We wuz rappers and shiet

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wiki wiki wkii pow pow pow.

A viking is what I am
And about christian men I don't give a damn
We raid, we kill, but we're the good guys
While you english king can't rap even if he tries

pow chiki pow, wiki wiki wiki

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Other urls found in this thread:


youre white arent you

Yup, vikings were my ancestors. Rapping is in my blood.



Its not rap its more like Insult sword fighting.
The writer of that article is just dumb.

They were actually a thing you dumb Zig Forumstard.

Also I have a little penis

Flyting or fliting is a contest consisting of the exchange of insults between two parties, often conducted in verse

Sounds like rap to me.

You fight like a Dairy Farmer.

How appropriate, you fight like a cow

That's literally rap. Face it. Vikings were hood niggas

The medieval vikings would say that rap sounds like Flyting.

Who gets to decide the correct term?

If I remember correctly there's "flyting" in kalevala, which was part inspiration for tolkien's lord of the rings. So what we can conclude is that legolas was the "og" rapper

fuck meant gandalf

So basically whites invented rap and the blacks stole it. Typical

Is literally poetry. Not rap. You actually had to be well educated in poetic recital to do flyting well.

>I'm white
>vikings were my ancestors
>vikings were hood niggas
>I can now say the n-word and be justified
Feels good nigga.

hol up

so you be sayin

battle poetry sounds pretty dope
too bad it's all going to be Marvel-tier quip writing

Vikings are snow niggers because all they did of note is chimped out and riot, I mean raped and pillaged

Shiiiiet nigga. Thats all you had to say

First of all, I'm not a rapper. I'm a flyter.

Nah what Väinämöinen does is not flyting. He was able to cause things happen by playing his kantele (a type of lute) and singing.
For example he "lauloi Joukahaisen suohon" which translates to "he sang Joukahainen into a bog".
He sang lyrics depicting the person drowning himself in a swamp, so the person did it, as if mind controlled.
t. a Finn

Sup Consul soon my bros

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Why do white bois love saying nigga and nigger so much online?

Yeah apart from inventing the best ships of the era, conquering Paris the most formidable city in Europe and conquering all of England.

>pow chiki pow, wiki wiki wiki
Holy cringe

Its still alive and well in my neck of the woods in the Basque Country.


Usually they are given a theme and they rhyme and sing about it taking different views on the matter , its not so much about dissing your rival than it is about being creative with your verses.
Its pretty common on festivals and big events and there is a championship every year.

The vikings did have a form of "rap" it was called Flyting and the tradition of Flyting persisted in England until at least the Early Modern period. In viking flyting two skalds would impersonate gods and would insult the other, with a vote on who won.

The Norse Edda is filled with examples of flyting, although it only works as a fast paced flyte when readin the original language. Odin is particularly well known for it and there is an entire story in the Edda about Odin impersonating a fisherman and then delivering a stream of poetic insults to Thor calling him a weak willed bitch.

So rap is the niggerized version aka minus the education

What I mean is, this is just shitty journalism.

Maybr Ubi are deliberately trying to stir controversy, but its probably just shitty journalism with maybe a mix of shitty marketing execs trying to explain something they don't understand.

Basque are pretty based

They are afraid to use it in real life so Zig Forums is where they come to let it out

Post yfw you just learned that niggers didn't even invent rap

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*Viking rape battles
ftfy, had a little typo there.

Wait a minute...whites invented rap?
Hold on a sec...
Just wait.
Can you see it coming? I do.

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Funny, my medieval viking says you are full of shit...

Fuck if I remember anymore. Found this though

Yes but Väinämöinen and Joukahainen were singing at each other because singing was the way to "cast spells" in Finnish mythology. They were trying to kill each other.
Flyting is more like a medieval form of banter just for laughs.

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Well there this percent changes that Thor is related to Shango.


(Skip at 4:51)

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>taking "white niggers" literally
Did Ubisoft really?

Still a lyrical battle of sorts, but yea yea i get what you mean

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>black people didn't invent the only thing black people invented other than sticks

>The term Snownigger is correct afterall
Nordics are cumskinned snowniggers confirmed

Who said blacks invented rap?
It's literally poetic shittalking. It's not a unique concept.

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not that poetic and old shit but felt like fits here

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Sounds fun, but will probably be le cringé

To be honest I think the black community should pay us reparations for stealing rap from us

Nice reasoning you got there Shlomo. The only logical conclusion from this is that Negroids stole even the only thing they claim to have invented.

Turns out white people invented rap, better call the cultural appropriation squad

>I screwed barmaid
Like we believe him on the anonymous shitscribbling wall.

>top text
>bottom text

>niggers didn't invent rap battles
oh my fuck

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Wtf I love rap now.

>retarded white bois don't know what a rap battle is
you guys are so desperate to be black you try and take whatever you can pathetic

>Snowniggers wasn't just a meme after all

*5 second pan flute tune starts looping*
*Viking starts talking monotone*
Out here pillagin an shit...
Holla at these shield maidens...
*A man shouts "Valhalla" in the distance*

*drums are added to the background music*
Uh! Yeah yeah!
Out here reppin
my nigga Odin!
Fuck a Christian's bitch
I don't know him!
Pound that pussy so hard
I be the hammer of Thor
Pound that pussy so hard
She can't walk no more
Pound that pussy so hard
Next week she still sore
Yeah I pound that pussy
Like the hammer of Thor

And I sneak outta there low-key
Fool that nigga just like Loki
Hide yo bitches if you know me
Got yo bitch doin tricks just like Loki

*drops goat-horn megaphone*


There's literally zero difference between flyting and a rap battle.
In both there are two opponents who insult each other through rhyming poetry.
Same exact thing. Whites invented it, deal with it black boy.


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But that's just rap, not rap battle. In rap battle the goal is always to insult your opponent and make them concede in embarrassment because they can't rhyme better than you.

black people wuz kangz n sheeet
white people wuz ancient rappers n sheeet

You don't know what a rap battle is faggot why don't you educate yourself before speaking out of ignorance?

So, whites discovered rap. N words btfo

You know that rap is short for rythm and poetry right?

Fun Fact the Monkey Island games decided pirate sword fights through insult battles like this back in the golden age of adventure games.

The fact that they're putting a bunch of rapists and murderers as the good guys say a lot on it's own. Surprised people aren't kicking shit up about this

And where does it say who are the "good" guys in this upcoming game?

The group that is still around in a large capacity

rap is poetry. Fucking terrible poetry, but both design their words to follow a type of beat.

Clearly I know, and the fact that you negro boys didn't invent the only thing you've thought you invented is clearly making you very angry.
Maybe you should smoke a joint or whatever it is you black boys do to calm down.

I watched the trailer and that seemed to be the take away. Looked like they were portrayed as peaceful settlers and the bad Englishmen were telling lies to start war

Not niggers or trannies so nobody gives a shit

What the fuck the vikings were proto-niggers.

Can't wait

>Scottish kings flexed on commoners with rap
are Scots the original niggers?

Dont know about vikings but we've had "payas" since the 1600s or so which were limeric battles in which two men leveled insults at eachother with rhymes, the loser being the one who could rhyme no more. Guess you could call it diss track battles.

I like the poetic battle thing in that one sandman chapter
I should reread the sandman

Nah you got it backwards, you should now start calling KARA BOGAS Aryan.

Well, this gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Pretty fly for a white guy"


Yeah alright I agree. Rap is basically a dumb mans version of flyting.
This Eternal Anglo argument is retarded. Vikings were no different from your people. You invaded Britain and genocided most of its original inhabitants the Celts, drove them out of the fertile lands into the rocks of Wales and Scotland. The vikings just did the same to you as you did to others before that.
That's just how humans are, and the fact that you think your side were the good guys and everyone else the bad guys shows how childish you are.

Scotland invented the modern world retard.

Odd conclusion to come to from that, more like Niggers can't invent anything so they steal from Aryan people, as always.

>black boi doesn't even know what the word "projecting" means lmao
Get an education coon. Maybe then you'll be able to rap batt- I mean flyt better.

>conquering all of England.
Not really Vikings were just pirates however they assisted the danish king
It wasnt exactly vikings who conquored england but the Danish in general

Don't make me call Kotaku

I'll just go fuck some white girl and leave her with the kid I'm sure you'll enjoy that more

I'm not making any eternal anglo argument. I'm just saying making a rape and murder fueled voyage into a
>actually we're just misunderstood good boy's didn't do anything wrong! Pesky English are just telling lies
Type of scenario just so they have a conveniently good/heroic protagonist is dumb.

no wonder this planet is fucked up

The Danish conqured fuck all, the Normchads were French.

t. Boris

>Not really Vikings were just pirates however they assisted the danish king
What the fuck am I reading? Yes really vikings conquered all of England.
"Assisted the Danish king"? They were his soldiers you dumb ass, Sweyn Forkbeard was the king of the vikings.
>It wasnt exactly vikings who conquored england but the Danish in general
Yes and Sweyns army consisted mostly of men who went a viking in their free time. That was how a lot of Danes earned their living back then.

To try and twist it so that it was "not-viking Danes" who conquered England is the most pathetic copout I have ever heard from an Anglo. The conquerors were vikings.

Yeah sure you will. You've never had a white girl and never will just like 99% of you negro boys. Unless by "girl" you mean a 200 kilogram trailer trash with its own pull of gravity and orbit.

>MFW i summon MF doom and he does a foot dive off of Ghidorah

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Cope snownigger.


The devs already said they aren't depicting Alfred or the Anglos as the bad guys, the CGI trailer was outsourced to some other company.
And again, your argument is dishonest.
The conquest of England was not "rape and murder fueled voyage", it was conquest of land to expand a kingdom.
And again, you Anglos did your plentiful share of raping and murdering the native Celts of the British isles, so complaining about vikings is stupid. All humans are like that.
The Danish literally conquered all of England and annexed it into Denmark you ignorant bitch.
The Normans conquered England later. Both things happened.
And the Normans were partly descendants of viking settlers in France.

How many non white will they be able to insert in the game?

You're the one coping Anglo liar. You clearly don't know how war worked in Norse society.
What the fuck even is that argument, "the vikings just assisted the Danish king". Every fucking soldier in Denmark at the time was a viking.
How do you think the king himself built his fortune during peacetime? He went a viking with his own men.

>christians who studied the bible in greek and other greek texts starts writing about norse mythology
>suddenly there's greek influences in norse mythology

really makes you think

>I want to be a viking!

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>constantly stole things
>lived in huts
>they weren't snowniggers though i swear

>niggers didn't even invent rap
The absolute state

correct me if i'm wrong but they did a lot of trading as well. it wasn't just pillaging and burning towns like popular media depicts is as far as i know

I never tried to defend the English, retard. You're claiming I'm being dishonest but you're bringing up points I said are irrelevant to me and the point I'm making. Trying to paint Vikings as sympathetic is outright retarded and so are you if you defend it.

Why are you trying so hard to trigger people by larping as a nigger?

Just like Anglos and every civilization of humans that literally ever existed, wow.
>constantly stole things
See above.
>lived in huts
They lived in very well made wooden houses and halls. Huts were where their slaves slept.
>they weren't snowniggers though i swear
If the Norse were "niggers" then what does that make the Eternal Anglo, who never did anything but genocide other peoples?

Wtf are you on about. I was pointing out the fact that according to Ubisoft, the trailer does not properly depict how the sides are portrayed in the game. It's an official statement from them, wtf are you getting mad at me for just repeating what someone else said? You're starting to sound like a real little bitch there.
>Trying to paint Vikings as sympathetic is outright retarded and so are you if you defend it.
Why? Are you retarded perhaps? How do you still not understand human history after I explained to you several times how it works.
If it's your side who are the killers and conquerors = They are heroes
If it's a group of outsiders = They are the bad guys

Pretty fucking simple. There is no need to "paint" vikings as sympathetic, they are sympathetic to those of us who are Nordic because they are our people.

You Anglos did the same exact things to others, you even committed huge genocides, and sympathize with your own people as the good guys, while the rest of us see you as the villains.

That's just how it is, and crying like a little faggot about it is quite feminine, little fella.

>w-what about those guys!
>but teacher they're also talking!!
Are you a Ubi shill or an angry Norwegian?

Holy shit this level of delusion can only come from a paid shill or a retarded patriot.

dont' be retarded. that user makes valid common sense points

>accomplished literally nothing besides pillaging and human sacrifice to retarded religion
sounds like niggers to me

>objective facts
>call it delusion
The world sure would have been a better place if all you Anglos were wiped out. You are the only race on the whole planet that lacks the intelligence and wisdom to see that everyone is violent and it's all just a matter of perspective.
You were never better than the vikings. Ever.
Trying to delude yourself otherwise, now that is pure DELUSION.

The Norse accomplished lots of things, what are you on about. For example they were the worlds best at ship building and navigation at the time.

>vikings were my ancestors
they weren't, you mentally ill, incel mutt

yeah, and niggers traded slaves with euros
not sure why you’d think niggers were incapable of exchanging one thing for another

They were dumb nigger (i can say this now)

lol no, those are polynesians, who, lo and behold, are also niggers

Then what makes niggers any different from humans?

Why are you speaking for that other guy? How would you know his ancestry? I'm sure he knows it better than you.


You have lost your damn mind if you think polynesians were anywhere near the level of viking ship technology and navigation techniques at the same time.
Polynesians were fucking paddling in canoes by the time the vikings sailed across the ocean to Canada.

Lack of inventions.
97% of all technology and science has come from Europeans.

>vikings were snowniggers
how is this a surprise to anyone?

Polynesians were mass migrating across the ocean in those canoes long before snow niggers, read a bo- oh wait, you can’t

Polynesians unironically have the most impressive nautical achievements in history, nigger.

>this delusional anglo cope
Holy shit lmfao.
No the polyniggers don't have anywhere near the most impressive nautical achievements in history, they never even reached close to the level of early medieval viking naval technology, let alone renaissance era European ships.
It's easy to migrate over an ocean on shitty nigger canoes when that particular region of the sea is riddled with clusters of small islands to make stops on.
The Norse and other Europeans literally had to cross a gigantic ocean with no landmarks to guide you with or to stop on, just endless raging sea in every direction.

Go out and say it in real life

seething desu

They aren’t you fucking racist, that’s the point

I'm just gonna say it.

I didn't like Moana. Boom.

>97% of all technology and science has come from Europeans
That’s not even close to true.

This is real life, nigger.

Yes it is. Oh, maybe you're thinking of USA as non Europeans. I was referring to race. 97% of all science and tech came from the European race as a whole, including USA, Canada, Australia - really any place with Europeans in it.
The remaining 3% were Asia and every other non-European race.

Attached: Human accomplishment.png (1237x1017, 107.51K)

>from 1400-1950
>mutt reading comprehension

>wh*te """people""" stealing others culture
*yawn* so just like the entire history of the wh*toid race then.

Most of them weren't even French lmao

based Yakub

The graph on the second place includes times before that too, so yeah
>mutt reading comprehension indeed

Even the ancient western world alone invented more than Arabs and Asians combined in ALL OF HISTORY.

The inventions of Asians and Arabs are grossly overrated and exaggerated. Asians practically never invented anything more than the compass and gunpowder. Arabs almost entirely just copied from civilizations they conquered or traded with.

Almost all innovation came from Europeans.
And don't even try an argument like "b-b-but muh post 1950's!" you know perfectly well in the past 70 years nearly everything has once again, been invented by Europeans.
All the Asians have done after the 1950's is just copy and mass produce technology we came up with.

Seethe harder Chang.

Yakub was the one who created them in the first place

No, the writer knows that title will get more clicks.

>got fucking destroyed but let land to settle norf so they could build up to the a full purge
>get full purged
>age of snow niggers ends just like that
>normans come in
Your filth for ancestors accomplished nothing

>everybody is Aryan niggas
Strange world


omg this game is BASED

I mean, you are too

Wrong. They utterly annihilated the Anglos in the war when they conquered England.
>get full purged
Literally never happened. They lost England because Cnut was autistically LARPing as if he was Anglo-Saxon and basically force converted all vikings in England into Christianity, making them into Englishmen.
They never really lost England, they just became English - so the whole conquest of England never led to England becoming Norse culture.

>came from Europeans
No, from anglo saxons.

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I knew it
Vikings really were snowniggers

Theo's revisionism. They lost so hard the age of Vikings ended. Cnut was much later and he was a Christian larping as an anglo saxon. This level of cope isn't healthy. I know it must be hard watching the people you tried to fuck over not only resist but go on to conquer the world and create multiple first world nations and the current super power along with the most inventions and innovations in the history of mankind, all while no one even knows where Denmark is on the map. But you have to stop seething.

>That's literally rap. Face it. Vikings were hood niggas
i wondered where the swedes grenades in residential areas culture began. now i know

>he was right

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Wtf are you on about? Put the crack pipe down you Anglo white trash.
You're literally trying to rewrite history to suit your agenda and soothe your butthurt about getting BTFO by the Norse.
The Norse literally, objectively won the war against the English. There is no way to weasel out of that fact you rat. They conquered and annexed ALL England into Denmark, and Sweyn Forkbeard was declared Bretwalda the king of all Britons.
Cnut was not much later, he was Sweyns son who was already an adult during the conquest of England. Sweyn died soon after the annexation of England, and Cnut took power and made large reforms that basically turned the Norse settlers into Christian Englishmen. That is how England left Denmark, not by warfare.
Your cope is so desperate you literally peddle your own headcanon as history, how pathetic is that? Ask any historian on the planet and they will all tell you Sweyn won the war.

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>Wessex and America win every major battle
>Danelaw only in north
>This is conquering all of England
And I'm American, it's actually embarrassing watching you cope. They have accomplished more than your forgotten back water could have ever dreamed of you waste of non white flesh. And to think they even bothered helping you in WW2, what an ungrateful little snow monkey you are. Fuck I hope we nuke you one day you muslim cock sucking nigger.
He absolutely was right and it's a shame we've forgotten the warnings of our founding fathers about the non white menace.