by children
>aaaand THIS is the slaver town
>aaand THIS is a very hamfisted criticism of capitalism

Fallout 3 is a theme park ride. There is no actual logic or consistency to its world, the developers just think "i want a town that can be nuked" and that's a town.

In fact, you can mod the entire of Fallout 3 into NV with NV's improvements and use mods only in NV in the Fallout 3 modded into NV.

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Water comes from space bro that's why we have it

Fallout NV was shit game play wise just like every other fallout games
Unless you mod the game to the point of crashing, this isn't a enjoyable game to play.
Also the story is pretty mediocre, nothing crazy about NV

Ok, what about food
There is not a single functioning farm in Fallout 3, so where do they get all the wheat & corn from?

>missed Oasis.
>missed the Ghoul City
>missed Big Town
>missed Canterbury commons
>missed Andale
you literally never played it.

Based post-ironic contrarian

That doesn't make either of them great. Not even New Vegas itself is great because it's held back by being based on Fallout 3.

I'm sorry user but I disagree with everything you just posted there. It's alright though.

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Skyrim, that's more like it...

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Why aren't there any farms or agriculture? Where does everyone get there water from? Where does everyone get their power from?
Why does everyone live in the same shanty shacks, even though it's been 200 years?

Already doing a run now.

F2 improved on everything compared to F1

It's the one Fallout that would genuinely benefit from a remaster/remake that isn't fanmade.

>Fallout 3
>The game that has a city RAN BY CHILDREN
>The game that has a town built around an ARMED NUKE
>The game where you can say "pls kill urself" to the final boss and he just does it, with no logic or reason needed

the first town in NV, fucking Goodsprings, has little farms everywhere, you fucking retard

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>aaand THIS is the town where we shoehorn in Harold, because it's a Fallout game, even though it makes zero sense
>aaand THIS is the ghoul town
>aaand THIS is the cannibal town

"fallout 3 is a theme park ride"
>start up new vegas
>"proceed in this direction and keep your character inside the lines or else you will be killed"
>entire map is meant to direct you along a set path with either physical barriers (mountains and invisible walls) or soft barriers (high level enemies between you and the objective)

well the thread is now ruined by 2 reddit tier retards. ah well.

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i wanna be a evil raider

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Well said. We're just gonna have to hope for some based team to get their hands on the licenses.

Shame it's a janky mess which puts me off playing it everytime.

There's a tiny smattering of crops to trick you into thinking the game is finished YOU IMBECILE

Trade, they could trade water and other supplies for food, their are PLENTY of traders to make it feasible plus there is still plenty of food laying around, while I will say yes "its a plot hole" FNV has plenty of its own, and atleast FO3 has far more playable content compared to FNV which literally had a Faction cut into pieces.
$20 this is barbed penis book

wrong. Fallout 3 is not a theme park ride; it's the entire theme park full of shit you can explore at any time. New vegas is like a rail guided tour and all the exhibits are shit.


This 95% of players will do the U route because its literally the intended route, the game practically is set up for it
"see Primm and NCR are incompetent, see Legion being evil and being good at it"

>legion with faction housing
you got your wish user

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I got bored after 17 hours

okay? but in your post said you wish the games had any of it, and NV does.
3 doesn't at all. lmao.

If only they had more time :(
They had much bigger plans for legion side (evident by ulysses character) and strip (unused portion of the vault for example).
Also best dlc, even one with zion

Stop being a fucking retard. Getting to Vegas without the intended route isn't hard and some soft railroading at the beginning of the game isn't a bad thing. The game never forces you to take that path.

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The metros were fucking horrific and absolutly a cancer that only existed because of last gen.

that's what I'm getting at; the game is built to guide you along a specific path in order to show off set pieces in a specific order.

SPPLLLOOOOSSSSHHH You are now poisoned

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>high level enemies between you and the objective
sounds like you suck at video games if some mutated lizards freaks and bugs are gonna stop you from running straight to vegas.
the game even gives you several routes to chose from with other lesser enemies like primm pass trough hidden valley

But that's comparing the main questline of each game, not just a random quest.

Post must have mods and best download manager

you can actually turn Fallout 4 into a proper RPG like NV or 3 is by default, but it requires like 250 something mods. Quite hilarious.

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ah shit, here we go again


yes it's not hard at all. The only thing you need to do is pick the lock in the safe at the school house to get the stealthboy, then sneak to black mountain and use it before the boulder trap, sneak past the mutant patrol, grab the NCR armor from the corpse, sneak past the deathclaws, make your way to McCarren, put the armor on in order to sneak past the guards, then ride the monorail to the strip.

Very simple to do on your first playthrough of the game.

Why does movement feel so slow?

Wow so you mean they imparted a design philosophy that's existed in video games since their creation???? How could they!

a lot of the story discussion is people calling it shit

>the game never forces you to take that path
Yes having 2 of the strongest enemies types MASSED UP and little room to maneuver with the clunky movement and shooting on your first or second play through without knowing the tricks or exploits. The fact is the U route is intended and pretty well forced upon the player as a tutorial as it shows you most of the major players and their gimmicks

Some Youtubers Completely Remaster NV Mod suggestions:
/vg/ fallout user pastbin of essential mods and then suggested mods:
Mod Manager 2.

primm pass is guarded by a deathclaw with 10 perception, and the route through hidden valley (scorpion gulch) is full of scorpions.

fo3 has like 5 side quests worth doing

>all those "choices" eventually leading to the same thing so there's no point in even including them
ebin, quantity over quality at it's finest

Ty user

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You don't have to do that though. You can skip that entirely if you're gud enough.

That's standard world design. Nudge the player in a path, but don't completely restrict them if they want to take an alternate or harder route. Have some areas that are harder than others but don't completely restrict freedom if you don't want to.

That's how Fallout 1 and 2 were basically designed. The game encourages you to go to Shady Sands, Vault 15, Junktown, etc but if you really wanted to you can go to Mariposa in the beginning, it's just far more difficult.

In Fallout 3 because you can go anywhere all of time the enemies end up having shit equipment because Bethesda doesn't know what level the player is going to be. Also, the main quest is easy as fuck and the Enclave are barely even a threat because of this.

Don't call it an open world RPG if you are being rail roaded then.
Saves loading cells for consoles and makes the map seem bigger.

>You feel a little woozy
this one doesn't have the hidden valley>black mountain>repconn path
it's medium difficulty

>there's only the intended way and one other way which involves deathclaws
>ignore primm pass, scorpion gulch, the railroad bypassing primm, or the path past the cazadores and Khans
>those don't exist

scropions are slow ass cucks and deathclaws are fucking chumps if you break one of their legs with dynamite

Your destiny was set user its just how you play through it, nothing wrong with that.

back up your default installation whether its steam or gog, the entire folder, before doing anything.
just an external hdd or some shit

>>You feel a little woozy
my bad its been awhile since i went where these fuckers rape you

I hate to say it, Botw did openworld post apocalyptic better than any Fallout game...

>Enemies have guns
>Hide behind a rock, wait for them come to you and melee

>Enemies have melee weapons
>Move backward while swinging your melee weapon

Attached: Fallout - New Vegas Screenshot 2019.10.11 - (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Gothic 2, the greatest RPG ever made also does this heavily by literally placing hard enemies at chokepoints on the map and no one ever complained.
It's just Bethestards trying to defend their shit games by saying good game design bad.

>>Near infinite replayability

I have 943 hours in New Vegas and I can officially say that I have tapped it for all it's got.

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>Muh railroaded
You are not

>disgusting graphics
>trash gameplay
>b-but at least it's not as dumb as 3 or 4
I'd rather play fallout 1 or 2

no thats Gothic

have fun going in a U user...

>Story that is still discussed to this day
This is only true to the extent of: "Caesar is literally a saint and I want him to impregnate my male anus" and "House is literally based if you chose something else you're a brainlet fag". Except for that, shitting on NCR and discussing plot holes (of which there are a lot), not a single piece of plot from the main game gets discussed, ever.

>Enemies have melee weapons
>Move backward while swinging your melee weapon
there is a mod that fixes that

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Attached: Fallout 1 gameplay.webm (853x480, 1.73M)

I'm going for a new run after 5 years. Roll.

Smoking is bad for you.

just ignore these posters user. dumb reddit tier retards who have the IQ of a mouse

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If you want your game to actually be stable?
Rika's guide to FNV modding

I dont remember that many rats


>tfw I have so many porn mods I can only fast travel once before the game crashes

No, it doesn't have infinite replayability. I've finished it 4 times, half of them were 100% runs. I'd like to play it again, but I just know too much about this game for it to be entertaining.

What's the problem, champ?

Keep rollin', rollin', rollin'
Though the streams are swollen


not when deus ex exists

>but I just know too much about this game for it to be entertaining.
Man this is why im giving up video games, I just dont have fun with them anymore all the magic is gone.

>No, it doesn't have infinite replayability. I've finished it 4 times
There is a twitch channel I like called OuterHeaven. They have done full playthroughs of every Metal Gear Solid game literally 1000s of times, often on hardest difficulty or big boss runs or FULL 100% story runs.
Your argument is moot. Goodbye.

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Go do this quest for me
Can't because I am level one and Cereberus is blocking the door.

What fun.
Those games were failures for a reason.

>Those games were failures
u wot m8?



Should I just outright copy my steam installation folder and past it elsewhere ?

So then there are only 2 real ways to play? cool. From a first playthrough perspective Fallout 3 has clearly superior design.

rolling my courier

It's definitely better, not really an rpg tho

Thats autism, nothing else.

>Dark Souls railroads you towards Undead Burg by placing hard enemies in the graveyard and New Londo
>this is bad
t. Bethestard.

Would have been a nice game if it didn't have terrible frame rate drops to the point of being a stop motion game, crashed every 20 minutes or randomly crashed because you tried to combine 2 items in your inventory.

>role playing game
You play the role as a womens bathroom detective so yes it is an RPG.
Yes its why Demon's is literally better.

I have games I can play over and over, that doesn't change anything.

I literally ran straight north on my very first playthrough, over the mountain where Chance's grave is then down the path to the valley in front of Red Rock. The Cazadores are deliberately spaced out so you can make it through.

uh what? Now im not FNV defender but what?

>Playing on a console
You have only yourself to blame

Cazadores aren't even that hard. I went through that path with a recharger rifle from Chet once.

>I have games I can play over and over, that doesn't change anything.
it makes your fucking retarded point not true you fucking daft cunt.

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just the fallout new vegas folder
it should be in steamapps > common > Fallout New Vegas
you just want the Fallout New Vegas folder which is the game files.
if you got REALLY fast internet dont bother, its only 9gb.

>You play the role as a womens bathroom detective so yes it is an RPG.
Damn, never thought of it that way. I guess literally everything is an rpg.

Also the last good Fallout game ever

going by that definition fallout 2 isnt a roleplaying game either, youre always the kid of the village elder that has to help their village

Nope, nice cope tho, see again>Fallout 3 has superior design
>Literally every single quest after you move out of the Vault requires you to go to Megaton
In the wet dreams of Bethesdtards

True but that doesn't change that the PS3 version was barely playable.

Maybe he only played the initial release and never tried again after it was patched.

That is literally how the first version worked, Obsidian had way more NPCs than are in the game currently and the framerate would chug in a lot of areas because of that, add on that it only had access to 2gb of memory and it was really crash prone.

It's not an issue now because you can just get the GoG version and the game works near-flawlessly out of the box, provided you disable autosaves.

Its how i think of games anyway, I unironically believe The Witcher series are RPG's you play the role of a character, is a table top RPG not an RPG if you play a premade character?

What do people eat in Megaton ?

They have a canteen, stupid.

desu I'm not sure if I had patched it. you saying I could plug the ps3 back in and get the latest patches.. and it'll work pretty well?

>Literally every single quest after you move out of the Vault requires you to go to Megaton
Nani? you can literally go to GNR from the the vault you can even skip Threedog and go straight to Rivet City. Not to mention all the cool side quests, like Oasis, Andale, GreyDitch, Canturbury Commons, Dunwich.
It ran fine on my machine back in the day.
Just torrent it on PC my guy.


>It ran fine on my machine back in the day.
You either didn't play the initial release or are misremembering. The game would frequently have 10-30 NPCs active at once, engaging in various states of combat or other actions, and vast amounts of it were cut from the game as a result, even on a beast PC today it chugs to hell and back because the engine itself can't handle everything being done. All those uncut mods? Most of them just re-enable content that was disabled with the official patches for performance.

No, nigga. An rpg is a game with choice, about the character, it's development and the plot. Not necessarily all tho.
>is a table top RPG not an RPG if you play a premade character?
If you'd done that, you'd know that where it goes from minute 1 is very much on the player. Not the script's writer. Unless the GM just goes through a sequence of completely premade events with no player interaction. In that case it's not an rpg at all.

>want to replay FNV
>remember the whole religious ghoul questline
If I have to do that one more time I'd kill myself

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>N-no you can go directly to Three Dog if you magically know who to speak with because the player read it on the wiki
>N-no see you can go beyond BigTown and play your quests
>Just ignore that Megaton is the hub of every single early game quest and replaces New Vegas prison camp, NCR border, GoodSprings, Primm,...
>Very good design, thank you Todd

>Story that is still discussed to this day
Why does that matter when it'll never have a sequel?

>actually work together with the son
>he just dies
Wew lad.

>the story feels forced and doesn't fit a post apocalyptic world.
What's forced about a conflict surrounding a functional hydroelectric dam? That shit's a valuable resource when no one can replicate it.

The greatest RPG of all time wouldn't crash every 10 minutes

>want to replay FNV
>I will probably end up just doing independany
>remember the part of the main quest where you have to contact the other factions

> or are misremembering.
probably its been a while desu.
So now every premade table top adventure is no longer an RPG?
>N-no you can go directly to Vegas if you magically know the exact route because the player read it on the wiki
>N-no see you can goo beyond Sloan and play your quests that don't exist
>Just ignore that Megaton is very skippable unlike GoodSprings and Primm,...
>Very good design, thank you Todd
no thank you. also im 99% sure Rivet City is mentioned before you get to Megaton.

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>not killing the ghouls

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Someone convince me not to give the Bethesda jew money for Fo76... im hurtin.

yoou'll regret it if you do

I know I will, beyond all of this FO3 vs FNV shit atleast we understand that anything past us is shit that has nothing unique or good about it, but man I just want a NEW Fallout experience, and I can't wait for Frontier, or Miami anymore... Project Brazil ended up being mediocre and I need something new.

>>N-no you can go directly to Vegas if you magically know the exact route because the player read it on the wiki
Or maybe you opened your fucking eyes you drone
Well, my bad, Bethesdtards don't even lnow.what an RPG is, imagine navigating without questmarks..

Attached: Goodsprings_cemetery.jpg (1728x1080, 877.48K)

>>Megaton is very skippable
Ok Todd, this bait is shit, fuck off

Lol nice A pose. Also FNV has just as many fucking quest markers so shut the fuck up lmao. I love how you magically know to get to the Fort you need to go through cottonwood cove.
It is tho, at no point do you need to go there.

Let's see what I get.

>So now every premade table top adventure is no longer an RPG?
Maybe try reading the post you respond to, my dude.
I said a tabletop rpg without any player interaction with the aforementioned key elements isn't an rpg.

>Near infinite replayability
you mean literally the least replayability in the whole series since it's tiny and nothing changes
>Mass variety of character builds
you mean stealth sniper and stealth sniper that uses lasers
>story that is shilled to this day

Hijacked you gotta do mine now.

3 has way better exploration, but that's just because wandering, aimless exploration is the point of 3 in a way it really isn't in New Vegas. The map is way more concise and there's generally things to do at most locations.

Fuck it I've been wanting to replay

And? a premade adventure has the same amount of customization something like the Witcher 3 has, you can set skill points make moral decisions and equip different gear. IF you play a premade character then you have a back story and a personality. you are PLAYING a role.

I really like Fallout New Vegas, but now that my opinion is being backed up by a Soijack I hate Fallout New Vegas.

I want to play fallout 3 with new vegas iron sights. If i get that mod that makes both games playable in the same game, is it like that?

>Lol nice A pose. Also FNV has just as many fucking quest markers so shut the fuck up lmao. I love how you magically know to get to the Fort you need to go through cottonwood cove.
Not a single argument, not one. If it wasn't an extremely mediocre post the final deflection with the Fort would have made into the vringe compilations but
>J-just wander aimlessy, who needs directions or actually seeing a location, just read it on wiki and point the marker North-East

why do faggots always bring up le stealth sniper or le stealth archer builds when playing bethsoft games? it's never fun or even the best build

Honestly the game plays out pretty much the same every time once you get to The Strip.

>least replayability
I’ve probably played NV seven or eight times. I played F3 once. Couldn’t even finish F4.

the story feels very dynamic but it reality its not, sort of the like F.E.A.R's AI.
Because your entire "argument" was bullshit, FNV uses quest markers JUST as much as 3.
Yes wander aimlessly thats what the game is best at, its a comfy exploration game.

>legitimately the only interesting towns in NV are Nellis and Jacobstown.
I agree generally but Freeside is by far the best depiction of slums in a video game. It's incredibly atmospheric.

This kills Bethesda army of redditors

Yes but get Nevada skies so you can put back the green filter the piss yellow one of FNV looks terrible in FO3

>character builds
That o my matters until you get to level 15 by which point you’ll have enough points into everything that it doesn’t matter

>Is it safe to call it the greatest western RPG of all time?
no but it was the last really good one we had.

Outward is fun

you having shit taste doesn't make the game not shit faggot
>the story feels very dynamic
according to what retard
literally nothing changes and its all the same no matter what you do
not even an option to skip the battle or just fuck it and blow the dam
basic fucking shit and obsidiots couldn't do it
its trash tier

I've finally gotten around to playing through 4 and I'd actually say even 4 is better than 3. You can't really roleplay in either game, and they both cock tease you with giving you the illusion that you can. 3 is just slightly better at that last part.

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there were good ones (like divinity and witcher 3), but no god tier ones

thanks fag

>a premade adventure has the same amount of customization something like the Witcher 3 has
I can see you've never played a tabletop rpg. Or if you have, you've played autists or something.
If you go through several instances of the same "ready made" campaigns, they would play very differently. Depending on the players' choices and their interaction with the gm.

Also witcher 3 is hardly an rpg. Completely premade character, you can pretty much only change how the combat plays, very limited choice in terms of plot.

>IF you play a premade character then you have a back story and a personality. you are PLAYING a role.
That role is in the player's hand, this is what makes an rpg. Your idiosyncratic definitions don't matter at all.

>Because your entire "argument" was bullshit, FNV uses quest markers JUST as much as 3.
That wasn't the argument fucktard. The surroundings in Goodsprings are clear and locations described by NPC's, including the Strip.
You can also easily see The Lucky 38 from Goodsrpings and way afar
Meanwhile to go to Three Dogs directly you have to know where to go
>Muh comfy exploration
Bethesdtard is an autistic consoomer of shallow open world survival crafting early access games, who could have foreseen that, wow, i'm shocked

I SAID FEELS, re read my post user
Ye, fair enough, I actually really like Tyranny because the game world is cool and unique and the story concept is awesome, to bad it failed in every other way...

>who cares

You are everything at fault of the degeneration of fallout. I mean christ, where to even begin.

World consistency, logic and sense is absolutely vital for any game thats about decision making, immersion and roleplaying. If there is none, there is no reason to care anymore since everything is up in the air and nothing really matters.

Bethesda just design cheap dopamine shots at calculated intervals in their games. Feelgood moments like finding a new gun, going up a level or discovering some whacky X that one of their concept artists impressed their director with. Just like superhero flicks, they are entertaining, popular, sell well and are absolute uninspired cheap dogshit that you forget about 3 minutes after leaving the theatre/turning the console off.

Story, sense, dialogue, writing, all of it is secondary to Bethesda. Not a single soul spent a thought about how Fallout 4 with all its generators and purifiers that you can just build on the spot just trivializes the entirety of one of their OWN fucking games, not even the originals. But they dont care, because the cheap dopamine shots keep people hooked. And those people then see criticisms of the shitfest of bethesda and then take that as an attack on their enjoyment of the game and a personal attack, then laughably try and amount a defense of how utterly shit Bethesdas games are, despite selling well.

Fallout 3's side quests are the most consistent in the franchise. They're all long, fully fleshed out stories usually with some level of choice. Even if your choice is just choosing between unique loot or perks, that's still a lot better than caps and generic loot from most New Vegas side quests. NV has fuck tons of throw-away fetch quests and probably the same number of in-depth quests as 3, but 3 ONLY has in-depth quests and that's really compelling. Taking on a quest in 3 felt like an adventure.

rolling for gay cowboy

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Ah so its not an arguement when you dont want it to be but is when you want it to be? Ok buddy have your cake and eat lol.

>Y-You can also easily see The Lucky 38 from Goodsrpings and way afar
ok and? what changes because of that?

>Bethesdtard is an autistic consoomer of shallow open world survival crafting early access games, who could have foreseen that, wow, i'm shocked
Why do you think those games sold well? people like comf games atleast FO3 has content considering 75% of the FNV is cut content or half finished lmao what half baked experience
>inb4 y-yea but its STILL better than FO3
lol no, tell that to sales and reviews :)


Go read a book I play games to have fun and experience things I never could not be taught a fucking lesson in society and social constructs by a bunch of liberals in California.

I really don't like this forced meme war between F3 and NV.

New Vegas is the only good one
>1 is literally nothing
>2 has that shitty temple and it takes a billion years for things to get interesting
>3 is even uglier than NV and you have to take those ugly metros+no ironsights
>4 is borderlands

Attached: 1588131933894.jpg (225x225, 5.75K)

Wait, there are “people” on here who actually like Fallout 3 and 4, and they think they have a right to criticize anyone’s taste? Ohnononono.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

Tbh I like both games while I enjoy FO3 more I gotta say 4 is fucking awful and is insultingly bad.

>implying you read

Damn everything you just stated was wrong, impressive

>Near infinite replayability
Sure, if you have severe autism. Fallout NV is super overrated. None of the FPS Fallouts are that good at all.

Just read your post bb :)

Isn't NV a reddit game?

The graphics are terrible.

Ah, yeah? So if it sells well it must mean its good, right? If its popular that means its a good game right? All mainstream marvel superhero films are all just better films than actual insightful cinema because they sell more?

No, dumbshit. There are different tiers of pleasure. Holding your newborn son in your arms and smoking crystal meth are both immensely enjoyable experiences. But everyone fucking knows that they are not equal. Higher pleasures are superior in every single fashion. And cheap, shitty short term dopamine hits such as marvel films, drugs, bethesda games are cheap and shitty.

Would you rather find a cool new shiny gun to kill ghouls in a blig splatter and feel good for 20 seconds, or establish a bond between two factions that highlights actual real world themes and provides insight into the lore of the world and feel good about it for years?

Alright then. Let's see...

>filtered by the originals
>thinks 4 is borderlands
lmao why do I even come to this board. This is just embarrassing.

It’s one of reddit’s most popular games. But so is the Witcher, Dark Souls and Bloodborne and that doesn’t stop Zig Forums from circlejerking them.

Well that's true


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Fallout 2 was better in regards of the shit you could do. If I remember correctly you could even be a pornstar.

What difference does that make? A good game is a good game. Someone who forces themselves to stop liking what they like, due to some cunt also happening to like it, is a moron.

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because vee IS reddit. this is post election post gamer gate and it fucking sucks.

Unironically take drugs. If just having a "hit" and feeling enjoyment is what you are after, to relax or however you justify it to yourself, why dont you just skip the middlemen and take drugs?

>hurr durrr me like entertainment, me like fun

jesus, go inject your brain with chemicals for all I care but dont fucking ruin actual creative outlets.

Breathing is a reddit move. You should stop that.

What's the point of having a post apocalyptic setting if you're just gonna want it changed? New Vegas ain't a real fallout game. 300 years means nothing in a world where ghouls and mutants exist. I honestly can't believe you're willing to change the actual setting for muh realism (whatever that means).

When you keep the presentation of the game more primitive it's far easier to add more player options. Just look at something like Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead for an extreme example.

>played through them=filtered
talk about embarrassing you literal brainlet. fallout 4 is a looter shooter btw

>Imagine getting filtered by 1&2

>that shitty temple
>takes literally 10 minutes to finish.

You need to go back to wherever the fuck

Peak gamer moment here lads

>but dont fucking ruin actual creative outlets.
>video games are a creative outlet and not a way for companies to make tons of money on psudeo intellectuals.
what the fuck what drugs are you on bro? Where can I get em?

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Fallout 4 will likely be seen as a spinoff in the future. Bethesda will probably (hopefully) continue the direction they took with wastelanders.

>built completely out of scrapped airplanes
I couldn't even tell. Looked like the same shanty town as the rest of the game, minus the single jet engine at the entrance.

10 minutes too long and I beat 1&2 and I'm here to say the art and music are great but actually playing through them is a slog

Psuedo Intellectual
>Fallout 4 will likely be seen as a spinoff in the future. Bethesda will probably (hopefully) continue the direction they took with wastelanders.
I dont have 76 I gave up after 4 whats different?

>my first fallout is the best one
>no MY first fallout is the best one
The franchise died with FO2, everything that came afterwards is garbage.

Fallout 3 has supreme atmosphere building. The atmosphere it builds is a complete miss due to it being 200 years after the bombs fell, but the dense, gothic art deco of the bombed out downtown crawling with ghouls and supermutants was fun as FUCK to explore. There's literally no getting around it.

It’s not even the best of its franchise, let alone the entire scope of RPGs

>bruh nothing matters, its all about the money bruh

What isnt, brainlet? Every product, every service, any act of cooperation between humans requires compensation so why even bother bring that up?

17-18 people playing lol probably played it a thousand times... And are proud of it lol this is who we're arguing with Fo3 chads. Just these 17 people

It was supposed to be like 20 years original but was changed late in development

>the direction they took with wastelanders
Meaning what, exactly? People were hoping Far Harbour was a good sign for the future, but then we got... whatever the fuck shit F76 was.

How do I get into Fallout 2?

>Near infinite replayability
not really

They all have a preset background. Even NV.

>Bethesda will probably (hopefully) continue the direction they took with wastelanders
Bethesda (the ACTUAL bethesda aka Bethesda maryland) has nothing to do with 76 and has had very little to do with it's development, so I would've have your hopes up for wastelanders being the future of bethesda games


silent protagonist, perk checks in dialogue, consequences (albeit minor ones) in dialogue, factions with reputation systems etc

To me it's a callback to fallout 1. fallout 2 advanced everything way too much

*wouldn't have

Well the original was already like 150 years after the war was it not

putting 3 into NV is the way to go.

But of course morrowind is immune to all these criticisms because WAAAAAHHH


>Ah so its not an arguement when you dont want it to be but is when you want it to be? Ok buddy have your cake and eat lol.
It means that you approach to "exploration" you praise so much, as shown with how you claimed you are "free" to go to three dog, is that of an underage kid that never played any rpg but Fo3 and Fo4 because they are soft and accessible as braindead go there - kill all - loot all games.
You can't simply "Just go to Three Dog" unless you artificially search on the internet for Three Dog position
>>Y-You can also easily see The Lucky 38 from Goodsrpings and way afar
>ok and? what changes because of that?
That Bethesda never ever considered the option of players skipping Megaton because they built it as an on rail shitty fps
You exit the vault knowing nothing and you are supposed to go to Megaton and ask direction to your next main quest questmarker
NEW vegas was built as truly open, with option to follow the main quest, but clear sights and dialogues in Goodsprings showing you different paths
>Inb4 "you can still go to three dog" autism posting all over again
>>Bethesdtard is an autistic consoomer of shallow open world survival crafting early access games, who could have foreseen that, wow, i'm shocked
>Why do you think those games sold well? people like comf games atleast FO3 has content considering 75% of the FNV is cut content or half finished lmao what half baked experience
For the same reason shit games like Fortnite and Cod are so popular, they appeal to the lowest possible common denominator. Imagine making an argument for how Mc Donalds is better than a Steakhouse because more people dinner at the former
>>inb4 y-yea but its STILL better than FO3
>lol no, tell that to sales and reviews :)
New Vegas has 8,7 Audience score in Metacritic
Fallout 3 has 7,7 audience score in Metacritic
New Vegas sold 8.5 million units compared to Fo3 9.5, with 3 being older

You are being pandered to by a bunch of rich white liberals in California pretending to be smart and so deep. Muh Bear and Bull, Muh SO DEEP CEASER MUH DEMOCRACY BAD. shut the fuck up the game is only pretending to be smart, Lonesome road is the gayest shit ever its the ending to a story that was never told, Ulysses means nothing the divide means nothing either its a story that was told before you even played so how is that an RPG?
Todd don't convince me to pick it up... I-is it worth it?

Reality check for Bethesda shills

>all the babies replying to this post who need their hand held

stuff like datamining is what did it for me, no reason to speculate on any hidden secrets or anything because people pore over the game files and discover everything there is to know shortly after release, before release in some cases

So survival mode and item degradation wasn't the Maryland teams idea?
So there is hope the retardation is contained to the other studio. Good to know.

rawli ng

Yea I took the /dbt/ pill and im buying a motorcycle il prolly sell my PC in a month or so

You got filtered by Lonesome Road

>actually playing through them is a slog
I bet you're a kid and you had your brains fried by gay fortnite shit.
But honestly, have you ever read a book?

Why not consider branching out into different genres of gaming where this isn't an issue? That's what I've sort of been doing. Unless you've already gone through them all, of course.

Why are you wasting your ammo on rats? Use your knife dummy.

Just admit you couldn't pass Lonesome Road loser

its my second favorite just after Mass Effect 1. i could play either for the rest of my life and enjoy them. plus i live in Nevada so FO:NV feels like im just wandering around my own backyard post apocalypse, and adds to the immersion greatly.

Not really I had a anti material rifle and 200+ rounds of explosive ammo it wasn't very hard, it was pseudo intellectual bullshit.
I have played everything I used to come home and play until 2am for years user im sort of just done with video games they are the most self destructive hobby of them all.

Ive never played fortnite


lmao, the absolute state.

Lmao, the state.

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>ammo has weight

Did you even read my post, retard?

>I used to come home and play until 2am for years
>video games are the most self destructive hobby of them all
Sounds more like a you problem than a video game problem.


They're not even clunky, they're just not fast-paced games and aren't trying to be. You're trying to zoom your way through the game that was never at any point intended to be played that way.

my god user you really are brainwashed by them I bet you say how SJW games pander but don't realize you are being pandered to also lmao.

Those aren't even towns, they're quest hubs at best.

We meet yet again, my old friend

Only on hardcore mode

>Done with vidya
>Shitposting here

People still discuss Planescape Journal Updater and it is 10 years older.

Attached: alexander-biryukov-nameless-one-dreadleft.jpg (1080x1920, 494.02K)

Let's go.

>They hated him because he spoke the truth
Fallout was never a good series.


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Maybe but it isnt healthy, plus with a bike I get to be social, have a good chance of dying and have fun so its a win win.
Ye i gotta wait until next saturday then il never see you fags again.

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The one where they go into space? It's 100% optional.

Hoping for retard.

>my god user you really are brainwashed by them
OY VEY! Delete this this instant, or you'll hear from my lawyer, you anti-semite

>I bet you say how SJW games pander but don't realize you are being pandered to also lmao.
Oh ignore what I just said, Just keep posting. And I might send you a shekel or two.

>plus with a bike I get to be social
See, it is a you problem. You can be plenty social playing video games. But instead you set in your room playing singleplayer games by yourself. Of course that's not healthy.

very based and redpilled, libtards with seethe at this post

Fallout as a series degraded rather then improved.
>Dude, your plan is flawed!
>Alright, provide some actual evidence or fuck off.

Attached: FO01_NPC_Master_B.png (803x414, 491.19K)

I'm crying and shaking right now!

>Dude, can't we talk about this?
>Eat shit, mutie fuck.

Attached: FO02_NPC_Frank_Horrigan.png (803x414, 501.05K)

I got bored like 10 hours in.
have no idea how people can play this game for hundreds of hours

>2 branches are “kill benny”
>1 branch is “don’t die”

>Dude, your plan is flawed!
>lol, okay, guess I'll destroy myself.

Attached: ZAX-JohnHenryEden.jpg (1440x900, 640.09K)


>Dude, if you come east you won't be in the west!
>Damn, I never thought about that! Neither did my boss I guess.

yeah, haha
one small problem tho





>Dude, what's even your motive?
>Lmao you wouldn't get it.

Attached: Fo4Shaun(Father).jpg (1728x1080, 539.68K)


This. Obshitiandrones are the snoyfags of PC.

>lists all aspects of the game with a buzzword after
>doesn't elaborate
Your opinion is somehow even less valid than an IGN review simply because you don't back anything up.

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maybe the root of all of it was video games.

While I wont argue its a good game i have this same feeling. I hit level 25 or so before I even went to the strip only to be left a little wanting.

Elder Scrolls > Fallout

Vegas is based, but not that fag

your point?

>These are the "people" who shit on actual RPGs

Then why do other people manage to lead healthy lifestyles while still playing them?

benis in bagina


>Near infinite replayability

Most of these builds are retarded, but whatever.

Attached: beatrix-russell-cosplay.jpg (650x433, 83.94K)

The game plays like shit, if I want writing I'll read a book. Fucking pathologic 2 has better combat and gameplay then New Vegas.

Attached: reggie-splash-1.jpg (1919x1075, 228.07K)

Because they are normalfags.

What did he have to back up? The gameplay fucking sucks. A literal retard could figure that out after playing it for 10 minutes

>Near infinite replayability
I'm sorry, what? There's a difference between giving due praise and being a retarded fanboy and you crossed it in your first sentence.

Gameplay isn't relevant to if a game is good or not, cope retard.

Brotherhood of Cucks

*cucks you out of having a blank slate to make your own backstory*
Thank you, Avellone.

Attached: Ulysses_profile.jpg (340x243, 21.62K)

Zig Forums, and to a lesser extent, the rest of Zig Forums should heed this message.

True but that's not the argument here. But I'll say I see more elder scrolls mentioned in Fallout threads than vice versa

All the 3d fallout games have bare minimum replayability
Side quests are such a waste of time that 99% of the time only involve talking to a guy, going to a new location, talking to a different guy who is conviently marked with a handholding quest marker, then deciding wether to shoot him or use speech if you dumped points into that.
>b-but your choices really matter
Oh wow, I can choose between a pathetic payout of caps or a shitty weapon, but if it's a REALLY important side quest is changes one slide over the narrated ending. Wow, really showing my impact in game there.


Actually pretty close

Man I enjoyed him dying and then going around shooting everyone in the Institute in the fucking face.

the "torment" comes from playing that shitty "game", devs were having a laugh at D&D nerds

>if I want writing I'll read a book.
are you saying games are incapable of having good writing? I know you cant be, because you acknowledged Pathologic 2, which has incredible writing. So I just dont know what you're trying to say

>Repair submachinegun in first house
>Shoot wings


Game needs mods to be fun, so it's not a good game.
Don't care for excuses.

>specially the legion
>"You can't have an evil faction in a video game!" "Every choice must be a grey mess with no right or wrong answers so that the story and plot is difficult getting invested in!"

>things that didn't happen the post

Planescape Torment has bad combat but everything else is phenomenal

I love 3, but this shit needs to end

>garbage engine
>shit performance
>bugs and glitches
>mediocre at best gunplay

If you were to remake New Vegas in the Stalker engine then I would never need another game. Stalker looks better, plays better, and has better gunplay. Of course it lacks everything New Vegas has too. t

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The only games with near-infinite replayability are ones that heavily use procedural generation.

>Already knew you were a courier
>DLC reinforces that you were a courier
>This somehow cucks you out of a blank slate background that never existed in the first place


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Jericho is the best follower.

New Vegas still has more quality quests though.
FNV was built entirely around quests since the world was intentionally very lively, 3 only has 17 side quests because the post apocalypse feel is more about the sparseness and dungeon crawling.

I'm saying it should come below every other aspect of a game. There can be exceptions like if the writing is really fucking good like pathologic and a lesser extent planescape but their combat isn't complete and utter dogshit like NV's, and NV's writing isn't on par with theirs to justify slogging through the shit game part to experience it. (pathologic 2 is a vast improvement over 1 in gameplay as is).

Legion were the good guys tho.

>>aaand THIS is a very hamfisted criticism of capitalism
seethe. Tenpenny tower isn't that at all, it's just a tower full of elitist assholes, nothing more,

What do they eat, what do they trade for nuka cola?

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What did he mean by this?

*vehemently denies the ramblings of a lunatic*

As soon as I commented that only 17 people are playing all of a sudden more people roll? Not fishy at all

All you knew beforehand is that you took on a job to be a courier carting the chip to Vegas. You didn't know if it was your first job, how long you'd been working as a courier, etc. Ulysses then tells youve been one for years delivering packages to Reno, vault city and all around the NCR.
>never existed in the first place
Cope boomer tranny. Stay mad NV offered a better role playing experience then 1 and 2.

Sorry user, but Avellone made the call for you.

>go to Great Kahns camp
>murder Papa Khan
>walk around camp talking to Khans, seeming them lament and worry
>systematically kill them with a silenced weapon
>eventually theres only a few straggler Khans left
>they allow me to roam their camps unbeknownst I murdered everyone
First time I've done this, felt good blowing Papa's brains out for once.

ijm ready

>praising a nice game this much
you are BEGGING for people to hate this on principle at this point, when people largely dont give a fuck whether someone else likes it or not anymore. its 2020.

Fallout 3 is supposed to be "theme park-y"
The whole idea is to imitate the mad max movies and the host of other post apocalyptic movies and media that inspired Fallout originally.

Fallout 3 was the first open world post apocalypse game for all intents and purposes, Bethesda already had the niche wide open so they never needed to make a world that was radically distinct or really thought out since there wasn't a the existing construction of a post apocalypse in video games.

So the idea and fun of fallout 3 is that you roam around a dead world and find fun stories, people, quests, and dungeons to explore, and when you were done you would walk off again.

Fallout 3 feels like there was a attempt but they didn't think shit through or hard enough about it. Fallout 4 felt like they just wanted to shit out something to make money for starfield and elder Scrolls 6.


That blacks are tribal savages that gets BTFO hard by better armed white people
War never changes after all

What's the difference between Fallout 3 and NV?

The ending says a few escaped and the khan's continued to be niggers elsewhere. The only way to kill them off for good is to convince them to suicide rush the legion.

Is there even wheat or corn in the game?

3 is basically a prototype for loot shooters, except with garbage loot and garbage shooting.

25 people? That's it?

ha ha ha


Honestly the Khans existing isnt so bad, I just have never wiped that entire camp out before. In fact I just showed up and started doing it. However I've never done the suicide run thing, maybe next time

I don't see how having done a courier job as opposed to two courier jobs in your past messes up your backstory.

Most overrated game on this shit board
And yes, I like it and played over 400 hours

Why does Avellone insist on forcing in these shitty mouth piece characters so he can whine about shit he doesn't like in settings, like Kreia and this nigger?

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time for another run boys

Go roll for a new playthrough! XD

I played stalker and its garbage. At least call of pripyet one was.

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Fallout 3 was the first open world post apocalypse game, so it's more about the desolation of the world, going through the wastes to find little isolated stories within it and then wander off to find the next one.

New Vegas is built in a thriving world, everything is connected, quests go together with other quests, factions relate to other factions it's really lively.

NV also fixed some stuff with 3 like aiming, but 3 did have a few other features that were unique to it that were superior

No. Doing this will make people hate the game or push them into submission.

Download mods like Jsawyer's ultimate, ragdolls (adds hit reactions to enemies) and it becomes 10 times better

>a long quest is better than a fetch quest
bad bait

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That's Fallout 4 you're describing. The entire thing was a viability test for 76. Although I always reluctantly defend Fallout 4. It took massive steps backwards for the franchise and I still regard it as an inferior Fallout game, but I'd be lying if I said I hated it. Maybe I am just easily entertained, but the looting and VATS death shots never got old to me. I also love the critical banking system, and I expect every Fallout game to abide by that as the standard now in the future. I hate totally random criticals, I'm not sure of other games having done it the way Fallout 4 did it (I'm sure they exist) but it is very gratifying and makes luck based characters so god damn fun.

because he's a faggot who didn't even write the base game of New Vegas

>He believed a crazy nigger's ramblings

OK stupid

Take your meds.